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English-German translation for: Penfield-Schema
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Dictionary English German: Penfield Schema

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biol. math. Penfield's homunculus [sensorimotor cortical homunculus]Penfield-Schema {n} [auch: Jasper-Penfield-Schema]
Partial Matches
comp. Internet tech. XML schemaXML-Schema {n} <XSD>
schemaSchema {n}
diagramSchema {n}
formulaSchema {n}
modelSchema {n}
patternSchema {n}
scheduleSchema {n}
schemaDatenbankschema {n}
sketchSchema {n}
spec. schema-guided {adj}schemageleitet
philos. axiom schemaAxiomenschema {n}
geogr. spec. tech. basic schemaBasisschema {n}
classification schemaKlassifikationsschema {n}
acad. ling. philos. conceptual schemaBegriffsschema {n}
comp. data schemaDatenschema {n}
comp. database schemaDatenbankschema {n}
psych. schema therapySchematherapie {f}
psych. self-schemaSelbstschema {n}
conceptual schemekonzeptuelles Schema {n}
med. Paris schemePariser Schema {n}
psych. schema of childlike characteristicsKindchenschema {n}
scheme [table of classification, outline]Schema {n}
comp. conceptual schema <CS>semantisches Datenmodell {n} <SDM>
fallout patternSchema {n} des voraussichtlichen Niederschlagsgebietes
tech. schematic viewSchema {n} [ugs.] [schematische Darstellung]
text-book {adj} [operation]nach Schema F [Ablaufendes]
reasoning schema [strategy for reasoning]Argumentationsschema {n} [Argumentationsstrategie]
by (the) numbers {adv}nach Schema F [pej.]
to go off patnach Schema F gehen
to follow a patterneinem (regelmäßigen) Muster / Schema folgen
according to the book {adv}nach Schema F [pej.]
in the usual way {adv}nach Schema F [ugs.]
cookie-cutter approach [Am.] [often pej.]Schema F {n} [ugs.]
to follow the usual patternnach dem üblichen Schema verlaufen
to go through the motions [idiom]nach Schema F vorgehen [Redewendung]
cloth. relig. spec. schema [monastic habit of the Orthodox monks]Schima {n} [Mönchsgewand der Ostkirche]
distinct pattern [e.g. of crimes]bestimmtes Schema {n} [z. B. bei Verbrechen]
to run things by the book [idiom]strikt nach Schema F verfahren [pej.] [Redewendung]
med. Arneth's formulaArneth-Schema {n} [Arneth-Leukozyten-Schema]
med. Apgar scheme [rare] [Apgar score]Apgar-Schema {n}
to use a cookie-cutter approach [Am.] [fig.]zu Schema F greifen [fig.]
med. CHOP scheme [chemotherapy with cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, and prednisone]CHOP-Schema {n} [Abk. für ein Chemotherapie-Schema]
med. ABC of resuscitationABC-Schema {n}
math. Horner algorithmHorner-Schema {n}
math. Horner schemeHorner-Schema {n}
market. Ponzi schemePonzi-Schema {n}
biol. zigzag scheme <Z-scheme>Zickzackschema {n} <Z-Schema>
tech. process and instrumentation diagram <P&ID>Rohrleitungs- und Instrumentenfließschema {n} <R&I-Fließschema, R+I-Fließschema, R&I-Schema, R&I-Diagramm, R+I-Fließbild>
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