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English-German translation for: On-line
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Dictionary English German: On line

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SYNO   on-line | online
SEE ALSO  online
on-line {adj}abrufbereit
on-line {adj}angeschlossen
on-line {adj}gekoppelt
on-line {adj}rechnerabhängig
on-line {adj}verbunden
tech. to come on line [coll.](neu) ans Netz gehen [ugs.] [in Betrieb gehen]
to go on line [utility]ans Netz gehen [Versorgungsunternehmen: in Betrieb gehen]
comp. to learn on-lineonline lernen
come-on lineAnmachmasche {f} [ugs.]
come-on lineAnmachtour {f} [ugs.] [Art und Weise]
come-on line [sl.]Anmache {f} [ugs.]
come-on line [sl.]Anmachspruch {m} [ugs.]
educ. Internet learning on-lineOnline-Lernen {n}
comp. on-line coachingOnline-Lehren {n}
comp. on-line coachingOnline-Unterricht {m}
econ. on-line commerceOnline-Kommerz {m}
on-line dialog [Am.]Online-Dialog {m}
on-line maintenanceunterbrechungsfreie Wartung {f}
on-line modeOnline-Betrieb {m}
on-line modeOnline-Modus {m}
comp. MedTech. on-line monitoringOnline-Monitoring {n}
on-line operationOnline-Betrieb {m}
on-line processingOnline-Bearbeitung {f}
on-line processingOnline-Verarbeitung {f}
on-line serviceabrufbereiter Dienst {m}
on-line systemOnline-System {n}
comm. Internet on-line tradingOnlinehandel {m}
lit. run-on lineEnjambement {n}
ling. run-on lineZeilensprung {m}
on the assembly line {adv}am Montageband
mil. on the front line {adv} [also fig.]an der Front [auch fig.]
to be on the lineein Telefongespräch haben
to be on the line [idiom]auf dem Spiel stehen [Redewendung]
to get a line on sb./sth. [idiom]etw. über jdn./etw. herausfinden
to give sb. a line on sth. [coll.]jdm. einen Hinweis auf etw.Akk. geben
telecom. to have sb. on the line [telephone]jdn. an der Strippe haben [ugs.]
to put sth. on the lineetw. aufs Spiel setzen
on-line data processingOnline-Datenverarbeitung {f}
on-line data transmissionDatendirektübertragung {f}
on-line input deviceOnline-Eingabegerät {n}
on-line peripheral devicerechnerabhängiges Gerät {n}
Internet on-line query systemOnline-Abfragesystem {n}
Are you still on the line?Bist du noch am Apparat?
quote Good. Out of the door. Line on the left. One cross each. Next. [Monty Python's Life of Brian]Gut. Durch die Tür hinaus, zur linken Reihe, jeder nur ein Kreuz. Der Nächste.
He put his life on the line to ...Er setzte sein Leben aufs Spiel, um ...
Please stay on the line. [telephone]Bleiben Sie bitte am Apparat. [Telefon]
simultaneous peripheral operations on-lineSPOOL
The washing is on the line.Die Wäsche hängt auf der Leine.
idiom They laid it on the line to the government, that ...Sie erklärten der Regierung klipp und klar, dass ...
fin. to depreciate on a straight-line basislinear abschreiben
mil. to fight on the front linean vorderster Front kämpfen
to have one's ass on the line [sl.] [idiom]dran glauben müssen [ugs.] [getötet werden] [Redewendung]
idiom to have one's pride on the lineseine Ehre auf dem Spiel stehen haben
telecom. to install a trap and trace device on sb.'s phone / line [Am.]bei jdm. eine Fangschaltung installieren
to lay it / sth. on the line [idiom]es / etw. unverblümt sagen
to lay it on the line [idiom]die Karten (offen) auf den Tisch legen [Redewendung]
to lay it on the line [idiom]kein Blatt vor den Mund nehmen [Redewendung]
idiom to lay it on the line for sb.es jdm. klipp und klar sagen
to put one's ass on the line [Am.] [vulg.]seinen Arsch riskieren [vulg.]
to put one's butt on the line [Am.] [coll.]seinen Arsch riskieren [vulg.]
jobs to put one's job on the lineseine Stelle riskieren
to put one's life on the line [idiom]sein Leben riskieren
to put one's neck on the line for sth. [idiom]seinen Kopf für etw.Akk. hinhalten [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to put oneself on the line [idiom]sichAkk. in die Schusslinie begeben [Redewendung]
to sign on the dotted lineauf der punktierten Linie unterschreiben
ind. jobs to work on the assembly lineam Fließband arbeiten
math. On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences® <OEIS®>Online-Enzyklopädie {f} der Zahlenfolgen
comp. Internet libr. On-line Public Access Catalogue <OPAC>öffentlich zugänglicher Online-Katalog {m}
film F Life on the Line [David Hackl]Der SturmLife on the Line
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A 2012-06-20: I would use "immersion line" here.
A 2012-06-16: +Linie+ could also be +Linienwall+ > fortification line, linear fortification
A 2011-05-24: I wanted to find a common line with XX before answering
A 2011-01-13: If you use...as a separation line to...
A 2010-03-15: transmission line
Q 2010-03-14: pylon line > Hochspannungsleitung
A 2010-03-04: distribution line
A 2009-07-14: 'at the end of the production line'
Q 2009-06-27: a 220 kV double circuit high voltage transmission line
A 2009-04-29: "incineration line" googles quite well ....
A 2009-04-24: on line : in or into operation http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/...
Q 2009-04-24: Reporting coming on line
A 2008-11-21: Put their addresses on line ....
A 2008-11-06: Start-up of the conversion line of XY Company, unused warehouse is converted to
A 2008-08-01: depends on what exactly this production line is doing
A 2008-07-31: My guess is 'Fertigungsstraße von Kühlrippen.' Line = production line.
A 2008-06-06: subduction line
Q 2008-05-27: transmission line (Auto)
A 2008-05-22: production line

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