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English-German translation for: Non-Q-Wave-Infarkt
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Dictionary English German: Non Q Wave Infarkt

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NOUN   der Non-Q-Wave-Infarkt | die Non-Q-Wave-Infarkte
med. non-Q wave infarctionNon-Q-Wave-Infarkt {m}
Partial Matches
math. set of rational numbers <ℚ, Q>Menge {f} der rationalen Zahlen <ℚ, Q>
econ. jobs QM quality employee <Q employee, Q empl.>Qualitätsmitarbeiter {m} <Q-Mitarbeiter, Q-MA>
math. set of irrational numbers <ℝ\ℚ, R\Q>Menge {f} der irrationalen Zahlen <ℝ\ℚ, R\Q>
quality and safety <Q&S>Qualität und Sicherheit <Q&S, Q & S>
econ. QM tech. Q acceptance [coll.] [quality acceptance]Q-Abnahme {f} [ugs.] [Qualitätsabnahme]
aviat. naut. telecom. Q code [standardized three-letter message encoding]Q-Gruppe {f}
econ. Tobin's q (ratio) [also: Q]Tobinsches Q {n} [alt]
econ. Tobin's q (ratio) [also: Q]tobinsches Q {n}
idiom Q as in Queen [Am.]Q wie Quelle
nucl. Q-value [reaction energy]Q-Wert {m} [Energiebeitrag]
idiom Q for Queenie [Br.]Q wie Quelle
math. Hofstadter Q sequenceHofstadters Q-Folge {f}
ling. Q-Celtic languagesq-keltische Sprachen {pl}
audio sound energy flux <q>Schallfluss {m} <q>
constr. Q-mesh [reinforcing sheet with square mesh openings]Q-Matte {f} [Betonstahlmatte mit quadratischen Maschenweiten]
audio (acoustic) flux <q>Schallfluss {m} <q>
MedTech. phys. quality factor <Q>Qualitätsfaktor {m} <Q>
bibl. Sayings Source (Q)Logienquelle (Q) {f}
econ. Tobin's q (ratio) [also: Tobin's Q (ratio)]Tobin'sches Q {n} [Tobin'scher Quotient]
econ. Tobin's q (ratio) [also: Q]Tobinscher Quotient {m} [alt] <Tobinscher Q>
ling. print q [letter]q {n} [Buchstabe]
ling. print Q [letter]Q {n} [Buchstabe]
relig. Q documentLogienquelle {f} Q
phys. Q-branchQ-Zweig {m}
biochem. Q-cycleQ-Zyklus {m}
med. VetMed. Q-feverQ-Fieber {n}
math. Robinson arithmetic <Q> [also Robinson's arithmetic]Robinson-Arithmetik {f} <Q>
econ. Tobin's q (ratio) [also: Q]tobinscher Quotient {m} <tobinscher Q>
chem. succinate-coenzyme Q reductase <SQR>Succinat-Coenzym-Q-Reduktase {f} <SQR>
film quote Have Q do an analysis of this. [Moonraker]Lassen Sie Q eine Analyse davon machen. [Moonraker - Streng geheim]
film F John Q [Nick Cassavetes]John QVerzweifelte Wut
biochem. glutamine <Gln, Q> [C5H10N2O3]Glutamin {n} <Gln, Q>
optics phys. tech. Q-switch [also: Q switch]Q-Switch {m}
econ. QM quality inspection <Q inspection>Qualitätsinspektion {f} <Q-Inspektion>
phys. quantum number <q-number>Quantenzahl {f} <q-Zahl>
med. VetMed. Queensland fever <Q fever>Queenslandfieber {n} <Q-Fieber>
math. p implies qaus p folgt q
idiom mil. Q for Quebec [NATO phonetic alphabet]Q wie Quebec [NATO-Buchstabiertafel]
specific humidity <s, q, x>spezifische Luftfeuchtigkeit {f} <s, q, x>
unit quecto- {prefix} <q> [10 ^ -30]Quecto- <q>
unit quetta- {prefix} <Q> [10 ^ 30]Quetta- <Q>
infarctInfarkt {m}
econ. Tobin's q (ratio) [also: Q]Tobin'scher Quotient {m} <Tobin'scher Q>
hist. The Senate and Roman People <SPQR> [Senatus Populusque Romanus]Senat {m} und Volk von Rom <S. P. Q. R., SPQR, S.P.Q.R.>
econ. Tobin's q (ratio) [Also: Q]Tobin's Q {n} {m}
med. massive infarctschwerer Infarkt {m}
med. anaemic infarct [Br.]anämischer Infarkt {m}
med. anemic infarct [Am.]anämischer Infarkt {m}
med. ischaemic infarction [Br.]ischämischer Infarkt {m}
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