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English-German translation for: Poet
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Dictionary English German: Poet

Translation 1 - 73 of 73


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NOUN   a poet | poets
NOUN   der Poet | die Poeten
poetic {adj} <poet.>
poetisch <poet.>
poetical {adj} <poet.>
poetisch <poet.>
lit. poet
Dichter {m}
lit. poet
Poet {m}
lit. poet
Lyriker {m}
2 Words: Others
born poetzum Dichter geboren
2 Words: Nouns
hist. jobs lit. (poet) laureatePoeta laureatus {m} [Hofdichter]
lit. accursed poet [Poète maudit]verfemter Dichter {m} [Poète maudit]
hist. lit. baroque poetBarockdichter {m}
lit. Unverified Baroque poetBarocklyriker {m}
born poetgeborener Dichter {m}
lit. bucolic poetpastoraler Dichter {m}
lit. theatre comic poetKomödiendichter {m}
comic poetkomischer Poet {m}
lit. court poetHofdichter {m}
lit. dialect poetMundartdichter {m}
lit. elegiac poetElegiker {m}
lit. epic poetEpiker {m}
lit. favorite poet [Am.]Lieblingsdichter {m}
lit. favourite poet [Br.]Lieblingsdichter {m}
lit. folk poetVolksdichter {m}
lit. haiku poetHaikudichter {m}
lit. lyric poetLyrikautor {m}
lit. lyric poetLyriker {m}
lit. lyric poet [female]Lyrikerin {f}
lit. national poetNationaldichter {m}
lit. nature poetNaturdichter {m}
lit. obscure poet [hard to understand]schwer verständlicher Dichter {m}
obscure poet [unknown]unbekannter Dichter {m}
lit. occasional poetGelegenheitsdichter {m}
lit. pastoral poetBukoliker {m}
lit. peasant poetBauerndichter {m}
hist. poet friendDichterfreund {m}
lit. Poet Laureate [female] [United Kingdom](offizielle) Hofdichterin {f} [in Großbritannien]
Poet Laureate [male] [United Kingdom](offizieller) Hofdichter {m} [in Großbritannien]
hist. poet-musicianDichter {m} und Sänger
relig. lit. poet-saint [esp. in India]Dichterheiliger {m} [bes. in Indien]
poet's day [coll.] [hum.] [vulg.] [Br.] [POETS = Piss off early, tomorrow's Saturday.]Freitag {m}
lit. popular poetVolksdichter {m}
jobs lit. professional poetBerufsdichter {m}
lit. regional poetHeimatdichter {m}
hist. lit. Renaissance poetRenaissancedichter {m}
mus. rock poetRockbarde {m}
sublime poetgroßartiger Dichter {m}
lit. theatre tragic poetTragiker {m}
3 Words: Others
born a poet {adj} [postpos.]zum Dichter geboren
3 Words: Verbs
to dabble in poetrysich als Poet versuchen
3 Words: Nouns
born a poetein geborener Dichter {m}
lit. worker poet / writerArbeiterdichter {m}
lit. would-be poet [pej.]Dichterling {m} [pej.]
would-be poet [pej.]Möchtegern-Poet {m} [ugs.] [pej.] [hum.]
4 Words: Verbs
to be a great poetein großer Dichter sein
to blossom into a poetzu einem Poeten erblühen
5+ Words: Verbs
to have a vocation as a poetzum Dichter berufen sein
to venerate the name of a poetden Namen eines Dichters verehren
5+ Words: Nouns
lit. poet of the working classArbeiterdichter {m}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F A Touch of the Poet [Eugene O'Neill]Fast ein Poet
lit. F The Poet [Michael Connelly]Der Poet
art F The Poor PoetDer arme Poet [Carl Spitzweg]
mus. F A Poet's LoveDichterliebe [Robert Schumann]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
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Q 2023-07-07: Poet and translator to sue British Museum for copyright and moral rights i...
A 2018-04-30: https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/podex < Earliest use found in...
Q 2017-03-03: Council (poet.)
Q 2016-04-30: Poet's imagination
A 2015-09-17: Ich würde das "Blumenbett" mit [poet.] taggen.
A 2015-04-06: I just wonder if a German poet would have gotten along with such a breech ...
A 2013-06-30: to shaft through sth. [light] [poet.] - would be perfect ..... ;))
A 2013-06-19: Eine weise Lösung für "poet." vs. "literary" The special problem of "high...
A 2013-06-19: Werden jetzt sämtliche Tags [poet.] automatisch in literary verändert
A 2013-06-18: Bin dagegen, poet durch literary zu ersetzen.
A 2013-06-18: Yes, cancel 'poet.' and replace it by 'literary'.
A 2012-12-04: Vergängnis ist auf jeden Fall veraltet oder poet.
Q 2012-10-26: http://blog.oxforddictionaries.com/a-disappearing-poet-of-always/
A 2012-09-10: Distinguish between subject field "poet" and usage tag "poet."
Q 2012-09-09: Subject POET / Poetry - Poesie
A 2012-08-13: :) Sweet, Michael. It seems like a poet got lost in you!
A 2012-04-18: If, in fact, +nomen est omen,+ the poet needs to be more discerning or tak...
Q 2011-08-11: Einverstanden? Gastkomponist > composer in residence, Gastdichter > poet i...
Q 2011-07-28: What is the meaning of "leave by" and "Turn every poet loose"
A 2011-05-25: Lisa: You're a poet and don't know it.

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