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English-German translation for: People
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Dictionary English German: People

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NOUN1   a person | persons/people
NOUN2   - | people [in general, plural only; »ordinary people« also with »the«]
NOUN3   - | people/peoples [the people who belong to a particular country, race, or area; countable; always with plural verb]
VERB  to people | peopled | peopled ... 
SYNO   citizenry | people | hoi polloi ... 
people {pron} [with plural verb]
man [mit Verb im Singular]
people's {adj} [attr.]
Volks- [Volksrepublik etc.]
to people [continent etc.; also fig. dream, demimonde, etc.]
bevölkern [Kontinent etc; a. fig. Traum, Halbwelt etc.]
to people [continent, planet, large area, etc.]
besiedeln [Kontinent, Planet, großes Gebiet etc.]
Leute {pl}
Menschen {pl}
people3 [nation, ethnic group]
Volk {n}
Personen {pl}
people2 [population]
Einwohner {pl}
Leut {pl} [ugs.] [österr.] [südd.] [Leute]
Völkerschaft {f}
Leit {pl} [österr.] [bayer.] [Leute]
people [dated] [one's people, family]
Familie {f} [Eltern und Verwandte]
the people {pl}das Volk {n}
2 Words: Others
among people {adv}unter Leuten
between people {adj} [postpos.]zwischenmenschlich
people-oriented {adj}benutzerorientiert
some people {pron}manche [manche Menschen, einige Leute]
That's people.So sind die Menschen.
2 Words: Verbs
to panhandle (people) [Am.] [coll.]die Leute anhauen [ugs.] [anbetteln] [bes. auf der Straße]
2 Words: Nouns
(people) traffickerSchleuser {m} [Menschenhändler]
a peopleein Volk {n}
ethn. Abenaki (people)Abenaki {pl}
ethn. aboriginal people [treated as sg. or pl.]Urvolk {n}
ethn. Aché (people)Aché {pl} [Ethnie]
ethn. Adyghe people {pl}Adyghen {pl}
aesthetic peopleschönheitlich empfindende Leute {pl}
affected peopleBetroffene {pl}
agricultural peopleBauersleute {pl}
ethn. Aguaruna (people)Aguaruna {pl}
ethn. Akan peopleAkan {pl}
ethn. Akha (people) {pl}Aka {pl} [Akha]
ethn. Akha (people) {pl}Akha {pl}
ethn. Aleut peopleAleuten {pl}
all peoplealle Leute {pl}
all people {pl}jeder Einzelne {m}
Amri people [Sudan]Amri {pl}
any peoplealle Leute {pl}
ethn. Aricara (people) {pl} [spv.]Arikara {pl}
ethn. Arikara (people) {pl}Arikara {pl}
ethn. Arikara (people) {pl}Arikaree {pl}
ethn. Arikara (people) {pl}Ree {pl} [Arikaree, Arikara]
insur. assured (people)Versicherte {pl}
backward peopleunterentwickeltes Volk {n}
ethn. Bakiga (people) {pl}Bakiga {pl}
ethn. Bambara (people)Bambara {pl}
belligerent peoplekriegerisches Volk {n}
bereaved (people)Hinterbliebene {pl}
blind peopleBlinde {pl}
naut. sociol. boat peopleBoatpeople {pl}
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A 2024-01-05: when dealing with / handling youths / young people (of sb. of a differen...
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A 2023-04-08: Because people are far more likely to vote along with a change if the pers...
Q 2023-03-31: people down the back
A 2023-03-29: Please, people, you can discuss the "trans issue" but please mark it as CH...
A 2022-11-28: short people ...
A 2022-11-10: PS: Differentiation between AE and BE is neither here nor there for people...
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Q 2021-12-07: Volkgerichtshof / People's Court
A 2021-11-07: Putting candles on graves isn't a tradition in the UK, people tend to put ...
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Q 2021-05-23: People analytics
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A 2020-12-06: Package holidays are protected, as lots of people have found out this year ;-)
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