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English-German translation for: Observation
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Dictionary English German: Observation

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NOUN   an observation | observations
SYNO   observance | observation | watching ... 
NOUN   die Observation | die Observationen
SYNO   Beobachtung | Observation
Beobachtung {f}
Betrachtung {f}
law surveillance
Observation {f}
law observation
Feststellung {f}
Überwachung {f}
observation [remark]
Ausführung {f} [Bemerkung]
Beachtung {f}
observation [remark]
Bemerkung {f}
observation [remark, comment]
Äußerung {f} [zu etw.]
2 Words: Others
for observation {adv} [in hospital etc.]zur Beobachtung [im Krankenhaus etc.]
under observation {adv}unter Beobachtung
2 Words: Verbs
to facilitate observationdie Überwachung erleichtern
2 Words: Nouns
astron. phys. acronical observationachronische Beobachtung {f}
aerial observationLuftbeobachtung {f}
apposite observationrichtige Beobachtung {f}
astron. astral observationSternbeobachtung {f}
astron. astronomical observationastronomische Beobachtung {f}
meteo. atmospheric observationAtmosphärenbeobachtung {f}
biol. psych. behavior observation [Am.]Verhaltensbeobachtung {f}
biol. psych. behavioral observation [Am.]Verhaltensbeobachtung {f}
biol. psych. behaviour observation [Br.]Verhaltensbeobachtung {f}
biol. psych. behavioural observation [Br.]Verhaltensbeobachtung {f}
educ. classroom observationUnterrichtsbeobachtung {f}
climate observationKlimaüberwachung {f}
comet observationKometenbeobachtung {f}
cometary observationKometenbeobachtung {f}
continuous observationDauerbeobachtung {f}
direct observationdirekte Beobachtung {f}
direct observationunmittelbare Beobachtung {f}
disturbance observationStörgrößenbeobachtung {f}
astron. geogr. earth observation [also: Earth observation]Erdbeobachtung {f}
acad. philos. empirical observationempirische Beobachtung {f}
mil. enemy observationFeindeinsicht {f}
experimental observationVersuchsbeobachtung {f}
sociol. field observationFeldbeobachtung {f}
acad. field observationFreilandbeobachtung {f}
field observationNaturbeobachtung {f}
hidden observationversteckte Beobachtung {f}
med. optics phys. infrared observationInfrarotbeobachtung {f}
market observationMarktbeobachtung {f}
astron. Mars observationMarsbeobachtung {f}
med. medical observationärztliche Beobachtung {f}
naturalistic observationFeldbeobachtung {f}
naturalistic observationnaturalistische Beobachtung {f}
naturalistic observationBeobachtung {f} in natürlicher Umgebung
observation aircraftBeobachtungsflugzeug {n}
geogr. tech. observation angle [geodesy]Beobachtungswinkel {m} [Geodäsie]
observation areaBeobachtungsbereich {m}
tech. observation areaBeobachtungsfläche {f}
observation areaBeobachtungsgebiet {n}
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A 2021-04-25: Another observation
A 2020-01-27: Observation rather than knowledge ;-)
A 2017-08-10: abstraction level = pretty cool observation
Q 2017-04-11: observation gallery
A 2017-03-19: Peer classroom observation
A 2015-05-11: Quote: +His Wealth's encrease encreaseth his desires+ < A constant observa...
A 2014-07-25: This is a very interesting observation, Proofreader.
A 2013-08-28: @Lisa: good observation about nouns vs. adjectives.
A 2012-07-13: Just an observation.
A 2012-06-13: Strictly from personal observation: positive or even admiringly, perhaps w...
A 2011-05-31: In this case, AE and BE are the same - to keep so. in hospital for observation.
A 2011-05-31: keep sb. in hospital for observation
A 2011-03-08: April 31! Good observation anon1!
A 2010-10-23: Just a general observation: the author inserts much personal opinion into ...
A 2010-09-28: A profiler in law enforcement is someone who determines likely suspects th...
A 2009-12-18: It seems to have a specific meaning in this context (shipping and observation) -
A 2009-10-14: observation
A 2009-08-22: "Observation" is also oral. See def 6: http://www.merriam-webster.com/di...
A 2009-08-22: +remark+ oral \ +observation+ written
A 2009-08-22: Maybe - "Perhaps I may be permitted the observation that ..."

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