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English-German translation for: Obligation
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Dictionary English German: Obligation

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NOUN1   an obligation | obligations
NOUN2   obligation | -
SYNO   indebtedness | obligation | duty ... 
NOUN   die Obligation | die Obligationen
SYNO   Anleihe | Bond | Obligation ... 
Pflicht {f}
Verpflichtung {f}
comm. law obligation
Verbindlichkeit {f}
Bindung {f}
obligation [something owed]
Schuld {f} [Verpflichtung]
fin. bond
Obligation {f}
fin. obligation
Schuldverhältnis {n}
law obligation
Leistung {f} [Übernahme einer Verpflichtung]
Schuldigkeit {f}
Obliegenheit {f} [geh.]
law obligation
Obligation {f} [veraltet]
fin. obligation
Schuldbrief {m}
fin. debenture
Obligation {f}
Schuldverschreibung {f}
bondholderInhaber {m} einer Obligation
obligationObligatorium {n} [schweiz.] [österr.] [Verpflichtung]
obligation [indebtedness]Dankesschuld {f} [geh.]
2 Words: Others
comm. no obligation {adj} [attr.] [coll.]freibleibend [unverbindlich]
no obligation {adj} [attr.] [e.g. quote] [coll.]unverbindlich
no-obligation {adj} [attr.] [e.g. quote] [coll.]unverbindlich
under obligation {adj} [postpos.]verpflichtet
without obligation {adj} {adv}freibleibend [unverbindlich]
without obligation {adj} {adv}unverbindlich
without obligation {adj} {adv}außer Obligo [österr.]
without obligation {adj} {adv}ohne Obligo <o. O.>
2 Words: Verbs
to accept obligationVerpflichtung übernehmen
2 Words: Nouns
law accessory obligationNebenpflicht {f}
accessory obligationzusätzliche Verpflichtung {f}
assented bondabgestempelte Obligation {f}
basic obligationgrundsätzliche Pflicht {f}
called bondaufgerufene Obligation {f}
collateral bonddurch Wertpapiere gesicherte Obligation {f}
law confidentiality obligationVerschwiegenheitspflicht {f}
constitutional obligationVerfassungsauftrag {m}
law continuing obligationDauerschuldverhältnis {n}
law contractual obligationVertragspflicht {f}
law contractual obligationVertragsverpflichtung {f}
law contractual obligationvertragliche Pflicht {f}
contractual obligationvertragliche Verpflichtung {f}
law contractual obligation [relationship]vertragliches Schuldverhältnis {n}
core obligationKernverpflichtung {f}
debenture bondObligation {f}
debenture holderHalter {m} einer Obligation
fin. debenture stockObligation {f} mit Treuhandsicherung
comm. debt obligationSchuldverhältnis {n}
insur. disclosure obligationAnzeigepflicht {f}
documentation obligationDokumentationspflicht {f}
acc. employer's obligationArbeitgeberverpflichtung {f}
existing obligationbestehende Verpflichtung {f}
fin. financial obligationZahlungsverpflichtung {f}
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Q 2019-10-30: Verpflichtungserklärung / Obligation to Confidentiality
Q 2019-01-30: has not laid me...under that load of personal obligation, that I am at all...
A 2018-11-25: They shall be put under the obligation to delete the files after execution...
A 2017-11-20: Clashing starkly: holy days of obligation >< binge drinking days
Q 2017-06-24: lay their Heaven under an obligation?
A 2015-10-29: if the guarantor's obligation of the principal also extends to the person ...
A 2015-10-08: leave the notion of responsibility open and instead +introduce+ the concep...
A 2015-06-17: In addition to an obligation to respect the collective wage agreement, th...
A 2014-12-10: I understand this to mean something like "informal report without signatur...
A 2014-11-18: This obligation also applies to taking on other tasks, depending/dependent...
A 2014-11-18: Is it the right only? Isn't it a duty/obligation as well?
A 2014-10-10: at Windfall: Why don't you check with Companies Act 2006 to see whether th...
A 2014-08-09: .... led to all / linked all blame / obligation .... ???
A 2013-10-16: Tempora mutantur. Episcopal rulers interpreted their oaths of chastity, ob...
A 2013-09-04: the obligation to deliver defect-free goods
A 2012-10-12: Yes, "ticket requirement" (or perhaps "obligation to carry ticket").
A 2012-10-12: requirement or obligation
A 2012-09-21: http://www.dict.cc/?s=no+obligation ?! http://www.dict.cc/?s=obligate
A 2012-04-16: X's obligation to effect Delivery ...
A 2012-02-20: Or else: ... legitimizes one's own desire to force self-justification on t...

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