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English-German translation for: Pond
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Dictionary English German: Pond

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NOUN   a pond | ponds
VERB  to pond | ponded | ponded ... 
SYNO   pond | pool
NOUN   das Pond | die Pond
hydro. pond
Teich {m}
Tümpel {m}
hydro. pond
Weiher {m} [bes. südd.]
phys. unit pond <p> [dated]
Pond {n} <p> [veraltet]
geogr. the pond [hum.] [the Atlantic Ocean]der Große Teich {m} [ugs.] [hum.] [der Atlantik]
2 Words: Verbs
to pond oversich in einen Teich / See verwandeln
2 Words: Nouns
hydro. artificial pondkünstlicher Teich {m}
artificial pondkünstlicher Weiher {m} [bes. südd.]
bathing pondBadesee {m} [kleiner See, Weiher]
bathing pondBadeteich {m}
bathing pondBadeweiher {m}
hydro. bog pondMoorauge {n}
geol. hydro. bog pondMoorkolk {m}
brew hist. brewery pondBrauereiteich {m}
fish carp pondKarpfenteich {m}
carp pondKarpfenweiher {m}
cement pond [Am.]Swimmingpool {m}
collecting pond [Br.]Kühlturmtasse {f}
collecting pond [Br.]Wassertasse {f}
cooling pondKühlteich {m}
deep pondtiefer Weiher {m} [bes. südd.]
dew pond[flacher Teich, der sich aus Regenwasser bildet]
geogr. Donop's PondDonoper Teich {m}
duck pondEntenteich {m}
fish eel pondAalteich {m}
FireResc fire pondLöschwasserteich {m}
fish pondFischteich {m}
fish pondFischweiher {m}
fishing pondAngelteich {m}
frog pondFroschteich {m}
garden pondBassin {n} [im Garten]
hort. garden pondGartenteich {m}
phys. unit gram-force <gf> [dated]Pond {n} <p> [veraltet]
gravel pondKiesweiher {m}
agr. horse pondPferdeschwemme {f}
agr. horse pondSchwemme {f}
geol. hydro. karst pondKarstsee {m}
koi pondKoiteich {m}
lily pondLilienteich {m}
lily pondSeerosenteich {m}
little pondTeichlein {n}
tech. maturation pondSchönungsteich {m}
mixing pondMischbecken {n}
mixing pondMischwanne {f}
geogr. Mummy PondMumienteich {m}
hort. ornamental pondZierteich {m}
paddle pondPlanschbecken {n}
archi. palace pondSchlossteich {m}
hort. pond arrangementTeichanlage {f}
pond bankTeichufer {n}
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A 2021-03-07: This side of the herring pond, a +captive room+ suggests a captive audience
Q 2020-07-03: Drafting Pond
A 2016-05-06: The property is mirrored in the adjacent pond.
A 2015-05-04: special request across the pond ....
A 2014-11-14: Agree with josephsh this side of the pond - +... coffee is getting cold+ i...
Q 2013-09-02: pond life
Q 2013-03-13: peat-pond main
A 2012-04-16: So what about the East Mole, Dunkirk? American usage would be out of place...
Q 2010-10-16: shrinking pond
Q 2010-03-23: hammer and pond
Q 2010-03-12: Culture from across the big pond...
A 2010-02-27: Which side of the pond?
A 2009-12-23: pond
A 2009-12-22: To me, 'look at someone weird' sounds rather across-the-pond-ish.
A 2009-12-21: Most sites I found use indoor pond..
A 2009-12-21: Indoor pond?
A 2009-12-21: 'Nicely put' would be the UK version. (the 'aww' gets drowned in the big p...
A 2009-12-11: +horny layer+ Plenty of evidence this and that side of the big pond. What ...
Q 2009-05-15: a big fish in a small pond
A 2009-02-05: koi pond

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