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English-German translation for: PE
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Dictionary English German: PE

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NOUN   pe | pes
geogr. Peru <.pe>
Peru {n}
chem. polyethylene <PE>
Polyethylen {n} <PE>
chem. polythene <PE> [esp. Br.] [polyethylene]
Polyethen {n} <PE> [selten] [Polyethylen]
biochem. phosphatidylethanolamine <PE>Phosphatidylethanolamin {n} <PE>
chem. polyethene <PE>Polyethylen {n} <PE>
chem. material polythene <PE> [esp. Br.] [polyethylene]Polyethylen {n} <PE>
2 Words: Others
chem. tech. plasma-enhanced <PE>plasmaunterstützt [auch: plasma-unterstützt]
2 Words: Nouns
educ. sports boys' PE [physical education]Jungensport {m}
educ. sports boys' PE [physical education]Jungenturnen {n}
educ. sports girls' PE [physical education]Mädchensport {m}
educ. sports girls' PE [physical education]Mädchenturnen {n}
tech. overhead position <PE/4G> [welding position acc. to EN ISO 6947 and ASME code]Überkopfposition {f} <PE/4G> [Schweißposition nach DIN EN ISO 6947 und ASME-Code]
comm. packaging unit <PU>Packungseinheit {f} <PE>
med. parenteral nutrition <PN>parenterale Ernährung {f} <PE>
med. patient empowerment <PE>Patienten-Empowerment {n} <PE>
educ. jobs sports PE instructorSportlehrer {m}
cloth. educ. sports PE kit [physical education kit] [Br.]Sportzeug {n} [ugs.]
educ. sports PE lesson [Br.]Sportstunde {f}
educ. PE lesson [Br.] [physical education]Turnstunde {f}
educ. sports PE mistress [Br.]Sportlehrerin {f}
PE mistress [Br.]Lehrerin {f} für Leibeserziehung [veraltend]
electr. PE oversheathPE-Außenmantel {m}
constr. PE pipe [polyethylene pipe]PE-Rohr {n} [Polyethylen-Rohr]
educ. jobs sports PE teacherSportlehrer {m}
educ. jobs PE teacherTurnlehrer {m}
educ. PE teacherLehrer {m} für Leibeserziehung [veraltend]
educ. jobs sports PE teacher [female]Sportlehrerin {f}
educ. PE teacher [female]Lehrerin {f} für Leibeserziehung [veraltend]
electr. PE terminalPE-Klemme {f}
educ. PE things {pl} [gym]Turnzeug {n} [ugs.]
engin. unit Péclet number <Pe>Péclet-Zahl {f} <Pe>
med. penis enlargement <PE>Penisvergrößerung {f}
econ. law permanent establishment <PE>Betriebsstätte {f}
acc. engin. petroleum engineering <PE>Erdöltechnik {f}
engin. petroleum engineering <PE>Erdöl- und Erdgastechnik {f}
acad. pharm. pharmaceutical engineering <PE>Pharmatechnik {f} [auch Studiengangsbezeichnung]
comp. electr. phase encoding <PE>Richtungstaktschrift {f}
phys. photoelectric effect <PE>Fotoeffekt {m} [kurz für: fotoelektrischer Effekt]
phys. photoelectric effect <PE>Photoeffekt {m} <PE> [kurz für: photoelektrischer Effekt]
phys. photoelectric effect <PE>fotoelektrischer Effekt {m}
phys. photoelectric effect <PE>lichtelektrischer Effekt {m}
phys. photoelectric effect <PE>photoelektrischer Effekt {m}
med. photosensitive epilepsy <PE>photosensitive Epilepsie {f}
educ. sports physical education {sg} <Phys Ed., PE>Leibesübungen {pl} [veraltet]
educ. sports physical education <PE, P.E., PhysEd, Phys Ed.>Leibeserziehung {f} [österr. amtsspr.] [sonst veraltet]
educ. sports physical education <PE, PhysEd>Sport {m} [Unterricht]
educ. sports physical education <PE, PhysEd>Sportunterricht {m}
educ. sports physical education <PE, PhysEd>Turnunterricht {m}
educ. med. physical education <Phys Ed., PE>Bewegungserziehung {f}
educ. physical education <Phys Ed., PE>Bewegungspädagogik {f} [Sportunterricht]
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Q 2019-07-13: Kopf­schup­pe {sg}
Q 2018-02-10: Survey PE 10-12 as high school subject of Department of Defense Education...
A 2016-11-08: Swapped captions in PE convey humourous intent, got it
A 2015-09-29: PE=Professional Engineer
Q 2015-09-28: PE exam
A 2012-02-15: Sagt man auf Neu-Deutsch neuerdings PE?
Q 2011-12-21: PE-Schaumstoffklebeband
A 2011-08-16: Aha, a PE teacher,
A 2011-08-16: Okay... I was told by my PE teacher that if you can't do it,
A 2011-06-25: PE / Preiseinheit
A 2011-06-25: Ich habe PE
Q 2011-06-25: PE (Preiseinheit)
Q 2011-03-24: PE candidate
A 2010-11-15: "Mit großem Pe ist es ein Paar, mit kleinem pe ist's eine Schar."
A 2010-08-24: http://www.queenelizabeths.derbyshire.sch.uk/PE-Kit.php
Q 2010-08-24: PE kit
A 2010-07-30: ... leakage current against protective earth (PE conductor)
Q 2010-07-30: Ableitstrom zum PE-Potenzial
A 2010-05-26: http://www.google.co.uk/webhp?hl=en#hl=en&source=hp&q=company+pension+sche...
Q 2009-05-27: je 2 Stahl- und PE-Platten wurden mit ... beschichtet

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