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| comm. RadioTV market. instore radio | POS-Radio {n} [Point-of-Sale-Radio] | |
Partial Matches |
| official POS procedure | offizielles POS-Verfahren {n} | |
| med. polycystic ovarian syndrome <PCOS, POS> | polyzystisches Ovarialsyndrom {n} <PCOS, POS> | |
| comm. POS terminal [short for: point of sale] | POS-Terminal {m} [Online-Terminal zum bargeldlosen Bezahlen an einem Verkaufsort / Point-of-Sale] | |
| RadioTV to appear on the radio | im Radio zu hören sein | |
| RadioTV The radio was tuned (in) to ... . | Im Radio lief ... . | |
| Turn off the radio! | Stell das Radio ab! | |
| Turn the radio off! | Schalte das Radio ab! | |
| RadioTV to turn down the radio | das Radio leiser stellen | |
| RadioTV to turn the radio down | das Radio leiser stellen | |
| adapted for the radio {adj} [postpos.] | bearbeitet für das Radio [nachgestellt] | |
| law RadioTV law on radio and television | Radio- und Fernsehgesetz {n} <RTVG> [schweiz.] | |
| with the radio on {adv} | bei eingeschaltetem Radio | |
| to announce over the radio | im Radio durchgeben | |
| to hear on the radio | im Radio hören | |
| to leave the radio on | das Radio anlassen | |
| film F Radio [Michael Tollin] | Sie nennen ihn Radio | |
| RadioTV Swiss Radio and Television [German-speaking Switzerland] | Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen <SRF> | |
| to turn one's radio down to moderate volume | das Radio auf Zimmerlautstärke stellen | |
| RadioTV radio dial | Drehknopf {m} am Radio [Skalenknopf] | |
| RadioTV radio program director [Am.] | Radio-Programmdirektor {m} | |
| jobs RadioTV radio programme director [Br.] | Radio-Programmdirektor {m} | |
| mus. radio symphony orchestra | Radio-Sinfonieorchester {n} <RSO> | |
| RadioTV to listen to the radio | Radio hören | |
| comm. POS box | Thekenaufsteller {m} [Schachtel] | |
| comm. point of sale <POS> | Point of Sale {m} <POS> | |
| I heard it this morning on the radio. | Ich habe es heute Morgen im Radio gehört. | |
| RadioTV radio | Radio {m} [südd.] [österr.] [schweiz.] | |
| RadioTV on the radio {adv} | im Radio | |
| RadioTV over the radio {adv} | im Radio | |
| comm. RadioTV market. in-store radio | Instore-Radio {n} | |
| astron. phys. RadioTV radio {adj} [attr.] [e.g. announcer, documentary, host; astronomy, emission] | Radio- [z. B. Sprecher, Feature, Moderator; Astronomie, Strahlung] | |
| point of sale <POS> | Verkaufsstelle {f} | |
| proof of stake <PoS> [Blockchain] | Proof-of-Stake {m} <PoS> [Blockchain] | |
| point of service <POS> | Ort {m} der Dienstleistung | |
| public open space <POS> | Platz {m} [öffentlicher Platz] | |
| RadioTV citizen radio | lokales Radio {n} | |
| digital radio | digitales Radio {n} | |
| portable radio | tragbares Radio {n} | |
| journ. RadioTV radio journalism | Radio-Journalismus {m} | |
| RadioTV VHF radio | UKW-Radio {n} | |
| med. polycystic ovary syndrome <PCOS, POS> | polyzystisches Ovarsyndrom {n} <PZOS, PZO-Syndrom> | |
| educ. hist. ten-class general educational polytechnic secondary school | (zehnklassige allgemeinbildende) polytechnische Oberschule {f} <POS> [DDR] | |
| telecom. citizens band radio <CB radio> | CB-Funk {m} | |
| biol. particulate organic matter <POM> | partikuläre organische Substanz {f} <POS, POM> | |
| anat. med. pharyngo-oesophageal sphincter <POS> [Br.] | oberer Ösophagussphinkter {m} <oÖS, OÖS> | |
| piece of shit <POS> [vulg.] | Stück {n} Scheiße [vulg.] | |
| film F Radio Days [Woody Allen] | Radio Days | |
| film F Talk Radio [Oliver Stone] | Talk Radio | |
| mus. first position <1st pos.> [on a string instrument] | erste Lage {f} <1. Lage> [bei einem Streichinstrument] | |
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More informationContains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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