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English-German translation for: Porter
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Dictionary English German: Porter

Translation 1 - 34 of 34


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NOUN   a porter | porters
SYNO   door guard | doorkeeper | doorman ... 
NOUN   der/[auch/besonders österr.] das Porter | die Porter
jobs porter
Gepäckträger {m}
jobs porter [doorman]
Portier {m}
jobs porter [doorkeeper]
Pförtner {m}
jobs porter
Träger {m}
jobs rail porter
Schlafwagenschaffner {m}
jobs porter [baggage porter]
Dienstmann {m} [veraltend] [Gepäckträger]
brew gastr. porter [dark beer like stout]
Porter {m} {n}
hist. jobs porter [waiting on street corners for jobs]
Eckensteher {m} [Berlin: Dienstmann]
jobs porter [university]
Pedell {m} [veraltet]
2 Words: Nouns
jobs (door) porter [Br.]Türsteher {m}
jobs baggage porterGepäckträger {m}
jobs coal porterKohlenträger {m}
jobs hall porterHotelportier {m}
jobs head porterEmpfangschef {m} [eines Hotels]
jobs head porter [female]Empfangschefin {f} [eines Hotels]
jobs med. hospital porter [doorman]Krankenhauspförtner {m}
jobs med. hospital porter [errand runner for the nurses or on-staff physicians]Stationshilfskraft {f} [Krankenhaushelfer, Pflegehelfer]
jobs kitchen porterKüchenhilfe {f}
jobs liveried porterlivrierter Portier {m}
jobs night porterNachtpförtner {m}
jobs night porterNachtportier {m}
math. Porter's constantPorter-Konstante {f}
porter's knotSchulterpolster {n} {m} mit Stirnschleife
porter's lodgePförtnerhäuschen {n}
porter's lodgePförtnerloge {f}
porter's lodgePortierloge {f}
porter's lodgePortiersloge {f} [Rsv.]
porter's officePförtnerloge {f}
jobs wine porterWeinschröter {m} [altertümlich]
3 Words: Nouns
cloth. prêt-à-porterPrêt-à-porter {n}
4 Words: Nouns
econ. Porter's five forces analysisBranchenstrukturanalyse {f} (nach dem Fünf-Kräfte-Modell)
econ. Porter's five forces analysisFünf-Kräfte-Modell {n} nach Michael Porter
cloth. comm. ready-to-wear collectionPrêt-à-porter-Kollektion {f}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F De-Lovely [Irwin Winkler]De-LovelyDie Cole Porter Story
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Hint: Double-click next to phrase to retranslate — To translate another word just start typing!
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A 2017-03-13: https://www.google.co.uk/webhp?hl=en&ictx=2&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiY0ZO2-9LSAhVh...
A 2017-03-13: kitchen porter
A 2015-06-01: Yes, porter does sometimes carry that image.
A 2015-06-01: Porter?
A 2014-04-30: Bite à porter
A 2012-07-27: Standing at the main entrance you'll find porter’s lodge about 70 meters t...
A 2012-07-27: ... the porter's lodge is about 70m away on the/your right.
Q 2011-10-20: I tipped the porter
Q 2010-04-20: Don't you also think that Porter Wagoner looks a bit like Alfred E. Neumann?
Q 2009-11-24: Träger = carrier, supporter or porter / getragen von = borne, sustained or...
A 2009-03-28: Nicht zu verwechseln mit "Porter", was ein irisches Bier ist.
A 2007-12-19: *LOL* Wilfred, I can't rid the feeling there was some porter in the air to...
A 2007-07-19: hall porter's lodge vielleicht?
A 2005-12-03: Prêt-à-porter?

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