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Dictionary English German: PM

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SYNO   PM | phase modulation | Prime Minister ... 
SYNO   Petameter | Pm [Einheitenzeichen]
med. postmortem {adj} {adv} <p.m., PM> [after death]post mortem <p. m.> [geh.] [nach dem Tode]
med. MedTech. pacemaker <PM>
Herzschrittmacher {m} <HSM>
audio tech. peakmeter <PM>Peakmeter {n}
unit petameter <Pm> [Am.]Petameter {m} {n} <Pm>
unit petametre <Pm> [Br.]Petameter {m} {n} <Pm>
jobs med. physiatrist <PM&R physician>Physiater {m} [Naturheilarzt]
jobs med. physiatrist <PM&R physician>Facharzt {m} für Physikalische und Rehabilitative Medizin [deutsche Berufsbezeichnung]
unit picometer <pm> [Am.]Pikometer {m} {n} <pm>
unit picometre <pm> [Br.]Pikometer {m} {n} <pm>
med. PM [coll.] [postmortem]Leichenschau {f}
med. polymyositis <PM>Polymyositis {f} <PM>
med. postmortem <PM> [autopsy]Leichenschau {f}
chem. promethium <Pm>Promethium {n} <Pm>
2 Words: Others
post meridiem {adv} <p.m., pm, PM>nachmittags <n., nm., nachm.>
2 Words: Nouns
med. palatal myoclonus <PM>palataler Myoklonus {m}
particulate matter <PM>Feinstaub {m}
comp. patch management <PM>Patch-Management {n} <PM>
electr. RadioTV peak meter <PM>Aussteuerungsmesser {m}
econ. QM performance management <PM>Leistungsmanagement {n}
performance management <PM>Performance-Management {n} <PM>
med. perinatal mortality <PNM>perinatale Mortalität {f} <PNM, PM>
comm. market. personalized marketing <PM>One-to-one-Marketing {n} <1-zu-1-Marketing, 1:1-Marketing>
acad. econ. personnel management <PM>Personalmanagement {n} <PM> [auch Studiengangsbezeichnung]
phys. RadioTV phase modulation <PM>Phasenmodulation {f} <PM>
comp. physical medium <PM>physikalisches Medium {n} <PM>
engin. physical model <PM>physisches Modell {n}
tech. planned maintenance <PM>geplante Wartung {f}
tech. planned maintenance <PM>planmäßige Wartung {f}
biol. plasma membrane <PM>Plasmamembran {f} <PM>
med. pleural mesothelioma <PM>Pleuramesotheliom {n} <PM>
biol. mineral. optics polarization microscopy <PM>Polarisationsmikroskopie {f} <PM>
jobs police constable <PC> [Br.]Polizeimeister {m} <PM> [deutsch]
acad. political management <PM>Politikmanagement {n} <PM>
med. post-mortem <PM> [autopsy]Leichenschau {f}
spec. practice management <PM>Praxismanagement {n} <PM>
precious metal <PM>Edelmetall {n}
journ. press release <PR>Pressemitteilung {f} <PM>
med. pretibial myxedema <PM> [Am.]prätibiales Myxödem {n}
med. pretibial myxoedema <PM> [Br.]prätibiales Myxödem {n}
tech. preventive maintenance <PM>vorbeugende Wartung {f}
acad. econ. market. price management <PM>Preismanagement {n} <PM>
pol. prime minister <PM>Premier {m} [kurz für: Premierminister]
pol. prime minister <PM>Premierminister {m}
private message <PM>private Nachricht {f} <PN>
econ. QM process management <PM>Prozessmanagement {n} <PM>
comp. econ. QM process modeling <PM> [Am.]Prozessmodellierung {f} <PM>
comp. econ. QM process modelling <PM> [Br.]Prozessmodellierung {f} <PM>
comm. econ. jobs procurement manager [female] <PM, PRM>Beschaffungsmanagerin {f}
comm. econ. jobs procurement manager <PM, PRM>Beschaffungsmanager {m}
econ. educ. QM project management <PM>Projektmanagement {n} <PM>
project manager [female] <PM>Projektmanagerin {f} <PM>
project manager <PM>Projektmanager {m} <PM>
med. proliferative myositis <PM>proliferative Myositis {f} <PM>
med. prophylactic mastectomy <PM>prophylaktische Mastektomie {f} <PM>
phys. proton magnetometer <PM>Protonenmagnetometer {n} <PM>
biol. purple membrane <PM>Purpurmembran {f}
3 Words: Others
at 5 pm {adv}um 17 Uhr
at 5 pm {adv}um 5 Uhr abends
in the afternoon {adv} <p.m., pm, PM>nachmittags <nachm.>
one thirty pmhalb zwei [13:30 Uhr]
3 Words: Nouns
biol. mineral. optics polarised light microscopy <PLM> [Br.]Polarisationsmikroskopie {f} <PM>
biol. mineral. optics polarized light microscopy <PLM>Polarisationsmikroskopie {f} <PM>
econ. QM project management handbook <PMH, PM handbook>Projektmanagement-Handbuch {n} <PMH, PM-Handbuch; auch PM-HB, PMHB>
4 Words: Others
doors open 6 pmEinlass 18.00 Uhr
one forty-five pmdrei viertel zwei [13:45 Uhr]
4 Words: Nouns
geogr. St. Pierre and Miquelon <.pm>St. Pierre und Miquelon
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A 2020-02-18: for clarity in parentheses "24:00 (PM)" and "0:00 (AM)" ?
A 2019-06-09: PPS: PM's Question Time (across the +despatch box+ just mentioned)
A 2018-05-13: PM geschickt
A 2014-09-24: ... It used to be a low-key drinks party at the LSE, lasting from 7 to 9 pm.
A 2013-06-04: O'clock and am/pm are not used together,
Q 2013-06-04: o'clock und am/pm
A 2012-05-31: Schick mir ne PM...
A 2011-08-08: am / pm - the daftest of systems - cf 00:01 - 23:59 ... that's crystal clear!
A 2011-08-08: 8.August Am oder PM genügt doch. Sie hat jetzt fast noch ca. 9 Std. Zeit b...
A 2011-07-29: Stepping in for the PM in halfway decent English:
A 2011-06-28: BY 5 pm, please, not until!
Q 2011-05-11: Substandard usage in high places? NZ PM right now on BBC World Service: +i...
A 2011-04-11: Preventive maintenance (PM)
A 2011-03-15: "Yes, Friday the 18th at 5 :00 pm is fine with me."
A 2011-01-06: PM
A 2010-12-23: there will be mail delivery in the morning; the holiday starts at about 1 ...
A 2010-12-09: General comment - it is either o'clock or pm/am, not both.
A 2010-06-23: Ich habe mich auch gewundert, aber 12 pm steht tatsächlich (auch) für noon:
A 2010-06-22: 10.00 - 12.00 Uhr ist nicht 10 am to 12 pm, sondern 10 to 12 am
A 2010-04-21: Could also be the ball in New York City's Times Square, which starts dropp...

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