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English-German translation for: Once
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Dictionary English German: Once

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SYNO   again | once again | once more ... 
once {adv}
once {conj} [as soon as]
once {conj}
once {adv} [formerly]
once {adv} [at some time in the past]
einst [geh.] [früher (einmal), vor langer Zeit]
once {adv}
mal [ugs.] [einmal]
once {conj} [after]
nachdem [wenn erst, sobald]
once {conj} [with past tense]
once {adv} [at some time in the past, formerly]
einstmals [geh.] [früher (einmal)]
once {adv} [formerly]
dereinst [veraltet] [früher einmal]
once {adv} [at some time in the past, formerly]
vormals <vorm.>
once {adv} [at some time in the past, formerly]
einstens [geh.] [früher (einmal), vor langer Zeit]
once {adv}
amoi [österr.] [ugs.] [einmal]
once {adv}ein Mal
once {conj}als ... erst einmal
once {conj}wenn erst einmal
once {conj}wenn erst mal [ugs.]
once {adv} [once upon a time, formerly]dermaleinst [veraltet] [früher, vor langer Zeit]
2 Words: Others
(once) again {adv}erneut
(once) again {adv}neu [erneut]
at once {adv}unmittelbar
at once {adv} [at the same time]gleichzeitig
at once {adv} [immediately, without delay]unverzüglich
at once {adv} [immediately; at the same time]auf einmal [plötzlich; zugleich]
at once {adv} [immediately]alsbald [veraltend] [sogleich]
at once {adv} [immediately]augenblicklich [unverzüglich, sofort]
at once {adv} [immediately]augenblicks [geh.]
at once {adv} [immediately]sofort
at once {adv} [immediately]sogleich
at once {adv} [immediately]stante pede [ugs.] [hum.] [sofort, auf der Stelle]
at once {adv} [immediately]auf der Stelle [sofort, unverzüglich]
at once {adv} [simultaneously, at the same time]zugleich [gleichzeitig, zur gleichen Zeit]
for once {adv}ausnahmsweise einmal
for once {adv}ausnahmsweise mal [ugs.]
for once {adv}für einmal [schweiz.] [ausnahmsweise]
for once {adv}wenigstens einmal [ugs.]
just once {adv}nur einmal
never oncenicht ein einziges Mal
not once {adv}keinmal
not once {adv}nicht einmal
not once {adv}kein einziges Mal
not once {adv}nicht ein einziges Mal
once again {adv}abermals
once again {adv}nochmal [ugs.]
once again {adv}nochmals
once again {adv}einmal mehr
once again {adv}mal wieder [ugs.]
once again {adv}noch einmal
once again {adv}noch mal [ugs.]
once again {adv}wieder einmal
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A 2024-11-15: Agree. Thanks once again!
Q 2024-07-15: once for all
Q 2023-04-18: AI kerfuffle once more ( #942235 )?
Q 2023-04-16: Am. left off once again
A 2023-04-09: Is the cause of state rights as such invalidated once it partly serves out...
A 2023-03-08: Sheep rescue once more an issue?
A 2023-03-03: ONCE AGAIN
A 2022-11-08: "Once driven forever smitten" - an old ad-slogan for Vauxhall cars
Q 2021-09-02: For, once launched upon the deep …
A 2021-08-25: Once more
A 2021-02-17: Thanks once again to everybody
A 2021-02-05: May you devour such rich food more than once a week?
A 2020-10-23: Thanks once again to all of you!
A 2020-07-28: Thanks once again! :)
Q 2020-06-27: At one time/once...?
A 2019-01-16: Wie oft belegt / wiederholt In English, we take a course once or twice or...
A 2018-09-25: England once more
A 2018-06-05: Thanks once again.
A 2018-05-02: Once varnished, never tarnished!
A 2018-04-17: LINK once more

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