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English-German translation for: Outer
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Dictionary English German: Outer

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ADJ   outer | outermore [very rare] | outermost
NOUN   an outer | outers
outer {adj}
outer {adj}
outeräußere Zeltplane {f}
2 Words: Nouns
outer airAußenluft {f}
outer appearancesÄußerlichkeiten {pl}
outer aspect [side of an object]äußere Seite {f}
math. outer automorphismsäußere Automorphismen {pl}
hist. mil. outer baileyVorburg {f}
automot. tech. outer beadAußenwulst {m} {f}
outer bordersAußengrenzen {pl}
outer boroughVorort {m}
outer boxÜberkarton {m}
mus. outer boxÜberkasten {m} [ital. Cembalo]
outer cableBremszughülle {f}
outer cableSchaltseilhülle {f}
outer cableSchaltzughülle {f}
outer cableSeilzughülle {f}
electr. outer cable [coaxial cable]Außenleiter {m} [Koaxialkabel]
mus. outer caseÜberkasten {m} [ital. Cembalo]
tech. outer casingAbdeckhaube {f} [Maschine]
tech. outer casingAußenhülle {f}
tech. outer casing [of a cable]Kabelhülle {f}
cloth. outer clothingOberbekleidung {f}
outer coatingAußenbeschichtung {f}
outer coatingäußere Beschichtung {f}
archaeo. outer coffinAußensarg {m}
tech. outer contourAußenkontur {f}
geol. outer coreäußerer Kern {m}
outer cornerAußeneck {n} [österr.] [südd.]
outer cornerAußenecke {f}
tech. outer cover [of a hose, etc.]Außendecke {f} [Schlauch etc.]
gastr. outer crust [of bread]Brotkruste {f}
outer diameterAußendurchmesser {m}
ecol. outer dikeAußendeich {m}
automot. outer doorAußentür {f}
outer doorAußentüre {f} [bes. regional]
anat. outer earOhrmuschel {f}
anat. outer ear [Auris externa]Außenohr {n}
outer edgeAußenkante {f}
geogr. Outer EiderAußeneider {f}
automot. electr. outer electrodeAußenelektrode {f}
archi. outer facadeAußenfassade {f}
outer formäußere Form {f}
cloth. outer garmentObergewand {n}
outer garmentOberkleid {n}
cloth. outer garments {pl}Oberbekleidung {f}
naut. outer harbor [Am.]Außenhafen {m}
naut. outer harbor [Am.]Vorhafen {m}
naut. outer harbour [Br.]Außenhafen {m}
naut. outer harbour [Br.]Vorhafen {m}
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Q 2024-04-22: storm door, outer wooden door
A 2016-02-02: customers' needs in respect of diameter, outer profile and installation
A 2015-07-27: (convex) clock glass, 170mm (outer) diameter and 22mm doming height
A 2015-04-23: The brush system is integrated by grabbing the outer diameter of the rotor...
Q 2015-04-05: outer court
A 2015-02-10: +outer+ seems to clash with +engerer,+ and +suburban+ is not quite right b...
Q 2013-10-09: inner and outer pimples
Q 2013-05-16: the noise is following to outer ring.
Q 2013-04-30: outer can of a bushing - technischer Text
A 2012-04-17: subway it's Clockwork Orange - inner circle/outer circle .... you can't ...
A 2012-02-02: outer frame?
A 2010-09-25: A bit of googling - http://www.google.at/search?sourceid=navclient&hl=de&i...
Q 2010-09-25: Gold tough Kraft outer
A 2010-06-21: Visitors from outer space? Alien abduction? UFOs?
A 2010-04-29: outer dimensions ?
A 2010-04-09: Beg to differ, mwk. Outer cables run along the frame, inner cables within it.
A 2010-04-09: The "outer cable" in EN bicycle terminology is a misnomer.
A 2010-04-09: +Seil+ ist wohl richtig; aber +outer cable > Außenseil+
A 2010-02-23: äußere Bewegung; Außensatz (Musik) wäre +outer voices+ (bitte in dict.cc e...
A 2009-07-08: Faltschachtel > folding carton, Umkarton > outer package, Stretchfolie > s...

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