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English-German translation for: Person aus Salt Lake City
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Dictionary English German: Person aus Salt Lake City

Translation 1 - 50 of 4662  >>

Salt LakerPerson {f} aus Salt Lake City [USA]
Partial Matches
geogr. Salt Lake [coll.] [Salt Lake City]Salt Lake City {n}
geogr. Salt Lake City <SLC>Salt Lake City {n}
geogr. Oklahoma Cityan {adj} [from Oklahoma City (USA)]aus Oklahoma City [nachgestellt]
AberdonianPerson {f} aus Aberdeen
AtlantanPerson {f} aus Atlanta
AucklanderPerson {f} aus Auckland
BangkokianPerson {f} aus Bangkok
BelfastianPerson {f} aus Belfast
BrooklynerPerson {f} aus Brooklyn
BrooklynitePerson {f} aus Brooklyn
CantabrigianPerson {f} aus Cambridge
CincinnatianPerson {f} aus Cincinnati
DallasitePerson {f} aus Dallas
IndianapolitanPerson {f} aus Indianapolis
IstanbulitePerson {f} aus Istanbul
LeodensianPerson {f} aus Leeds
ManhattanitePerson {f} aus Manhattan
MemphianPerson {f} aus Memphis
MontrealerPerson {f} aus Montreal
NashvillianPerson {f} aus Nashville
NorthumbrianPerson {f} aus Northumberland
OxonianPerson {f} aus Oxford
PekinesePerson {f} aus Peking
PortlanderPerson {f} aus Portland
SeoulitePerson {f} aus Seoul
SydneysiderPerson {f} aus Sydney
VancouveritePerson {f} aus Vancouver
tike [Br.] [coll.] [spv.]Person {f} aus Yorkshire
tyke [Br.] [coll.]Person {f} aus Yorkshire
AustinitePerson {f} aus Austin [Texas]
PhoenixerPerson {f} aus Phoenix [USA]
New OrleanianPerson {f} aus New Orleans
San DieganPerson {f} aus San Diego
San FranciscanPerson {f} aus San Francisco
Yinzer [coll.]Person {f} aus Pittsburgh [Pennsylvania, USA]
QueensitePerson {f} aus Queens [New York]
to make out a personaus einer Person schlau werden
PhoenicianPerson aus Phoenix [Arizona, USA] [nachgestellt]
to make a respectable person of sb.aus jdm. eine respektable Person machen
BronxerPerson {f} aus der Bronx [New York City]
BronxitePerson {f} aus der Bronx [New York City]
Staten IslanderPerson {f} aus Staten Island [New York City]
electr. photo. salt-and-pepper noise <SPN>Salt-and-Pepper-Rauschen {n}
film F Salt and FireSalt and Fire [Werner Herzog]
FoodInd. gastr. brineLake {f}
geogr. Lake District [NW England]Lake District {m}
geogr. Lakeland [Lake District] [NW England]Lake District {m}
geogr. Lake TahoeLake Tahoe {m}
geogr. Lake Washington [USA]Lake Washington {m}
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