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English-German translation for: Personal-Computer
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Dictionary English German: Personal Computer

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NOUN   a personal computer | personal computers
SYNO   PC | microcomputer | personal computer
NOUN   der Personal-Computer | die Personal-Computer
SYNO   Kiste [ugs.] | PC | Personal Computer ... 
personal computer expenditurespersönliche Ausgaben {pl} für Computer-Bedarf
personal computer expenditurespersönlicher Computer-Aufwand {m}
comp. personal computerPrivatcomputer {m}
comp. personal computer <PC>Personal Computer {m} <PC>
comp. personal computer <PC>Personal-Computer {m} <PC>
comp. jobs computer personnelEDV-Personal {n}
personal computer <PC>Arbeitsplatzcomputer {m}
comp. personal computer <PC>Arbeitsplatzrechner {m}
comp. personal computer <PC>persönlicher Rechner {m}
Partial Matches
to be computer-illiteratemit dem Computer nicht umgehen können
comp. to be computer-literateauf dem Computer fit sein [ugs.]
comp. to hack into a computersich in einen Computer einhacken
comp. educ. computer and communications engineering <CCE>Computer- und Kommunikationstechnik {f} <CuK>
European Computer Driving Licence <ECDL> [Br.]Europäischer Computer-Führerschein {m}
to be computer literatemit dem Computer umgehen können
to put sth. on computeretw. im Computer speichern
computer-intensive technologyVerfahren {n} mit intensivem Computer-Einsatz
connected to a computeran einen Computer angeschlossen
access to computer facilitiesZugang {m} zu Computer-Diensten
computer-linked information screensan Computer angeschlossene Informationstafeln {pl}
in front of the computer {adv}vor dem Computer
in front of the computer {adv}vorm Computer [ugs.]
to work at a / the computeram Computer arbeiten
to work on a / the computeram Computer arbeiten
brain-computer interface <BCI>Gehirn-Computer-Schnittstelle {f} [Gehirn-Computer-Interface]
comp. to feed data into a computerDaten in einen Computer einlesen
to have sth. on (the) computeretw. auf dem Rechner / Computer haben
comp. Can your computer do graphics?Ist Ihr / dein Computer grafikfähig? [veraltend]
comp. to feed data into a computereinen Computer mit Daten füttern [ugs.]
comp. human-computer interaction <HCI>Mensch-Computer-Interaktion {f}
comp. to boot (up) the computerden Computer hochfahren
comp. games to play on the computeram Computer spielen
comp. to set up a computereinen Computer einrichten [Betriebssystem etc. installieren und konfigurieren]
comp. It's all done by computer.Das geht alles per / über Computer.
comp. to feed a computer [input data, information]einen Computer füttern [bestimmte Daten, Angaben eingeben]
to set up a computereinen Computer aufsetzen [ugs.] [Betriebssystem etc. installieren und konfigurieren]
comp. The computer (has) hung up. [idiom]Der Computer hat sich aufgehängt. [ugs.] [Redewendung]
linked by computer {adj}durch Computer verbunden
comp. to boot a computereinen Computer hochfahren
aviat. flight management computer <FMC>Flugsteuer-Computer {m}
comp. real-time computer <RTC>Echtzeit-Computer {m}
comp. games computer role-playing gameComputer-Rollenspiel {n}
My computer is playing tricks on me again. [coll.]Mein Computer spielt mal wieder verrückt. [ugs.]
comp. computer-simulated {adj}vom Computer simuliert
computer emergency serviceComputer-Notdienst {m}
comp. computer forensic scienceComputer-Forensik {f}
comp. computer print-outComputer-Ausdruck {m}
comp. stored-program computerspeicherprogrammierter Computer {m}
psych. computer analogyComputer-Analogie {f}
comp. host (computer)übergeordneter Computer {m}
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A 2009-01-18: in front of the personal computer

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