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English-German translation for: Pony
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Dictionary English German: Pony

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NOUN   a pony | ponies
VERB  to pony | ponied | ponied ... 
SYNO   crib | pony | trot | jigger ... 
NOUN1   das Pony | die Ponys/[alt auch] Ponies
NOUN2   der Pony | die Ponys/[alt auch] Ponies
pony {adj} [attr.] [something very small of its kind]
pony {adj} [attr.] [something very small of its kind]
to bang [esp. Am.] [to cut in bangs] [hair]zu einem Pony schneiden [Haar]
fringe [chiefly Br.]
Pony2 {m} [Frisur]
bangs {pl} [Am.]
Pony2 {m} [Frisur]
zool. T
Pony1 {n}
educ. pony [Am.] [crib]
Schummelzettel {m}
zool. T
theatre pony [Am.] [female chorister]
Choristin {f}
pony [esp. Am.] [coll.] [small glass or measure of alcohol]
Gläschen {n}
zool. T
pony [coll.] [Am.] [crib]Schlauch {m} [südd.] [ugs.] [Übersetzung als Spickzettel]
pony {sg} [Br.] [coll.] <£25>fünfundzwanzig Pfund {pl}
2 Words: Verbs
to pony sth. up [Am.] [coll.] [a certain amount of money]etw. berappen [ugs.] [einen gewissen Geldbetrag]
to pony up [Am.] [coll.]löhnen [ugs.] [viel bezahlen]
to pony up (sth.) [Am.] [coll.](etw.) bezahlen [einen bestimmten Betrag]
to pony up (sth.) [Am.] [coll.](etw.) blechen [ugs.] [einen bestimmten Betrag]
2 Words: Nouns
zool. cow pony [Am.]von Cowboys gerittenes Pony {n}
mining pit pony [Br.]Grubenpferd {n}
mining pit pony [esp. Br.]Grubenpony {n}
equest. polo ponyPolopony {n}
cloth. pony coatPonyfellmantel {m}
hist. pony expressPonyexpress {m}
agr. pony farmPonyhof {m}
pony hair {sg}Ponyhaare {pl}
ind. tech. pony pressBabypresse {f} [Papierindustrie]
ind. pony pressVorpresse {f} [Papierindustrie]
pony ridingPonyreiten {n}
pony rollVorpresswalze {f} [Papierindustrie]
material pony rougherVorstreckgerüst {n}
material pony roughingVorstrecken {n}
automot. transp. pony trailer [Am.] [coll.]Deichselanhänger {m}
automot. transp. pony trailer [Am.] [coll.]Gelenk-Deichselanhänger {m}
pony trailer [Am.] [coll.]normaler Lkw-Anhänger {m}
pony trekking [Br.]Ponyreiten {n}
rail pony truckLenkgestell {n} [Eisenbahn]
constr. pony wall[halbhohe Wand]
cosmet. pony-o [PONY-O®] [hair tie]Pferdeschwanzgummi {m} {n} [Haargummi]
cosmet. pony-o [PONY-O®] [hair tie]Pferdeschwanzhalter {m} [Haargummi]
pony-tailPferdeschwanz {m} [Frisur]
3 Words: Nouns
one-trick pony [coll.][Person mit nur einer bestimmten Fähigkeit]
material pony roughing millVorstreckwalzwerk {n}
side-swept bangs {pl} [Am.] [hairstyle]schräger Pony {m} [Frisur]
side-swept fringe [esp. Br.] [hairstyle]schräger Pony {m} [Frisur]
4 Words: Verbs
idiom to go on Shanks's pony [coll.] [to go on foot]auf Schusters Rappen reisen [hum.] [zu Fuß gehen]
to ride the alimony pony [coll.][von Unterhaltszahlungen des geschiedenen Ehepartners leben]
4 Words: Nouns
dog and pony show [fig.] [chiefly Am.] [coll.]Werbezirkus {m} [Marketing-Maßnahme]
material pony roughing roll standVorstreckgerüst {n}
5+ Words: Others
My bangs have grown out. [Am.]Mein Pony ist schon rausgewachsen. [Frisur]
5+ Words: Verbs
to go for a pony (and trap) [Br.] [vulg.] [Abbr. for Cockney rhyming: pony & trap = crap]scheißen gehen [vulg.]
to have (a few) kangaroos (loose) in the top paddock [Aus.] [hum.] [idiom](wohl) eine / 'ne Meise (unterm Pony) haben [ugs.] [hum.] [Redewendung]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F My Pretty Pony [Stephen King]Mein hübsches Pony
film F Ride a Wild Pony / Born to Run [Don Chaffey]Mein wildes Pony
lit. F The Fire Pony [Rodman Philbrick]Der die Pferde zähmte
lit. F The Long Valley [John Steinbeck]Das rote Pony und andere Erzählungen
film lit. F The Prancing Pony [in J. R. R. Tolkien's works]Zum Tänzelnden Pony
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
equest. zool. T
zool. T
equest. zool. T
Bosniak {m}
equest. zool. T
equest. zool. T
Huzule {m}
equest. zool. T
equest. zool. T
zool. T
equest. zool. T
equest. zool. T
equest. zool. T
equest. zool. T
entom. T
equest. zool. T
equest. zool. T
equest. zool. T
fish T
zool. T
equest. zool. T
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A 2020-06-17: Pony ist alles Mögliche ..... aber kein "Hund" ;-))
A 2020-06-17: Ein Pony ist vielleich das, was bei Karl Kraus ein "Grubenhund" war ;-)
Q 2020-06-17: pony roughing
A 2015-11-15: (16:42) Please google +Paul Simon 1980 One Trick Pony+ for the USA
Q 2015-11-15: One-trick pony
Q 2015-04-14: Pony express
A 2012-08-25: Pony
A 2012-08-25: bangs - ja, ist ein Pony ....
Q 2011-11-04: Anleitungs- bzw. Werbetext über selbstgemachte Schmuckstücke (Abgabe 13 Uh...
A 2011-08-14: Dog And Pony Show
A 2011-08-14: Another Obama dog-and-pony show
A 2011-06-29: Show pony
A 2010-08-25: Danke, Pony und AE paßt.
A 2010-08-25: Pony
A 2010-01-15: Pony
Q 2009-03-02: to let the pony race
A 2008-10-27: Pony wie durch eine Kuhzunge geleckt
A 2008-07-23: ah I can top that. Also a hyperactive demanding pushy pony-sized dog..
A 2008-04-03: pony in sense of Eselsbrücke?
A 2008-04-02: pony > Schmierer, Spickzettel usw. / crib (UK)

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