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English-German translation for: Police
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Dictionary English German: Police

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NOUN   - | the police
VERB  to police | policed | policed ... 
SYNO   constabulary | law | police ... 
NOUN   die Police | die Policen
SYNO   Police | Versicherungspolice ... 
police {adj} [attr.]
police {adj} [attr.]
to police sb./sth. [monitor / watch closely]
jdn./etw. überwachen
to police
to police sb.jdn. im Zaum halten [Redewendung]
police {pl}
Polizei {f}
insur. policy
Police {f}
jobs police
Polizisten {pl}
police [treated as pl.]
Gendarmerie {f} [bes. österr.] [veraltet] [Polizei]
policeKiberei {f} [österr.] [ugs.] [pej.]
policeKieberei {f} [österr.] [ugs.] [pej.]
2 Words: Others
FireResc fire police {adj} [attr.]feuerpolizeilich
police tactical {adj}polizeitaktisch
police-related {adj}polizeilich
secret police {adj}geheimpolizeilich
2 Words: Verbs
to police up sth. [Am.] [to clean up a messy place] [coll.]etw.Akk. aufräumen
2 Words: Nouns
(police) armlockPolizeigriff {m}
(police) search [for a criminal]Personenfahndung {f}
(police) whistleTrillerpfeife {f}
admin. aviat. airport police [treated as pl.]Flughafenpolizei {f}
hist. Alpine policeAlpingendarmerie {f} [österr.]
admin. hist. Alpine policeHochgebirgsgendarmerie {f}
armed police [treated as pl.]bewaffnete Polizei {f}
auxiliary police [treated as pl.]Hilfspolizei {f}
border policeGrenzpolizei {f}
cantonal policeKantonspolizei {f} <Kapo>
cantonal police [Switzerland]Kapo {f} [schweiz.] [kurz für: Kantonspolizei]
admin. city policeStadtpolizei {f}
insur. comprehensive policykombinierte Police {f}
insur. comprehensive policyumfassende Police {f}
cyber police [coll.]Internetpolizei {f} [ugs.]
insur. educational policyPolice {f} der Ausbildungsversicherung
insur. endowment policyPolice {f} für den Erlebensfall
cloth. fashion policeModepolizei {f}
federal police [in Germany and Austria]Bundespolizei {f} <BPOL>
admin. Financial Police [Austria]Finanzpolizei {f} [Österreich]
insur. floating policyoffene Police {f}
frontier policeGrenzpolizei {f}
frontier policeGrenzschutz {m}
immigration policeEinwanderungspolizei {f}
Internet Internet police [coll.]Internetpolizei {f} [ugs.] [auch: Internet-Polizei]
jazz police [fig.] [sarcastic]Musikerpolizei {f} [ugs.] [pej.] [fig.] [hum.]
jobs mil. kitchen policeKüchenhilfen {pl}
mil. kitchen police [coll.]Küchendienst {m}
mil. kitchen police [coll.]Soldaten {pl}, die Küchendienst haben
language policeSprachpolizei {f}
insur. lapsed policyverfallene Police {f}
local policeOrtspolizei {f}
naut. marine police {pl}Hafenpolizei {f}
naut. maritime police {pl}Hafenpolizei {f}
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A 2024-05-10: oder z.B.: The Police WHO was quickly on the scene ...
Q 2023-08-29: airport security -- not always the police
A 2023-03-29: The police, in this case, are the only ones who have any access to the man...
A 2021-08-23: "Police" IMMER mit dem Plural - das ist halt eine *grammatische* Eigentüml...
A 2020-09-22: when the police answer an emergency call
Q 2020-02-29: frontline staff (police, forensics)
A 2019-04-24: Both in AE and BE, +police+ is a l w a y s used with a plural verb
A 2019-03-22: The coroner doesn't actually investigate, that's done by the police,
A 2018-05-12: einfach mit Zusatz: the proposed Bavarian Police Act / Law Enforcement Act
A 2018-05-12: BE: Police Act AE: Law Enforcement Act
A 2018-05-12: law on police duty
Q 2018-05-01: to be given police guard
A 2018-03-30: Yes, +police+ is one we can be definite about :-)
A 2018-03-30: With +police+ always plural
Q 2018-03-21: police officer
Q 2017-03-21: Police
A 2017-02-15: The content of the document served should state what the police want.
A 2017-01-12: police detained him
A 2016-12-02: https://www.google.at/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#...
A 2016-01-20: In English - http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2016/jan/20/i-live-in-a-te...

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