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English-German translation for: Pb-free labels
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Dictionary English German: Pb free labels

Translation 1 - 50 of 1567  >>

lead-free labels <Pb-free labels>Bleifrei-Aufkleber {pl}
Partial Matches
biol. med. propionibacteria <PB, Pb> [also: Propioni bacteria, propioni bacteria]Propionibakterien {pl} [auch: Propioni-Bakterien] [Propionsäurebakterien]
labelsAnschriften {pl}
labelsEtiketten {pl}
MedTech. tech. labelsKennschilder {pl}
cloth. market. fashion labelsModelabels {pl}
FoodInd. gastr. freezer labelsTiefkühletiketten {pl}
jewellery labelsJuwelieretiketten {pl}
magnetic labelsMagnetstreifen {pl}
saddle labelsSatteletiketten {pl}
tech. warning labelsWarnschilder {pl}
libr. publ. paperback {adj} <pb.>kartoniert <kart.>
chem. material mineral. lead <Pb>Blei {n} <Pb>
comp. unit petabyte <PB>Petabyte {n} <PB>
chem. plumbum <Pb>Blei {n} <Pb>
chem. plumbum <Pb>Plumbum {n} <Pb> [Blei]
sb. labels sth.jd. zeichnet etw. aus
self-adhesive labelsSelbstklebeetiketten {pl}
tech. set of labelsSchildersatz {m}
comp. parameter block <PB>Parameterblock {m} [auch: Parameter-Block]
acad. biol. pharm. pharmaceutical biology <PB>pharmazeutische Biologie {f} <PB>
acad. biotech. pharm. pharmaceutical biotechnology <PB>pharmazeutische Biotechnologie {f}
RadioTV F PB&J OtterPB&J OtterDie Rasselbande vom Hoohaw-See
preprinted peel-off labelsvorgedruckte Abziehetiketten {pl}
med. pharm. anesthesia drug syringe labels [Am.]Spritzenetiketten {pl}
anat. primary bronchus <PB> [Bronchus principalis]Hauptbronchus {m} <HB>
anat. primary bronchus <PB> [Bronchus principalis]Primärbronchus {m}
anat. primary bronchus <PB> [Bronchus principalis]Stammbronchus {m}
mineral. piemontite-(Pb) [CaPbAl2Mn [Si2O7] [SiO4]O(OH)]Piemontit-(Pb) {m}
ind. QM design principles for product safety labels [ISO 3864]Gestaltungsgrundlagen {pl} für Sicherheitsschilder zur Anwendung auf Produkten [DIN ISO 3864]
gastr. peanut butter and jelly sandwich <PBJ, PB&J> [Am.] [Can.]Erdnussbutter-Marmelade-Sandwich {n} {m}
tech. horizontal-vertical position <PB/2F, PC/2G> [welding position acc. to EN ISO 6947 and ASME code]Querposition {f} <PB/2F, PC/2G> [Schweißposition nach DIN EN ISO 6947 und ASME-Code]
mineral. epidote-(Pb) [(Pb,Ca,Sr)2(Al,Fe)3(SiO4)3(OH)]Epidot-(Pb) {m} [Hancockit]
biochem. free triiodothyronine <free T3, fT3>freies Triiodthyronin {n} <freies T3, fT3> [fachspr.]
free {adj}franko [verfügbar]
free {adj}frei
free {adj}leer
free {adj}unbelegt
free {adj}unbesetzt
free {adj}ungebunden
free {adj} [available]abkömmlich
free {adj} [independent]unabhängig
free {adj} [movable]beweglich
free {adj} [unrestrained]uneingeschränkt
accent-free {adj}akzentfrei
accent-free {adj}akzentlos
accident-free {adj}unfallfrei
acetone-free {adj}acetonfrei
chem. print acid-free {adj}säurefrei
publ. ad-free {adj}anzeigenfrei
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