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English-German translation for: Plans
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Dictionary English German: Plans

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NOUN   a plan | plans
VERB  to plan | planned | planned ... 
sb. plans
jd. plant
sb. plans
jd. disponiert
Pläne {pl}
constr. plans {pl} [e.g. architectural plans]Bauriss {m} [Zeichnung der Bauplanung (Bauzeichnung)]
2 Words: Verbs
to balk plans [esp. Am.]Pläne vereiteln
to block sb.'s plansjds. Pläne vereiteln
to draw plansPläne zeichnen
to forge plans [idiom]Pläne schmieden [Redewendung]
to frustrate sb.'s plansjds. Pläne vereiteln
to make plansplanen
to make plansPläne machen
to make plansPläne schmieden
idiom to thwart sb.'s plansjds. Pläne durchkreuzen
to thwart sb.'s plansjdm. einen Strich durch die Rechnung machen [Redewendung]
to upset plansPläne umwerfen
2 Words: Nouns
ambitious planshochfliegende Pläne {pl}
ambitious planshochstrebende Pläne {pl}
pol. annexation plansAnnexionspläne {pl}
econ. pol. austerity plansSparpläne {pl}
pol. austerity plansSparpolitik {f}
jobs career plansBerufspläne {pl}
archi. constr. construction plansBaupläne {pl}
definite planskonkrete Pläne {pl}
financial plansFinanzpläne {pl}
fiscal plansSteuerpläne {pl}
further plansweitere Pläne {pl}
future plans [plans for the future]Zukunftspläne {pl}
growth plansWachstumspläne {pl}
holiday plansUrlaubspläne {pl}
marriage plansHeiratsabsichten {pl}
econ. merger plansFusionspläne {pl}
mining mine plans {pl} [diagrams, maps, etc](bergmännisches) Risswerk {n}
furn. plans chest [Br.]Kartenschrank {m}
putsch plansPutschpläne {pl}
site plansLagepläne {pl}
specific planskonkrete Pläne {pl}
econ. takeover plansÜbernahmepläne {pl}
tax plansSteuerpläne {pl}
pol. terrorist plansTerrorpläne {pl} [auch: Terror-Pläne]
travel plansReisepläne {pl}
travel plansReisevorhaben {pl}
traveling plans [Am.]Reisepläne {pl}
travel travelling plansReisepläne {pl}
vacation plans [Am.]Urlaubspläne {pl}
war plansKriegspläne {pl}
wedding plansHochzeitspläne {pl}
Unverified zoning plansZonenpläne {pl}
3 Words: Others
under this scheme {adv}laut dieses Plans [selten]
3 Words: Verbs
to change one's plansumdisponieren
to change one's plansseine Pläne ändern
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A 2019-02-03: Clean eating https://www.fitnessmagazine.com/weight-loss/plans/diets/clean...
A 2017-06-14: To have plans for / to want to get hold of
A 2016-07-08: "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans."
Q 2016-02-27: The best made plans ...
Q 2015-11-13: setting out plans
Q 2015-01-29: fully funded health plans
Q 2015-01-20: What about David Cameron's plans to backdoor secure messaging services?
A 2014-12-11: plans
Q 2014-12-11: plans
Q 2014-11-05: brief overview of current practices and plans of OR from the major hotel c...
A 2013-07-23: Bauplan (Blaupause is slightly outdated, nobody works with ammonia vapour ...
A 2013-03-20: "to have so much in the works" mean to "have so many projects / plans / vi...
A 2012-03-19: A small change: xxx plans to remove *the* current generation in controll e...
A 2012-03-19: xxx plans to get rid of current generation in controll elements
A 2011-10-05: http://www.google.co.uk/webhp?hl=en#hl=en&cp=11&gs_id=6v&xhr=t&q=sector+pl...
A 2011-06-12: to fall short of one's plans
Q 2011-03-27: Text über Online-Schulungsprogramm - "Post-Secondary Preparation Plans" un...
A 2011-02-10: vielleicht eher plans, da es sich meistens um mehrere Zeichnungen/Pläne ha...
A 2010-11-01: It's a clever and slightly humorous reference to popular life insurance p...

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