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English-German translation for: Pair
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Dictionary English German: Pair

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NOUN   a pair | pairs/pair
VERB  to pair | paired | paired ... 
SYNO   to couple | to pair | to pair off ... 
to pair
comp. to pair sth.
etw.Akk. koppeln
to pairsich paaren
Paar {n}
aviat. mil. naut. pair [of planes or ships operating together]
Rotte {f} [zwei gemeinsam operierende Flugzeuge oder Schiffe]
Duo {n}
games zool. pair
Pärchen {n}
pair [one member of a matching pair, esp. of shoes, gloves]der Andere {m} [der zweite Teil von einem Paar Schuhe, Socken usw.]
2 Words: Verbs
to pair offpaarweise gehen
to pair up [to work for a specific purpose or goal]sich zusammentun [zu einem bestimmten Zweck mit jdm. verbinden]
to pair with sb./sth.sich mit jdm./etw. paaren
sports to pair-skatepaarlaufen
2 Words: Nouns
phys. (pair) annihilationPaarvernichtung {f}
phys. (pair) annihilationPaarzerstrahlung {f}
ling. adjacency pairAdjazenzpaar {n}
au pairAu-pair {n}
au pairAu-pair-Mädchen {n}
biol. base pair <bp>Basenpaar {n} <BP>
phys. BCS pair [Cooper pair]Cooper-Paar {n}
games bishop pair [chess]Läuferpaar {n} [Schach]
mus. Blumlein pair [is the name of a stereo recording technique invented by Alan Blumlein]Blumlein-Stereosystem {n}
bound pairGrenzpaar {n}
orn. breeding pair <bp, BP>Brutpaar {n} <BP>
bridal pairBrautpaar {n}
bridal pairHochzeitspaar {n}
tech. cable pairKabelpaar {n}
biochem. chlorophyll pairChlorophyllpaar {n} [auch: Chlorophyll-Paar]
biol. chromosome pairChromosomenpaar {n}
conceptual pairBegriffspaar {n}
rhet. contrasting pairkontrastierende Gegenüberstellung {f}
phys. Cooper pairCooper-Paar {n}
curr. currency pairWährungspaar {n}
phys. electron pairElektronenpaar {n}
extra pairzusätzliches Paar {n}
chem. Frenkel pairFrenkel-Paar {n}
biol. ganglion pairGanglionpaar {n}
tech. gear pairZahnradpaar {n}
biochem. gene pairGenpaar {n}
glamour pairGlamourpaar {n}
philat. gutter pairZwischenstegpaar {n}
happy pairglückliches Paar {n}
biol. homologous pairhomologes Paar {n}
chem. phys. ion pairIonenpaar {n}
comp. key pairSchlüsselpaar {n}
language pairSprachpaar {n}
MedTech. phys. line pair <LP, lp>Linienpaar {n} <LP>
matching pairzusammengehöriges Paar {n}
biochem. membrane pairMembranpaar {n}
ling. minimal pairMinimalpaar {n}
anat. muscle pairMuskelpaar {n}
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Q 2022-07-25: Copy translation pair into a third language
A 2021-07-06: True. Just added pair for Stellvertretungszentrale
A 2020-02-14: This pair of sentences also makes an appearance:
Q 2018-10-27: (pair of) compasses
Q 2018-10-22: Zirkel - compass/pair of compasses British v. US usage
A 2018-10-04: erster Teil: My interpretation is that this means that no substantive chan...
A 2018-09-30: @polarjud: Several of my recent delete votes have resulted in substantive ...
A 2018-09-29: Having half a legitimate pair is no pair at all
A 2018-08-24: I'm not happy with this pair either.
Q 2016-12-16: caught like a pair of dogs
Q 2016-08-11: GL: Don't use reopen or undelete to create a different translation pair.
A 2016-02-25: What is a new pair for purposes of undelete votes?
A 2015-12-16: @geo: "Classing" whole translations VS. "tagging" (=specifying, disambigua...
Q 2015-11-15: each of the pair of brackets (aus einem Patent)
A 2015-10-10: a pair of socks - ein Paar Socken
A 2015-04-14: Also - a pair of glasses (plural) = eine Brille (singular)
A 2015-03-19: Bei Schuhen ist a couple kein pair.
A 2015-03-19: I think you are right that this pair might be misleading.
A 2014-10-27: About time we started resuscitating the pair in nautical usage
A 2014-04-29: I reportedly owned a pair of skies as a kid.

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