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English-German translation for: Offence
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Dictionary English German: Offence

Translation 1 - 50 of 170  >>

English German
NOUN   an offence | offences
SYNO   crime | criminal offence ... 
law offence [esp. Br.]
Straftat {f}
law offence [minor crime] [esp. Br.]
Vergehen {n} [Verstoß]
offence [to sb.'s feelings] [esp. Br.]
Beleidigung {f}
law offence [esp. Br.]
Delikt {n}
offence [Br.]
Angriff {m}
law offence [Br.]
Verstoß {m}
offence [esp. Br.] [annoyance]
Anstoß {m} [Ärgernis]
offence [Br.] [source of annoyance]
Ärgernis {n}
law offence [Br.]strafbare Handlung {f}
2 Words: Others
No offence! [Br.]Nichts für ungut! [Redewendung]
2 Words: Verbs
to cause offence [Br.]Ärgernis erregen [geh.]
to take offence [Br.]übelnehmen
to take offence [Br.]beleidigt sein
to take offence [Br.]sich angegriffen fühlen
2 Words: Nouns
(administrative) offence [Br.]Ordnungswidrigkeit {f}
law accomplished offence [Br.]vollendete Tat {f}
law administrative offenceOrdnungswidrigkeit {f}
law administrative offence [Br.]Verwaltungsübertretung {f} [österr.]
law bailable offencebürgschaftsfähiges Vergehen {n}
bankruptcy offence [Br.]Konkursvergehen {n}
law bankruptcy offence [Br.]Krida {f} [österr.] [Konkursvergehen]
sports bookable offence [football]Gelbvergehen {n}
capital offencetodeswürdiges Verbrechen {n}
law capital offence [Br.]Kapitalverbrechen {n} [mit Todesstrafe bedroht]
sports cautionable offence [Br.]verwarnungswürdiges Vergehen {n}
sports cautionable offence [Br.] [esp. football / soccer]gelbwürdiges Foul {n}
sports cautionable offence [Br.] [esp. football / soccer]gelbwürdiges Vergehen {n}
law civil offenceunerlaubte Handlung {f}
law continuing offenceDauerdelikt {n}
econ. law corporate offence [Aus.] [Br.]Unternehmensstraftat {f} [angelsächsisches Recht]
law criminal offencestrafbare Handlung {f}
law criminal offence [Br.]Straftat {f}
law criminal offence [Br.]Straftatbestand {m}
currency offenceDevisenvergehen {n}
customs offence [Br.]Zollvergehen {n}
sports doping offence [Br.]Dopingvergehen {n}
sports doping offence [Br.]Dopingverstoß {m}
drugs law drug offenceDrogenstraftat {f}
law economic offence [Br.]Wirtschaftsstraftat {f}
ecol. law environmental offence [Br.]Umweltdelikt {n}
law extraditable offence [Br.]auslieferungsfähige Straftat {f}
fin. law fiscal offenceSteuervergehen {n}
fin. law fiscal offence [esp. Br.]Steuerdelikt {n}
law imaginary offence [Br.]Putativdelikt {n}
law indecency offence [Br.]Sittlichkeitsvergehen {n}
law indictable offencestrafbare Handlung {f}
law indictable offence [Br.][schwereres Vergehen, das nur vor Richter und Jury des Crown Courts angeklagt werden kann]
law indictable offence [Br.]Straftat {f}
juvenile offence [Br.]Straftat {f} eines Jugendlichen
law legal offenceGesetzesübertretung {f}
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A 2022-01-13: ... it is a criminal offence to carry out work which needs listed building...
Q 2021-10-15: UK ‘whole life order’ – criminal offence prison sentence – life imprisonme...
A 2021-04-12: offence of low reportability
A 2020-03-23: If you're using the British spelling of defence, use the British spelling ...
A 2018-09-02: capital offence
A 2018-08-14: Nachtrunk > post-offence drinking; Sturztrunk > rapid drinking
A 2018-05-16: a less severe offence
Q 2016-01-19: apologies - no offence intended...
A 2015-11-04: Correct trans; +perceptible: tangible+ might come in handy. The point is t...
A 2014-11-17: can be / constitute a criminal offence / offense
A 2014-11-07: https://www.google.de/#q=%22sackable+offence%22+%2B++%22Entlassungsgrund%22
Q 2014-11-07: Fehlt im Wörterbuch: sackable offence - Dienst- / Arbeitsvergehen, das ...
A 2014-04-20: A repealed offence
Q 2014-04-19: decriminalisation of an offence
A 2014-01-27: +Tat+ short for +Straftat+ ... > the / this offence in itself is also grave
A 2013-09-28: No offence meant, Drac!
A 2013-08-25: Tatbestand = the facts / prerequisites constituting an offence (or some ot...
A 2013-04-13: Crime/offence -
A 2013-04-12: To take offence
Q 2013-01-23: is charged with the offence of threatening to kill

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