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Dictionary English German: Of

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of {prep}
of {prep}
of {prep}
of {prep}
of {prep} [taste, smell]
dent. MedTech. occipitofrontal {adj}
okzipitofrontal <of, o/f> [Strahlengang]
of {prep} [archaic] [by]von / vom
Caulkhead [coll.] [also: caulkhead] [native of the Isle of Wight]Bewohner {m} der Isle of Wight
film featurette(kurzes) Making-of {n} [Filmjargon]
pol. the Lords [House of Lords]House of Lords {n} [britisches Oberhaus]
2 Words: Others
... of sorts [coll.] [often pej.]... oder so etwas Ähnliches
... of sorts [coll.] [often pej.]so etwas (Ähnliches) wie ...
... of sorts [coll.] [often pej.]so was (Ähnliches) wie ... [ugs.]
[family, staff, etc.] of four {adj} [postpos.]vierköpfig
abeam (of) {prep}querab (von) [Position]
abreast of sb./sth. {adv}auf gleicher Höhe mit jdm./etw.
account of <a/o>auf Konto von
account of <a/o>auf Rechnung von
accusing (sb. of sth.) {adj} {pres-p}(jdn. wegen etw. [meist Gen., auch Dat.]) anklagend
adrift of {prep}hinter [+Dat.]
afraid of sb./sth. {adv}in Furcht vor jdm./etw.
aft of {prep}hinter
ahead (of) {adv}vorauf [selten] [voran, voraus (nur wenn es steil aufwärts geht)]
ahead of {prep}vor
ahead of {prep}im Vorfeld von
ahead of sb./sth. {prep}jdm./etw. voraus
all of {prep}ganz
alongside (of) {prep}Seite an Seite mit
alongside of sth. {adv}parallel zu etw.Dat. [räumlich]
ambitious ofeifrig bedacht auf
apprehensive of sth. {adv}in Furcht vor etw.Dat.
apropos of {prep}bezüglich [+Gen.] <bzgl.>
as of {prep}ab [+Dat.] [zeitlich]
as of [date]Stand vom [Datum]
as of [in the year]im Jahr <i. J.>
as of {prep} [since]seit [+Dat.] [ab]
as of ... [date / time]Stand ... [Datum / Uhrzeit]
astern of {prep}hinter
astraddle of {prep}rittlings auf
atop (of) sth. {prep}(oben) auf etw.Dat.
avid of {adj}gierig nach
bags of {adv} [coll.]säckeweise [ugs.] [sehr viel]
barren of sth. {adj} [pred. or postpos.] [e.g. of reason, of hope]bar etw.Gen. [prädikativ oder nachgestellt] [veraltet] [z. B. aller Vernunft, jeder Hoffnung]
because of {prep}aufgrund [+Gen.]
because of {prep}infolge [+Gen.]
because of {prep}punkto [+Gen., ugs. auch +Dat.] [bezüglich] [meist österr. od. schweiz.]
because of {prep}wegen <wg.> [+Gen., ugs. auch +Dat.]
because of {prep}zweng / zwengs [bayer. für: wegen]
bereft of sth. {adj}etw.Gen. beraubt
Beware of ...Vorsicht vor ...
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A 2024-11-09: Ministry of / for Gender Equality ?
A 2024-11-05: In my neck of the woods,
A 2024-10-30: a nice list of English contractions
Q 2024-10-27: wreck of a building = Zerstörung eines Gebäudes (f) ?
A 2024-10-21: For what it may be worth, here is a neat list of common fallacies
A 2024-10-21: A crass instance of the etymological fallacy would be to restrict the mean...
A 2024-10-17: Thanks to both of you!
A 2024-10-17: etwa: "Freedom of Access violation" - googelt aber (noch) nicht / kaum
A 2024-10-07: of sound mind and body
A 2024-10-04: Midnightboy, What is your interpretation of Gene Simmons’s stance/sentence?
A 2024-10-04: Possibly stating the obvious, but *...flur...* apparently is the 'natural ...
A 2024-09-27: to use the narration for eliminating the suspicion of contingency
A 2024-09-26: while the narrative superimposes any possibility of (Kontingenz)
A 2024-09-20: etwa: (for X the opportunity for) an inimitable rendition / performance of...
Q 2024-09-03: person of color
A 2024-09-01: From my 1984 print Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of Discriminated Synonyms.
A 2024-08-30: over a narrow plate, a wide (piece of) cloth is pulled overlapping both si...
Q 2024-08-29: the grand scheme of things
A 2024-08-21: Hahaha! That would require all branches of the law to have a hyphen!
A 2024-08-21: One definition of "up-gauging."

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