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English-German translation for: Payoff-Matrix
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Dictionary English German: Payoff Matrix

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NOUN   die Payoff-Matrix | die Payoff-Matrizen/Payoff-Matrizes
econ. spec. payoff matrixPayoff-Matrix {f}
econ. payoff matrixAuszahlmatrix {f}
Partial Matches
math. transposed matrix [transpose of a matrix]gespiegelte Matrix {f}
econ. ind. responsibility assignment matrix <RAM> [RACI]RACI-Matrix {f} [Projektmanagement]
material metal matrix composite <MMC> materialMetall-Matrix-Verbundwerkstoff {m}
math. square root of a matrixQuadratwurzel {f} einer Matrix
math. Kirchhoff's matrix tree theoremMatrix-Gerüst-Satz {m} [Satz von Kirchhoff]
biol. dent. functional matrix hypothesisHypothese {f} der funktionellen Matrix
QM matrix data analysis <MDA>Matrix-Daten-Analyse {f}
math. trace of a matrixSpur {f} einer Matrix
math. doubly stochastic matrixdoppelt-stochastische Matrix {f}
math. special orthogonal matrixspezielle orthogonale Matrix {f}
math. transpose of a matrixtransponierte Matrix {f}
math. bistochastic matrixdoppelt-stochastische Matrix {f}
math. Hessian matrixHesse'sche Matrix {f}
math. Hessian matrixHessesche Matrix {f} [alt]
math. Jacobian matrixJacobi-Matrix {f} [Funktionalmatrix]
math. matrix exponential functionMatrix-Exponentialfunktion {f}
fin. payoffAusgleichsbetrag {m}
fin. payoffAusgleichszahlung {f}
payoffSchmiergeld {n} [ugs.]
payoff [coll.]Ergebnis {n}
payoff [coll.]Lohn {m} [fig.]
econ. payoff timeAmortisationsdauer {f} [Amortisationsrechnung]
biol. acrosomal matrixakrosomale Matrix {f}
math. adjoint matrixadjungierte Matrix {f}
augmented matrixerweiterte Matrix {f}
math. characteristic matrixcharakteristische Matrix {f}
math. complementary matrixkomplementäre Matrix {f}
biol. cytoplasmic matrixzytoplasmatische Matrix {f}
biol. extrahaustorial matrixextrahaustoriale Matrix {f}
math. Hessian matrixHesse-Matrix {f}
math. Hessian matrixhessesche Matrix {f}
biochem. interstitial matrixinterstitielle Matrix {f}
math. invertible matrixinvertierbare Matrix {f}
optics Mueller matrixMüller-Matrix {f}
math. orthogonal matrixorthogonale Matrix {f}
biol. peroxisomal matrixperoxisomale Matrix {f}
math. polynomial matrixpolynomiale Matrix {f}
math. reciprocal matrixreziproke Matrix {f}
math. rectangular matrixrechteckige Matrix {f}
math. semisimple matrixhalbeinfache Matrix {f}
engin. math. phys. sparse matrixdünnbesetzte Matrix {f}
math. square matrixquadratische Matrix {f}
anat. subendothelial matrixsubendotheliale Matrix {f}
math. symmetric matrixsymmetrische Matrix {f}
math. transposed matrixtransponierte Matrix {f}
math. phys. unitary matrixunitäre Matrix {f}
math. transposed matrix [transpose of a matrix]gestürzte Matrix {f} [transponierte Matrix]
econ. ind. RACI matrix [Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed]RACI-Matrix {f} [Projektmanagement]
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