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English-German translation for: Parcel
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Dictionary English German: Parcel

Translation 1 - 50 of 111  >>

English German
NOUN   a parcel | parcels
VERB  to parcel | parcelled/parceled | parcelled/parceled [Br.+Am./Am. only] ... 
SYNO   parcel | parcel of land ... 
parcel {adv} [archaic]
parcel {adv} [archaic]
halb- [zum Teil]
RealEst. to parcel [land]
Paket {n} [Post]
Päckchen {n}
RealEst. parcel [of land]
Grundstück {n}
RealEst. parcel [of land]
Parzelle {f}
parcel [coll.] [dog poop etc.]
Haufen {m} [ugs.] [Hundehaufen etc.]
parcel [lot, quantity]
Stück {n}
comm. parcel [batch]
Partie {f} [Posten]
spec. parcel [package]
Packstück {n}
transp. parcel
Kollo {n} [Frachtstück]
2 Words: Others
parcel-learned {adj}halbgebildet [teilgebildet]
2 Words: Verbs
to parcel outaufteilen
to parcel outaussondern
to parcel outin kleineren Größen abpacken
to parcel sth. outetw.Akk. zerstückeln [Land]
2 Words: Nouns
(small) parcelPackerl {n} [österr.]
abandoned parcelnicht abgeholtes Paket {n}
meteo. air parcelLuftpaket {n}
air parcelLuftpostpaket {n}
bulky parcelsperriges Paket {n}
Christmas parcelWeihnachtspäckchen {n}
compact parcelkleines Paket {n}
express parcelEilpaket {n}
food parcelEsspaket {n}
food parcelFresspaket {n} [ugs.]
food parcelLebensmittelpaket {n}
gift parcelGeschenkpaket {n}
gift parcelGeschenksendung {f}
insured parcelWertpaket {n}
agr. RealEst. land parcelFlurstück {n}
parcel addressPaketadresse {f}
parcel bombPaketbombe {f}
parcel box [lockable box for parcel deliveries]Paketkasten {m}
parcel counterPaketannahme {f} [Schalter]
parcel counterPaketschalter {m}
parcel deliveryPaketauslieferung {f}
parcel deliveryPaketzustellung {f}
jobs parcel deliverymanPaketzusteller {m}
transp. parcel forwardingPaketweiterleitung {f}
parcel labelPaketschein {m}
parcel numberPaketnummer {f}
parcel postPaketpost {f}
transp. parcel redirectionPaketumleitung {f}
rail parcel room [obs.]Gepäckaufbewahrung {f} [Stelle, Schalter]
parcel scalesPaketwaage {f}
parcel servicePaketdienst {m}
jobs parcel service [enterprise]Paketzusteller {m} [Paketdienst]
parcel shipmentPaketversand {m}
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A 2019-03-15: Did you receive the parcel? - Yes (No), I have (not) received the parcel
A 2017-06-13: bei Aktien: to acquire / purchase a block / parcel (of shares)
A 2017-03-22: Does +spherical+ [query: parcel of sphericals] in any way indicate or rela...
A 2015-03-18: Each individual parcel has a weight, not an average weight.
A 2015-01-23: Usually parcel shelf -
A 2013-03-14: plot, parcel, land - alle diese Begriffe werden im Zusammenhang mit "subdi...
A 2013-03-14: parcel - paar mehr Beispiele ..... und Verb parcel out ..... ht...
A 2013-03-14: Parcel is used for land - http://oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english...
A 2012-11-30: included in (delivery/ notebook/ parcel/ ...)
A 2012-11-16: Does the package/parcel have / need to be sent?
A 2012-05-02: Heflamoke: No need to be disgusted, really. Noun-to-verb and verb-to-noun ...
Q 2011-07-22: Does he means he has received the parcel? (Context, delivery) What does th...
A 2010-06-08: Pass sounds like you don't keep it, like pass the parcel - which is what I...
A 2010-06-05: Pass the Parcel (game)
A 2010-06-05: Pass the Parcel
Q 2010-06-05: Pass the Parcel (game)
A 2009-12-06: Erring majorities are part and parcel of living democracies. You cannot ab...
A 2009-08-25: wohl besser "representation of interest", aber dann wird die ganze part-an...
A 2009-04-05: A telephone survey of clients of an international parcel service to ascert...
A 2009-03-20: auch http://images.google.co.uk/images?hl=en&ei=RtjDSd-oGNzFjAfY5cmKCw&re...

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