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English-German translation for: Olympic
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Dictionary English German: Olympic

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ADJ   Olympic | - | -
SYNO   Olympian | Olympic
Olympic {adj}
2 Words: Others
sports non-Olympic {adj}nichtolympisch
Olympic-size {adj}von olympischen Ausmaßen [nachgestellt]
2 Words: Nouns
sports Olympic appearance [Olympic participation]Olympia-Auftritt {m}
sports Olympic areaOlympiagelände {n}
sports Olympic athleteOlympiakämpfer {m}
sports Olympic athleteOlympiateilnehmer {m}
sports Olympic athleteOlympionike {m}
sports Olympic athlete [female]Olympiakämpferin {f}
sports Olympic athlete [female]Olympiateilnehmerin {f}
sports Olympic athlete [female]Olympionikin {f}
dance sports Olympic breakingolympisches Breaking {n}
psych. Olympic calmness [idiom]olympische Ruhe {f} [Redewendung]
sports Olympic candidacyOlympiabewerbung {f}
sports Olympic candidature [esp. Br.]Olympiabewerbung {f}
sports Olympic center [Am.]Olympiastützpunkt {m}
sports Olympic championOlympiasieger {m}
sports Olympic champion [female]Olympiasiegerin {f}
relig. sports Olympic chaplainOlympiaseelsorger {m}
relig. sports Olympic chaplaincyOlympiaseelsorge {f}
sports Olympic CharterOlympische Charta {f}
geogr. sports Olympic cityOlympiastadt {f}
sports Olympic competitionOlympia-Wettkampf {m}
sports Olympic courseOlympiapiste {f}
sports Olympic course [ski, kayak, and canoe racing]Olympiastrecke {f}
sports Olympic disciplineolympische Disziplin {f}
hist. sports Olympic duelling [Br.]Olympisches Duell {n}
sports Olympic finalOlympia-Endspiel {n}
sports Olympic flagOlympische Fahne {f}
sports Olympic flameolympisches Feuer {n}
sports Olympic GamesOlympische Spiele {pl}
sports Olympic Games {pl}Olympia {n} [Olympische Spiele]
archi. sports Olympic HallOlympiahalle {f}
sports Olympic ideaolympischer Gedanke {m}
sports Olympic legacyolympisches Erbe {n}
sports Olympic medalOlympiamedaille {f}
sports Olympic medalist [Am.]Olympiamedaillengewinner {m}
sports Olympic medalist [female] [Am.]Olympiamedaillengewinnerin {f}
sports Olympic medallist [Br.]Olympiamedaillengewinner {m}
sports Olympic medallist [female] [Br.]Olympiamedaillengewinnerin {f}
myth. Olympic nectarolympischer Nektar {m}
sports Olympic oatholympischer Eid {m}
sports Olympic parkOlympiagelände {n}
Olympic ParkOlympiapark {m}
sports Olympic qualificationOlympiaqualifikation {f}
sports Olympic raceOlympia-Rennen {n}
sports Olympic recordolympischer Rekord {m}
sports Olympic ringsolympische Ringe {pl}
sports Olympic spiritolympischer Geist {m}
sports Olympic sportolympische Sportart {f}
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A 2021-04-26: (artistic) representations of Olympic deities
A 2016-10-06: For the Olympic kayaking competition, an artificial river with pumps was b...
Q 2014-02-07: Olympic Charter
Q 2013-10-04: 5 Olympic attitudes
Q 2012-08-09: Olympic Flame vs Olympic flame ?
Q 2012-02-28: the Olympic Trials ( which are) yet to come
A 2009-08-21: Ich würde "to host" nehmen: "Sydney hosted the Olympic Games in 2000."
A 2008-08-20: Olympic tantrum
Q 2008-08-20: Olympic tantrum
Q 2008-08-07: Olympic spirit of excellence
A 2008-04-28: The current effort to host the Olympic games can be seen as another attemp...
Q 2008-04-28: At the moment the effort to host of the Olympic games can be seen as anoth...
A 2008-03-23: ? Olympic Pool
Q 2007-06-16: New London Olympic logo
A 2006-01-10: Olympic creed
A 2004-03-03: olympic participant

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