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English-German translation for: Nothing
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Dictionary English German: Nothing

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PRON   nothing | nothing | -
NOUN   a nothing | nothings
nothing {pron}
nothing {pron}
nix [ugs.]
nothing {pron} [zero]
2 Words: Others
absolutely nothing {pron}überhaupt nichts
almost nothingfast gar nichts
for nothing {adv}gratis
for nothing {adv}unentgeltlich
for nothing {adj} {adv}vergebens
for nothing {adv} [for free, in vain]umsonst [gratis, vergeblich]
nothing but {adv}bloß [nur]
nothing buteitel [veraltend] [hum.] [rein, lauter]
nothing but {adj}lauter [indekl., mit Pluralformen gebraucht]
nothing but {adv}nur
nothing butnichts als
nothing butnichts außer
Nothing doing!Ausgeschlossen!
Nothing doing!Nichts zu machen!
idiom Nothing doing! [coll.]Pustekuchen! [ugs.] [Es hat nicht geklappt]
Nothing doing! [coll.]Kannste vergessen! [ugs.] [Das kannst du vergessen!, Ausgeschlossen!]
Nothing doing! [coll.]Nichts da!
idiom Nothing doing! [coll.]Da spielt sich (bei mir) nichts ab! [ugs.]
Nothing doing. [coll.]Das kannst du knicken. [ugs.] [Vergiss es! Das kommt nicht in Frage.]
Nothing doing. [idiom]Das kannst du vergessen. [Redewendung]
Nothing happened.Es tat sich nichts.
nothing like [coll.]nicht annähernd
nothing muchnicht (besonders) viel
quote Nothing overmuch. [μηδὲν ἄγαν] [reportedly inscribed on the temple at Delphi]Nichts im Übermaß. [überlieferte Inschrift am Tempel von Delphi]
nothing whatsoever {pron}gar nichts
nothing yetnoch nichts
Nothing's changed.Alles beim Alten.
practically nothingpraktisch nichts
practically nothingso gut wie nichts
That's nothing!Das ist eine Kleinigkeit!
worth nothing {adj} [postpos.]nichts wert [nur prädikativ]
2 Words: Verbs
to avail sb. nothing [literary]jdm. nichts nützen
to be nothingein Leichtes sein
to do nothingnichts tun
to forget nothing [of skills]nichts verlernen
to get nothingleer ausgehen
to say nothingschweigen
to say nothingnichts sagen
to signify nothingnichts bedeuten
to signify nothingSchall und Rauch sein [Redewendung]
2 Words: Nouns
a nothing [coll.] [pej.] [person]ein Nichts {n} [pej.] [Person]
a nothing [coll.] [person]ein Niemand {m}
do-nothingNichtstuer {m}
know-nothingNichtswisser {m}
nothing certainnichts Gewisses {n}
nothing concretenichts Konkretes {n}
Nothing doing!Fehlanzeige! [als Ausruf] [ugs.]
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A 2024-03-28: Drunk is too obvious. Nothing worth writing about.
A 2023-07-01: @ sunfunlili nichts weniger als etwas - nothing less than something
A 2023-04-13: Well, well --- +16:20 against cash crediting entry+ is nothing to do with ...
A 2023-01-13: yes, but FORCIBLE persuasion; nothing to do with ÜberredungsKUNST (e.g. by...
Q 2023-01-04: Nothing short of stunning [claims]
A 2022-03-02: Nothing better?
A 2021-10-22: Which "help"? Your link leads to nothing.
A 2021-05-10: ... and then, everything suffers a sea change / turns topsy-turvy / nothin...
Q 2021-03-06: You will own nothing, but you will be happy.
A 2021-01-17: It has nothing to do with writing out the numbers,
Q 2020-02-18: they would hear nothing said against him
A 2019-07-24: Nothing wrong with the entry IMO
A 2019-07-19: Nothing Could be Happened!!!
A 2019-05-04: nothing to do with age .....
A 2019-04-30: It seems the translation you are grappling with is worth nothing
A 2019-03-23: The last quote was written by a superb stylist. Nothing more elegant than ...
Q 2019-01-15: exept nothing
A 2018-10-10: "we may" means here: in case we want to do s.th. nothing prevents us from ...
A 2018-09-13: There was nothing wrong with to go on the pull.
A 2017-12-07: the article proves nothing at all

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• nothing
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