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English-German translation for: Platform
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Dictionary English German: Platform

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NOUN   a platform | platforms
SYNO   platform | weapons platform | chopine ... 
to platform sth. [place on a platform, also fig.]etw. auf eine / die Plattform stellen [auch fig.]
rail platform
Bahnsteig {m}
rail platform [for boarding trains]
Gleis {n} [Bahnsteig]
Plattform {f}
Podium {n}
Podest {n}
Bühne {f} [Podium]
rail TrVocab. platform [raised structure beside a railway track where passengers embark and disembark at a station]
Steig {m} [kurz für: Bahnsteig]
rail platform
Perron {m} [auch {n}] [schweiz.] [sonst veraltet] [Bahnsteig]
Rampe {f}
automot. platform
Pritsche {f} [Ladefläche]
Tribüne {f} [Rednertribüne]
Laufsteg {m} [am Kran]
geol. platformDeckgebirge {n}
tech. platformPraktikabel {n} [zerlegbares Podest]
platformRednertribüne {f}
2 Words: Others
comp. cross-platform {adj}betriebssystemübergreifend
comp. cross-platform {adj}betriebssystemunabhängig
comp. cross-platform {adj}plattformübergreifend
comp. cross-platform {adj}plattformunabhängig
comp. multi-platform {adj}plattformunabhängig
comp. platform independent {adj}plattformunabhängig
comp. platform-agnostic {adj}plattformunabhängig
comp. platform-independent {adj}betriebssystemunabhängig
comp. tech. platform-specific {adj}plattformspezifisch
2 Words: Nouns
pol. (party) platformParteiprogramm {n}
geol. abrasion platformAbrasionsplatte {f}
geol. abrasion platformAbrasionsplattform {f}
Internet market. MedTech. acquisition platformAkquisitionsplattform {f}
tech. adjustment platformJustierschlitten {m}
comp. administration platformAdministrationsplattform {f}
automot. tech. aerial platformHubarbeitsbühne {f}
rail arrival platformAnkunftsbahnsteig {m}
rail arrival platformAnkunftsgleis {n}
auction platformAuktionsplattform {f}
auction platformVersteigerungsplattform {f}
rail bay platformKopfbahnsteig {m}
geogr. Bennett PlatformBennett-Ebene {f}
Internet booking platformBuchungsplattform {f}
transp. travel bus platformBussteig {m}
geol. carbonate platformKarbonatplattform {f}
carrier platformTrägerplattform {f}
QM certification platformZertifizierungsplattform {f}
pol. Civic Platform <PO> [political party in Poland]Bürgerplattform {f} <PO> [polnische Partei]
comp. code platformCodeplattform {f}
comp. code platformCode-Plattform {f}
idiom pol. common platformgemeinsame Plattform {f} [bei Wahlen]
telecom. communication platformKommunikationsplattform {f}
comp. computer platformRechnerplattform {f}
mus. concert platformKonzertpodium {n}
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A 2024-08-14: 4. Bahnsteigüberdachung – train platform canopy / train platform canopy roof
A 2022-04-27: https://www.ecosia.org/search?method=index&q=%22embedded+platform%22
A 2021-10-24: (religious) processional litter, processional carriage (platform)
A 2020-05-29: P2P lending platform or payment system?
A 2019-03-07: ... robs the public of a public platform. (?)
A 2016-11-19: Platform
Q 2016-11-04: "Recently Featured" relating to video platform
A 2014-12-04: platform as a double-deck framework,
A 2014-12-04: structural platform??? by any chance?
A 2014-03-20: to make the users access the platform easier and more often we provide ext...
A 2014-03-07: Launch of the German online platform/web presence/internet portal ...
Q 2013-05-25: content platform
A 2012-08-25: Take your pick. Walmart offers 156 platform beds.
A 2012-08-24: A platform bed in the U.S. is a bed frame with a solid surface like a table.
A 2012-08-24: danke Dracs. ja, es ist ein platform bed, so ist der allgemein uebliche Au...
A 2012-08-24: so it is a platform bed - thank you!
Q 2012-08-24: Wouldn't "Franzoesisches Bett" be a "platform bed" I wonder? Thanks for he...
A 2012-03-12: Good platform: http://www.onelook.com/
A 2012-01-15: 'Aspects' could refer to aspects found in a previous platform or program.
A 2011-09-25: I think I found it. "Platform"

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