| English | German | |
| pol. October surprise [Am.] [unexpected event or revelation in the final weeks prior to an election, especially a US presidential election] | Oktober-Überraschung {f} [unerwartetes Ereignis oder überraschende Enthüllung in den letzten Wochen vor einer Wahl, insbesondere einer US-Präsidentschaftswahl] | |
Partial Matches |
| to stand [Br.] [be a candidate in an election] | antreten [kandidieren] | |
| pol. to stand again [Br.] [be a candidate in an election once more, e.g. as mayor] | wieder antreten [z. B. als Bürgermeister] | |
| pol. opponent [in an election] | Gegenkandidat {m} | |
| to join the fray [in an election campaign] | sichAkk. im Wahlkampf engagieren [öffentlich Partei nehmen] | |
| lit. publ. translated from the English {adj} [of a text published in the US or written by an American] | aus dem Amerikanischen übersetzt | |
| to fix sth. [coll.] [a match, a race, an election, etc.] | etw. manipulieren [ein Spiel, ein Rennen, eine Wahl etc.] | |
| pol. to landslide [fig.] [win an election by a large majority] | einen Erdrutschsieg erringen [fig.] | |
| pol. primary [US election] | (innerparteiliche) Vorwahl {f} [US-Wahlen] | |
| successor [esp. if not being elected into office in the same election as the predecessor] | Nachrücker {m} [auf einen Posten] | |
| pol. presidential primary [US election] | Vorwahl {f} für die Präsidentschaft | |
| to perform [in a contest, poll, examination, election etc.] | abschneiden [in Prüfungen etc.] | |
| market. [large billboard] [especially of political parties during election campaigns] | Wesselmanntafel {f} [Politikjargon] | |
| potato [Br.] [coll.] [large hole in a sock or stocking, especially one in the heel] | Kartoffel {f} [ugs.] [hum.] [großes Loch im Strumpf] | |
| sports to thrutch up [in caving or climbing] [I thrutched up the final crack to a small pinnacle.] | sichAkk. hocharbeiten [beim Klettern; durch eine Spalte od. einen Kamin] [Ich arbeitete mich durch die letzte Spalte hoch zu einem kleinen Gipfel.] | |
| RadioTV [to participate in sth. as a viewer or member of an audience e.g. a game show, in order to hazard a guess at the answer of a posed question] | bei etw.Dat. mitraten | |
| relig. abbatial election [election of an abbey] | Abtwahl {f} | |
| relig. abbatial election [election of an abbot] | Abtswahl {f} | |
| pol. structural flaw [in the sense of a flaw in the structure of an organization or system] | Gründungsmakel {m} | |
| pol. [list of party candidates for election at the level of a federal state] | Landesliste {f} | |
| unopposed {adj} [in election] | ohne Gegenkandidat [nachgestellt] [ugs.] [ohne einen Gegenkandidaten] | |
| unopposed {adj} [in election] | ohne Gegenkandidaten [nachgestellt] [ohne einen oder mehrere Gegenkandidaten] | |
| pol. to go to the country [esp. Br.] [fig.: hold an election] | eine Neuwahl anberaumen | |
| gastarbeiter [an immigrant worker, especially one who came to the former West Germany in the 1960s and 1970s] | Gastarbeiter {m} | |
| pol. battleground state [swing state] [in US presidential elections] | Schlachtfeldstaat {m} [ugs.] [fig.] [bei Präsidentschaftswahlen in den USA] | |
| showing [in election, opinion poll, etc.] | Abschneiden {n} | |
| law pol. passive franchise [the right to stand for election] | passives Wahlrecht {n} | |
| to roost [lodge or stay for a night or a period of time, usu. in an informal or temporary manner] | sein Quartier aufgeschlagen haben [ugs.] [(vorübergehend) schlafen oder wohnen] | |
| to come up [of an event or a time] | bevorstehen | |
| admin. jobs Unverified [something like the surgeon general or the head of the CDC in the USA or health minister in the UK, Canada or Australia] | Gesundheitsvorsteher {m} [schweiz.] | |
| to abstain from voting [at a specified election] | an der Wahl nicht teilnehmen | |
| to abstain from voting [at a specified election] | der Wahl fernbleiben | |
| to abstain from voting [at a specified election] | einer Abstimmung fernbleiben | |
| to defeat sb. [usually only for a time or in a single event, e.g. a sporting match] | jdm. eine Schlappe beibringen / erteilen [ugs.] [Redewendung] | |
| to organise sth. [Br.] [a party or celebration, an event, etc.] | etw.Akk. aufziehen [ugs.] [ein Fest, eine Veranstaltung etc. organisieren] | |
| pol. RadioTV sports outing [appearance of an athlete in a sports event] | Einsatz {m} [Auftritt eines Sportlers bei einer Sportveranstaltung] | |
| med. meralgia [pain especially of a neuralgic kind in the thigh] | Meralgie {f} | |
| law chief legal officer <CLO> [chief lawyer of a legal department in a company or US government agency] | Chief Legal Officer {m} <CLO> [Leiter der Rechtsabteilung eines Unternehmens oder einer US-Behörde] | |
| FireResc victims buried alive [in an event of an earthquake, etc.] | Verschüttete {pl} | |
| archi. lounge [in a hotel or club; in an airport] | Lounge {f} [eines Hotels oder Klubs; im Flughafen] | |
| pol. RadioTV [election night TV debate of leading representatives of the major parties] | Elefantenrunde {f} [TV-Diskussion] [dt., schweiz.] | |
| pol. RadioTV [pre-election TV debate of leading representatives of the major parties] | Elefantenrunde {f} [TV-Diskussion] [österr.] | |
| mil. GI [esp. a soldier in the US army] | G. I. {m} [ugs.] [(einfacher) amerikanischer Soldat] [auch: GI] | |
| host [person, place or organization holding an event or having guests] | Gastgeber {m} [Person; auch Stadt oder Organisation (Ausrichter einer Veranstaltung)] | |
| lore [body of knowledge or tradition about an event or person] | Hintergrund {m} [Gesamtheit des Wissens einer Person oder eines Geschehens] | |
| tech. drunken thread [coll.] [A condition in which the crest of a thread or threads wavers or is uneven.] | taumelndes Gewinde {n} | |
| to document sth. [to objectively and unbiasedly record sth.] [e.g. an incident, an event in time] | etw.Akk. registrieren [sachlich feststellen, ohne Kommentar darstellen] [z. B. einen Vorfall] | |
| [a person who "looks the other way" in the face of a crime or misfortune] | Weggucker {m} | |
| hist. frontierswoman [esp. in a newly pioneered territory of the US] | Grenzbewohnerin {f} [Bewohnerin des westlichen US-Grenzgebiets] | |
| F [nickname of Kelly Bundy in "Married with Children"; in the German version rather translated as "dimwit", unlike "pumpkin" in the original US-series] | Dumpfbacke {f} [Christina Applegate als Kelly Bundy, US-Fernsehserie "Eine schrecklich nette Familie"] | |
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