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English-German translation for: Noch
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Dictionary English German: Noch

Translation 1 - 50 of 1006  >>

SYNO   bis anhin [schweiz.] | bis dato ... 
still {adv}
yet {adv} [still]
nor {conj}
even {adv} [colder, faster, etc.]
noch [kälter, schneller etc.]
as yet {adv}noch
in addition {adv}noch [außerdem, zusätzlich]
2 Words: Others
... at that. {adv} [coll.] [idiom]... noch dazu.
on the hoof {adj}(noch) lebend [Vieh]
tossup {adj}(noch) unentschieden
embryonic {adj} [fig.](noch) unentwickelt
orn. callow {adj}(noch) ungefiedert [selten] [nackt, noch ohne Federn]
extant {adj}(noch) vorhanden
as well {adv}auch noch
better yet, ...besser noch, ...
before {conj}bevor noch
into the bargain {adv}dazu noch
just now {adv}eben noch
one more thing ... [Am.]eines noch ...
Are you crazy? [coll.]Geht's noch? [ugs.] [Bist du bescheuert?]
Are you mad? [coll.]Geht's noch? [ugs.] [Bist du verrückt?]
Are you feeling alright? [ironic] [questioning judgment]Gehts noch? [ugs.] [Was soll das?]
barely {adv}gerade noch
only just {adv}gerade noch
just {adv} [barely]gerade noch [kaum, knapp]
just {adv} [emphasis]halt noch [ugs.] [doch nur]
still {adv}immer noch
to this day {adv}immer noch [bis auf den heutigen Tag]
sb./sth. is still going on [continuing]jd./etw. läuft noch
hardly anykaum noch
nor ... nor ... {conj} [archaic]nicht ... noch ... [poet., sonst veraltend]
remaining {adj}noch ausstehend
unexcavated {adj}noch begraben
better stillnoch besser
even better {adj} {adv}noch besser
even before {conj}noch bevor
also {adv}noch dazu
at that {adv} [moreover]noch dazu
to boot {adv} [idiom]noch dazu
for good measure {adv}noch dazu
into the bargain {adv}noch dazu
on top of that {adv}noch dazu
thrice more {adv} [formal]noch dreimal
three times more again {adv} [rare]noch dreimal [vorher schon (mindestens) dreimal; Betonung: ' - - - ]
three times more {adv}noch dreimal [vorher schon (mindestens) einmal; Betonung: - ' - - oder: - ' - ' - ]
anothernoch ein
anothernoch eine
another {pron} {adj}noch einer
one morenoch einer
such anothernoch einer
yet anothernoch einer
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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