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| med. polymyalgia rheumatica <PMR, PR> | Polymyalgia rheumatica {f} <PMR, PR> | |
Partial Matches |
| geogr. Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic <PMR> [Pridnestrowskaja Moldawskaja Respublika] | Pridnestrowische Moldauische Republik {f} <PMR> [Transnistrien] | |
| med. progressive muscle relaxation <PMR> | progressive Muskelrelaxation {f} <PMR> | |
| PR work [short for: public relations work] | PR-Arbeit {f} [Offentlichkeitsarbeit] | |
| med. palindromic rheumatism <PR> | palindromer Rheumatismus {m} <PR> | |
| med. pneumatic retinopexy <PR> | pneumatische Retinopexie {f} <PR> | |
| med. PR interval [ECG] | PR-Intervall {n} [EKG] | |
| PR man [coll.] | PR-Mann {m} [ugs.] | |
| med. psychomotor retardation <PR> | psychomotorische Retardierung {f} <PR> | |
| jobs PR person [female] | PR-Dame {f} | |
| PR person [female] | PR-Frau {f} | |
| PR stunt | PR-Gag {m} [ugs.] | |
| biochem. progesterone receptor <PR> | Progesteronrezeptor {m} <PR> | |
| chem. praseodymium <Pr> | Praseodym {n} <Pr> | |
| PR campaign | PR-Aktion {f} | |
| PR department | PR-Abteilung {f} | |
| PR disaster | PR-Desaster {n} | |
| PR move | PR-Maßnahme {f} | |
| PR person | PR-Mann {m} | |
| PR victory | PR-Sieg {m} | |
| market. PR agency [short for: public relations agency] | PR-Agentur {f} [kurz für: Public-Relations-Agentur] | |
| public relations <PR> [treated as a sg. or pl.] | Public Relations {pl} <PR> | |
| med. polymyalgia | Polymyalgie {f} [kurz für: Polymyalgia rheumatica, PMR] | |
| ling. pronoun <pr., pron.> | Pronomen {n} <Pr., Pron.> | |
| engin. unit Prandtl number <Pr> | Prandtl-Zahl {f} <Pr> | |
| med. proliferative retinopathy <PR> | proliferative Retinopathie {f} <PR> | |
| med. rheumatic polymyalgia <RP> [Polymyalgia rheumatica (arteriitica), PMR, PR] | rheumatische Polymyalgie {f} [rheumatischer Vielmuskelschmerz] | |
| fin. Probable Minimum Return <PMRa / PMR> | wahrscheinliche Mindestrendite {f} | |
| engin. power-to-mass ratio <PMR> | Masse-Leistungs-Verhältnis {n} | |
| med. progressive muscle relaxation <PMR> | progressive Muskelentspannung {f} <PME> | |
| tech. ply rating <PR> | Ply Rating {n} <PR> | |
| med. partial recovery <PR> | Defektheilung {f} | |
| med. patellar reflex <PR> | Patellarreflex {m} | |
| comp. psych. pattern recognition <PR> | Mustererkennung {f} | |
| QM product realization <PR> | Produktrealisierung {f} | |
| film market. photo. property release <PR> | Eigentumsfreigabe {f} | |
| public relations {pl} <PR> | Beziehungspflege {f} | |
| market. public relations {pl} <PR> | Firmenwerbung {f} | |
| public relations {pl} <PR> | Kontaktpflege {f} | |
| public relations {pl} <PR> | Meinungspflege {f} | |
| public relations {pl} <PR> | Pressearbeit {f} | |
| audio MedTech. tympanic tube | Paukenröhrchen {n} <PR> | |
| audio MedTech. ventilation tube | Paukenröhrchen {n} <PR> | |
| to flack [sl.] | PR-Arbeit machen | |
| med. patellar reflex <PR> | Patellarsehnenreflex {m} <PSR> | |
| mining penetration rate <PR> [drill] | Bohrfortschritt {m} | |
| electr. polarization resistance <PR, Rp> | Polarisationswiderstand {m} | |
| journ. press release <PR> | Presseinformation {f} <PI> | |
| journ. press release <PR> | Pressemitteilung {f} <PM> | |
| engin. QM spec. product realisation <PR> [Br.] | Produktrealisierung {f} | |
| public relations {pl} <PR> | Öffentlichkeitsarbeit {f} <ÖA> | |
| public relations {pl} <PR> | Werbung {f} [Öffentlichkeitsarbeit] | |
| public relations executive | PR-Sachbearbeiter {m} | |
| public relations office | PR-Abteilung {f} | |
| biol. periplasmic space <PS> | periplasmatischer Raum {m} <PR> | |
| pol. proportional representation <PR> | Proporzwahl {f} [österr.] [schweiz.] | |
| econ. public relations executive [female] | PR-Sachbearbeiterin {f} | |
| jobs public relations officer <PRO> | PR-Manager {m} | |
| market. PR person [coll.] | Zuständiger {m} für die Öffentlichkeitsarbeit | |
| jobs public relations officer [female] <PRO> | PR-Managerin {f} | |
| econ. market. spin doctor [coll.] [public relations person] | PR-Mann {m} [Wirtschaftsjargon] | |
| admin. permanent resident card <PR card> | zeitlich unbeschränkte Aufenthalts- und Arbeitsbewilligung {f} | |
| jobs market. flack [coll.] [pej.] | PR-Fuzzi {m} [ugs.] [pej.] | |
| econ. QM periodic review <PR> [e.g. scorecards] | periodisches Review {n} [auch: periodischer Review {m}] [z. B. bei Projektsteuerung] | |
| med. pulmonary regurgitation <PR> | pulmonale Regurgitation {f} | |
| med. pulmonic regurgitation <PR> | pulmonale Regurgitation {f} | |
| hist. Königsberg [now Kaliningrad] | Königsberg {n} (i. Pr., Pr.) [heute Kaliningrad] | |
| geogr. Puerto Rico <.pr> | Puerto Rico {n} | |
| ling. present participle <ppr, ppr., p.pr.; pres-p> [abbrev. "pres-p" used in dict.cc] | Partizip {n} Präsens [Partizip I] <Part. Präs.; pres-p> [Abk. „pres-p“ in dict.cc verwendet] | |
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