| English | German | |
| Oh, is that so? | Oh, ist das so? | |
Partial Matches |
| Oh, he was a right old so-and-so, that Mr. Baker. [euphem.] | Ja, dieser Mr. Baker war ein richtiger alter Hm-hm. [euphem.] [ugs.] [eher mündlich; schriftlich eher: „...“, „***“] | |
| Is that so? | Ist dem so? | |
| Is that so very difficult? | Ist das denn so schwer? | |
| so that the meaning is distorted {adv} | sinnentstellend | |
| That is so not cool. [coll.] | Das ist so gar nicht cool. [ugs.] | |
| What is it that amuses you so? | Was belustigt dich? | |
| What is it that diverts you so? | Was belustigt dich? | |
| idiom He is so thick that it hurts. [coll.] | Er ist so dumm, dass es schon weh tut. | |
| Unverified So that's the way the wind is blowing! [idiom] | Daher weht (also) der Wind! [Redewendung] | |
| sb. is a cheeky so-and-so [chiefly Br.] [coll.] | jd. hat eine freche Gosche / Goschen [derb] [österr.] [südd.] | |
| oh so {adv} [preceding an adj. or adv.] | ach so [ironisch] | |
| His name is so-and-so. [coll.] | Er heißt so und so. [ugs.] | |
| Unverified (So) that's kind of what I mean by that. [coll.] | Das ist ungefähr (das), was ich damit sagen will. [ugs.] | |
| idiom Oh no, not that! | Auch das noch! | |
| idiom Oh, this and that. [coll.] | Och, über dieses und jenes. [ugs.] | |
| Oh yeah, that's right. [coll.] | Ach ja, stimmt. | |
| Oh God, can you believe that! | Oh Gott, ist das zu fassen! | |
| Oh, we've done that one. | Oh, das hatten wir schon. | |
| film F Oh Dad, Poor Dad, Mamma's Hung You in the Closet and I'm Feelin' So Sad [Richard Quine] | O Vater, armer Vater, Mutter hängt dich in den Schrank, und ich bin ganz krank | |
| quote So do all who live to see such times but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. [The Lord of the Rings] | Das tun alle, die solche Zeiten erleben, aber es liegt nicht in ihrer Macht, das zu entscheiden. Wir müssen nur entscheiden, was wir mit der Zeit anfangen wollen, die uns gegeben ist. | |
| Oh come on, things aren't as bad as all that. [coll.] | Jetzt komm aber, ganz so übel sieht's nun auch wieder nicht aus. [ugs.] | |
| so ... (that) ... | so ..., dass ... | |
| so that {conj} | auf dass [veraltend] | |
| so that {conj} | sodass | |
| so that {conj} | sodaß [alt] | |
| That's / That is enough (for me). | Das genügt (mir). | |
| That's / That is sufficient (for me). | Das genügt (mir). | |
| ... so much that ... | ... derart, dass ... | |
| just so that ... | bloß damit ... [bloß dafür, dass ...] | |
| so constituted that | so beschaffen, dass | |
| (and) so is ... | genauso wie ... | |
| and so is ... | und ... auch | |
| and so is ... | und ... ebenso | |
| He is so! | Ist er doch! | |
| So this is ... ? | Das ist also ..., ja? | |
| chem. hydroxyl group <OH group, -OH> | Hydroxy-Gruppe {f} <OH-Gruppe, -OH> | |
| chem. hydroxyl group <OH group, -OH> | Hydroxygruppe {f} <OH-Gruppe, -OH> | |
| chem. hydroxyl group <OH group, -OH> | Hydroxyl-Gruppe {f} [veraltet] <OH-Gruppe, -OH> | |
| chem. hydroxyl group <OH group, -OH> | Hydroxylgruppe {f} [veraltet] <OH-Gruppe, -OH> | |
| That's not so! | Das stimmt nicht! | |
| ..., isn't that so? | ..., nicht wahr? | |
| idiom It (so) happened that ... | Es ergab sich, dass ... | |
| It so happened that ... | Es fügte sich, dass ... [geh.] | |
| It so happened that ... | Es traf sich, dass ... | |
| It so happens that ... | Es fügt sich, dass ... [geh.] | |
| It so happens that ... | So kommt es, dass ... | |
| so much so that | und zwar so sehr, dass [und zwar dermaßen] | |
| so much so that ... | so sehr, dass ... | |
| That may be so. | Das mag wohl stimmen. | |
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