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English-German translation for: Paradoxon
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Dictionary English German: Paradoxon

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NOUN   das Paradoxon | die Paradoxa
SYNO   Antinomie | Paradox | Paradoxon ... 
paradox [a seemingly contradictory statement that might be true] [a self-contradictory statement that at first seems true]
Paradoxon {n} [geh.] [Widerspruch in sich selbst]
paradox [a seemingly contradictory statement that upon closer analysis leads to a deeper truth]
Paradoxon {n} [geh.] [scheinbar unsinnige, falsche Behauptung, die aber bei genauerer Analyse auf eine höhere Wahrheit hinweist]
2 Words: Nouns
phys. aerodynamic paradoxaerodynamisches Paradoxon {n}
Alabama paradoxAlabama-Paradoxon {n}
econ. math. Allais paradoxAllais-Paradoxon {n}
econ. Arrow's paradoxArrow-Paradoxon {n}
math. barber paradoxBarbier-Paradoxon {n}
math. Berry paradoxBerry-Paradoxon {n}
math. Bertrand paradoxBertrand-Paradoxon {n}
admin. math. traffic Braess' / Braess's paradoxBraess-Paradoxon {n}
math. Chainstore paradoxChainstore-Paradoxon {n}
Condorcet's paradoxCondorcet-Paradoxon {n}
math. philos. Curry's paradoxCurrys Paradoxon {n}
phys. d'Alembert's paradoxd'Alembert'sches Paradoxon {n}
phys. d'Alembert's paradoxd'alembertsches Paradoxon {n}
biol. Darwin's paradoxdarwinsches Paradoxon {n}
math. philos. dichotomy paradoxDichotomie-Paradoxon {n}
Ehrenfest paradoxEhrenfest'sches Paradoxon {n}
Ehrenfest paradoxEhrenfestsches Paradoxon {n} [alt]
math. Ellsberg paradoxEllsberg-Paradoxon {n}
EPR paradoxEPR-Paradoxon {n}
phys. Faraday paradoxFaraday'sches Paradoxon {n}
phys. Faraday's paradoxFaraday'sches Paradoxon {n}
phys. Faraday paradoxfaradaysches Paradoxon {n}
phys. Faraday's paradoxfaradaysches Paradoxon {n}
phys. Faraday paradoxFaradaysches Paradoxon {n} [alt]
phys. Faraday's paradoxFaradaysches Paradoxon {n} [alt]
Fermi / Fermi's paradoxFermi-Paradoxon {n}
Gibbs paradoxGibbs'sches Paradoxon {n}
Gibbs paradoxGibbssches Paradoxon {n} [alt]
econ. Giffen paradoxGiffen-Paradoxon {n}
biol. Gray's paradoxGray'sches Paradoxon {n}
biol. Gray's paradoxGraysches Paradoxon {n} [alt]
phys. hydrodynamic paradoxhydrodynamisches Paradoxon {n}
phys. hydrostatic paradox [Pascal's paradox]hydrostatisches Paradoxon {n}
Jevons paradoxJevons' Paradoxon {n}
Leontief paradoxLeontief-Paradoxon {n}
med. Lombard's paradoxLombard-Paradoxon {n}
astron. phys. Olbers' paradoxonOlbers'sches Paradoxon {n}
astron. phys. Olbers' paradoxonolberssches Paradoxon {n}
astron. phys. Olbers' paradoxonOlberssches Paradoxon {n} [alt]
phys. Pascal's paradoxPascal'sches Paradoxon {n}
phys. Pascal's paradoxpascalsches Paradoxon {n}
econ. sociol. Sen paradox [also: Sen's paradox]Sen-Paradoxon {n} [Paradoxon des Liberalismus]
math. Simpson's paradoxSimpson-Paradoxon {n}
Simpson's paradoxSimpson'sches Paradoxon {n}
Simpson's / Simpson paradox [also Yule-Simpson effect]simpsonsches Paradoxon {n}
3 Words: Nouns
math. Banach-Tarski paradoxBanach-Tarski-Paradoxon {n}
math. philos. Burali-Forti paradoxBurali-Forti-Paradoxon {n}
math. interesting number paradoxInteressante-Zahlen-Paradoxon {n} [Paradoxon der interessanten Zahlen]
Epimenides paradoxParadoxon {n} des Epimenides
econ. sociol. liberal paradoxParadoxon {n} des Liberalismus
4 Words: Nouns
Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox <EPR paradox>Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen-Paradoxon {n} <EPR-Paradoxon>
hist. philos. paradox of the flying arrowParadoxon {n} des fliegenden Pfeils
5+ Words: Nouns
astron. faint young Sun paradoxParadoxon {n} der schwachen jungen Sonne
philos. paradox of Achilles and the tortoiseParadoxon {n} von Achilles und der Schildkröte
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A 2010-01-31: Es ist ein gewolltes Paradoxon.
A 2006-03-15: Auslandssemester im Inland - das ist ein paradoxon

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Ähnliche Begriffe
paradoxer Schlaf
Paradoxie des Haufens
• Paradoxon
Paradoxon des Epimenides
Paradoxon des Liberalismus

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