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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: Nominal-Group-Technik
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Nominal-Group-Technik in other languages:

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Dictionary English German: Nominal Group Technik

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nominal group technique <NGT>Nominal-Group-Technik {f} <NGT>
nominal group technique <NGT>Nominalgruppentechnik {f} <NGT> [Nominal-Group-Technique / Technik]
nominal group technique <NGT>nominale Gruppentechnik {f} <NGT>
Partial Matches
nominal price of a securityNominal-Notierung {f} eines Wertpapiers
chem. mix-and-split techniqueMix-Split-Technik / Mix-and-Split-Technik {f} [«Mischen-und-Trennen-Technik»]
nominal priceNominal-Notierung {f}
nominal quotationNominal-Notierung {f}
techniques {pl} [collectively]Technik {f}
chem. carbonyl group <CO group>Karbonylgruppe {f} [Rsv.] <CO-Gruppe>
art ind. techniqueTechnik {f} [Arbeitsweise, Verfahren]
tech. technology [application, skills]Technik {f}
advanced technologyhochentwickelte Technik {f}
biol. chem. tech. analytical techniqueanalytische Technik {f}
acad. biotech. MedTech. biomedical engineeringbiomedizinische Technik {f}
ecol. tech. green technologyumweltfreundliche Technik {f}
high technologyhochentwickelte Technik {f}
MedTech. tech. imaging techniquebildgebende Technik {f}
MedTech. isocentric techniqueisozentrische Technik {f}
latest technologymodernste Technik {f}
tech. latest technologyneueste Technik {f}
engin. tech. mechanical engineeringmechanische Technik {f}
tech. transp. travel navigation technologyNavigations-Technik {f}
MedTech. tech. overlapping techniqueüberlappende Technik {f}
med. surgical techniquechirurgische Technik {f}
med. surgical techniqueoperative Technik {f}
MedTech. surgical technologychirurgische Technik {f}
MedTech. synchronous techniquesynchrone Technik {f}
market. technology evangelistTechnik-Propagandist {m}
ling. nominal {adj}nominal
acad. engin. engineeringTechnik {f} [Technologie als Studienfach]
advanced technology <AT>fortgeschrittene Technik {f}
tech. engineering marvelWunder {n} der Technik
biol. biotech. hybridoma technologyHybridom-Technik / Hybridomtechnik {f}
phys. tech. physical engineeringphysikalische Technik {f} [Physiktechnik]
prior artStand {m} der Technik
technical managerLeiter {m} der Technik
market. technology evangelist [female]Technik-Propagandistin {f}
comp. film RadioTV blue-screen compositingBluescreen-Technik {f}
nominal {adj}namentlich
nominal {adj}Nenn-
ling. nominal {adj}substantivisch
phys. cryogenics [treated as sg.]Kryogen-Technik {f}
tech. technical equipmentTechnik {f} [Kurzwort] [technische Ausrüstung]
with modern technology {adv}mit moderner Technik
market. advantage through technologyVorsprung {f} durch Technik
phys. cryo-SEM techniqueKryo-REM-Technik {f}
environment and engineeringUmwelt {f} und Technik
comp. film RadioTV green-screen compositing (technique)Greenscreen-Technik {f}
Senior Executive President ManufacturingVorstand {m} Technik
nominal accountSachkonto {n}
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