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English-German translation for: Paar
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Dictionary English German: Paar

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NOUN1   das Paar | die Paare/[mit anderen Nomina] Paar [z. B. 2 Paar Stiefel, mehrere Paar Socken]
NOUN2   die Paar [Fluss] | -
SYNO   Duo | Gespann [ugs.] | Liebespaar ... 
couple [treated as sg. or pl.]
Paar {n}
Paar {n}
Paar {n}
Paar {n}
Paar {n}
geogr. Paar (River)Paar {f} [rechter Nebenfluss der Donau]
2 Words: Others
as a couple {adv}als Paar
some {pron}ein paar
a coupla [coll.] [a couple of]ein paar
a fewein paar
a couple ofein paar
a sprinkling ofein paar [fig.]
2 Words: Nouns
phys. BCS pair [Cooper pair]Cooper-Paar {n}
phys. Cooper pairCooper-Paar {n}
a pair of sth.ein Paar {n} etw.Nom. [z. B. Schuhe]
open-minded couplefreizügiges Paar {n}
chem. Frenkel pairFrenkel-Paar {n}
math. ordered pairgeordnetes Paar {n}
same-sex couplegleichgeschlechtliches Paar {n}
happy coupleglückliches Paar {n}
happy pairglückliches Paar {n}
handsome couplegutaussehendes Paar {n}
good matchgutes Paar {n}
biol. homologous pairhomologes Paar {n}
young pairjunges Paar {n}
newly married couplejungverheiratetes Paar {n}
newly married coupleneuverheiratetes Paar {n}
pair of newlywedsneuverheiratetes Paar {n}
cloth. pair of glovesPaar {n} Handschuhe
agr. yoke of oxenPaar {n} Ochsen [Gespann]
pair of earringsPaar {n} Ohrringe
cloth. pair of shoesPaar {n} Schuhe
cloth. pair of socksPaar {n} Socken
cloth. pair of bootsPaar {n} Stiefel
cloth. pair of stockingsPaar {n} Strümpfe
shoestring [Am.] [coll.]paar Groschen {pl} [wenig Geld]
nice couple [amiable]sympathisches Paar {n}
electr. Sziklai pairSziklai-Paar {n}
ill-assorted coupleungleiches Paar {n}
unlikely coupleungleiches Paar {n} [Personen]
married coupleverheiratetes Paar {n}
engaged coupleverlobtes Paar {n}
matching pairzusammengehöriges Paar {n}
match [of a pair]zusammenpassendes Paar {n}
extra pairzusätzliches Paar {n}
3 Words: Others
every few hours {adv}alle paar Stunden
a couple (of) times {adv}ein paar Mal
on a handful of occasions {adv}ein paar Male
a few more {pron}ein paar mehr
a few minutes {adv} {noun}ein paar Minütchen {pl} [ugs.]
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