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English-German translation for: Polyp
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Dictionary English German: Polyp

Translation 1 - 45 of 45


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NOUN   a polyp | polyps
SYNO   polyp | polypus
NOUN   der Polyp | die Polypen
SYNO   Nesseltier | Polyp | Bulle [ugs.] ... 
med. zool. T
Polyp {m}
med. polyp
Stielgeschwulst {f} [der Schleimhaut]
pig [pej.] [sl.] [policeman]
Polyp {m} [ugs.] [pej.] [Polizist]
zool. T
med. polypePolyp {m}
med. polypusPolyp {m}
2 Words: Nouns
med. anal polypAnalpolyp {m}
biol. anthozoan polypAnthozoenpolyp {m}
med. aural polypOhrpolyp {m}
med. colorectal polypDickdarmpolyp {m}
zool. coral polypKorallenpolyp {m}
zool. daughter polypTochterpolyp {m}
med. ear polypOhrpolyp {m}
zool. feeding polypFresspolyp {m}
med. intestinal polypDarmpolyp {m}
zool. mother polypMutterpolyp {m}
med. nasal polypNasenpolyp {m}
biol. polyp anatomyPolypenanatomie {f}
zool. polyp branchPolypenast {m}
biol. polyp colonyPolypenkolonie {f}
zool. polyp colonyPolypenstock {m}
biol. polyp developmentPolypenentwicklung {f}
biol. polyp generationPolypengeneration {f}
biol. polyp polymorphismPolypenpolymorphismus {m}
med. polyp removalPolypenentfernung {f}
biol. polyp stagePolypenstadium {n}
zool. polyp wallPolypenwand {f}
biol. polyp's bodyPolypenkörper {m}
biol. primary polypPrimärpolyp {m}
dent. pulp polypPulpapolyp {m}
jobs tyre biter [Br.] [pej.] [sl.] [esp. a country police officer]Polyp {m} [ugs.] [pej.] [Polizist]
3 Words: Nouns
med. cutaneous fibroepithelial polyp [Fibroma molle, Fibroma pendulans] [acrochordon, skin tag]Akrochordon {n}
MedTech. ear polyp snareOhrpolypenschnürer {m}
med. mixed serrated polyp <MSP>gemischter serratierter Polyp {m}
med. sessile serrated polyp <SSP>sessiler serratierter Polyp {m} <SSP>
med. vocal chord polypStimmbandpolyp {m}
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
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