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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: Playboy-Bunny
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Playboy-Bunny in other languages:

Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: Playboy Bunny

Translation 1 - 45 of 45


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NOUN   a Playboy Bunny | Playboy Bunnies
NOUN   das Playboy-Bunny | die Playboy-Bunnys
Playboy Bunny [also: Playboy bunny] [person or logo]Playboy-Bunny {n} [Person oder Logo]
Playboy Bunny [also: Playboy bunny] [person or logo]Playboy-Häschen {n} [Person oder Logo]
Partial Matches
bunny hopBunny Hop {m} [Sprung mit dem Fahrrad]
bunny lines [coll.]Bunny-Lines {pl} [ugs.] [Nasenrückenfältchen]
playboyPlayboy {m}
playboy setLebewelt {f}
playboyLebemann {m} [auch pej.]
bunnyHäschen {n}
bunnyHäslein {n}
bunnyHoppelhäschen {n}
zool. bunnyKaninchen {n}
bed bunnyBetthäschen {n}
boat bunnySchiffshäschen {n}
cloth. bunny suitHäschenkostüm {n}
gastr. chocolate bunnySchokoladenhase {m}
toys cuddly bunnyKuschelhase {m}
toys stuffed bunnyPlüschhase {m}
bunny ears [coll.]Hasenohren {pl}
bunny ears [coll.]Kaninchenohren {pl}
zool. bunny [coll.]Karnickel {n} [regional] [Kaninchen]
bunny (rabbit)Schlappohr {n} [hum.] [Kaninchen]
med. bunny hopping [neurology]Häschensprung {m} [Neurologie]
happy bunny [coll.]glücklicher Mensch {m}
snow bunny [coll.]Skihaserl {n} [ugs.]
bunny girls [sl.]Häschen {pl} [attraktive Mädchen]
dust bunny [Am.] [coll.]Wollmaus {f} [ugs.]
RadioTV F Untalkative BunnyDer Hase von nebenan
bunny (girl)Haserl {n} [südd.] [österr.] [attraktives Mädchen]
bunny girlsHaserl {pl} [südd.] [österr.] [attraktive Mädchen]
Easter bunny [Br.] [also: Easter Bunny]Osterhase {m}
ski bunnySkihase {m} [ugs.] [junge / attraktive Skifahrerin]
RadioTV F Swift Heart [Care Bears]Bunny Sauseherz [Glücksbärchis]
cloth. bunny hug [hoodie] [Can.] [chiefly in Saskatchewan]Kapuzenpullover {m}
(little) ski bunnySkihäschen {n} [ugs.] [junge / attraktive Skifahrerin]
RadioTV F The Girls Next DoorThe Girls Of The Playboy Mansion
zool. bunny [coll.] [child's term for a rabbit]Hase {m}
ski bunnySkihaserl {n} [südd.] [österr.] [ugs.] [junge / attraktive Skifahrerin]
(as) quick as a bunny {adj} [idiom](so) flink wie ein Wiesel [Redewendung]
Santa is not the Easter Bunny.Der Nikolaus ist nicht der Osterhase.
lit. theatre F The Playboy of the Western World [John Millington Synge]Der Held der westlichen Welt / Der Held des Westerlands / Ein wahrer Held / Gaukler von Mayo
jobs booth bunny [Am.] [coll.]Standhäschen {n} [ugs.] [selten] [attraktive Hostess für Messestand o. ä.]
bunny hill [gentle ski slope/piste reserved for children and beginners]Kinderhang {m} [Schihang]
jungle bunny [pej.] [racist] [black person]Dschungelaffe {m} [pej.] [rassistisch]
bunny-hugger [Br.] [pej.] [animal rights activist]Tierfreak {m} [pej.] [Tierschützer]
to become a bunny boiler [sl.][hysterisch darauf reagieren, dass ihr Freund mit ihr Schluss gemacht hat]
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