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English-German translation for: Potential
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Dictionary English German: Potential

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ADJ   potential | - | -
NOUN1   a potential | potentials
NOUN2   potential | -
SYNO   electric potential | potential ... 
NOUN   das Potential | die Potentiale
SYNO   Anlage | Gegebenheit | Möglichkeit ... 
potential {adj}
potential {adj}
potential {adj}
potential {adj}
potential {adj} [latent]
latent [geh.]
Potential {n}
Potenzial {n}
Leistungsfähigkeit {f}
Möglichkeit {f}
potential [potential of sb./sth.]
Potential {n}
Leistungsvermögen {n}
2 Words: Others
potential hit {adj}hitverdächtig [ugs.]
electr. potential-free {adj}potentialfrei
electr. potential-free {adj}potenzialfrei
2 Words: Verbs
to have potentialPotential haben [meist ohne Artikel]
econ. jobs neol. to unlock potentialPotenziale heben [ugs.] [neudeutsch für: Potenziale erheben/erschließen]
2 Words: Nouns
(potential) sellerAnbieter {m}
achievement potentialLeistungsfähigkeit {f}
achievement potentialLeistungspotential {n}
biol. tech. action potential <AP>Aktionspotential {n} <AP>
biol. action potential <AP>Aktionspotenzial {n} <AP>
biol. ecol. adaptation potentialAnpassungspotential {n}
biol. ecol. adaptation potentialAnpassungspotenzial {n}
biol. adaptive potentialAnpassungspotential {n}
biol. adaptive potentialAnpassungspotenzial {n}
addiction potentialAbhängigkeitspotenzial {n}
drugs addiction potentialSuchtpotential {n}
agr. oenol. ageing potential [Br.]Reifepotential {n}
agr. oenol. ageing potential [Br.]Reifepotenzial {n}
biol. psych. aggression potentialAggressionspotenzial {n}
agr. oenol. aging potential [Am.]Reifepotential {n}
agr. oenol. aging potential [Am.]Reifepotenzial {n}
chem. cosmet. textil. allergy potentialAllergiepotenzial {f}
spec. analysis potentialAnalysepotential {n}
electr. phys. anode potentialAnodenpotential {n}
electr. phys. anode potentialAnodenpotenzial {n}
appearance potentialAuftrittspotential {n}
mil. attack potentialAngriffspotential {n} [alt]
mil. attack potentialAngriffspotenzial {n}
audio auditory potential <AP>auditorisches Potential {n}
tech. automation potentialAutomatisierungspotenzial {n}
electr. base potentialBasispotential {n}
ecol. bioaccumulation potentialBioakkumulationspotential {n}
ecol. bioaccumulation potentialBioakkumulationspotenzial {n}
ecol. bioaccumulation potentialBioakkumulationsvermögen {n}
ecol. biotic potentialbiotisches Potential {n}
med. brain potential <BP>Gehirnpotential {n}
med. brain potential <BP>Gehirnpotenzial {n}
med. brain potential <BP>Hirnpotential {n}
med. brain potential <BP>Hirnpotenzial {n}
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A 2020-04-21: unfurling / expansion / development (of the intrinsic qualities / pot...
A 2020-01-20: Phrase used mostly by defenders of justice/system or potential victims
A 2019-06-20: potential health hazard
A 2018-01-15: Nur weil man Potential hat, bedeutet das noch lange nicht, dass man Karriere
Q 2018-01-15: out of potential
A 2018-01-13: The (potential) Vocabulary of any language is larger than the terms actual...
A 2017-10-11: For the record, Chambers just gives +secretive+ — but the others illustrat...
A 2016-09-09: "the potential to be determined exactly"
A 2015-11-20: potential threat
A 2015-11-10: The bank ascertains the potential impact of a risk in a net calculation
A 2015-09-13: near term potential ~ potential in the immediate future > unmittelbare Erf...
Q 2015-09-13: near term potential
A 2015-04-27: Potential Prime Minister
A 2014-08-05: Wir entwickeln ihr Potential auf den wesentlichesten Ebenen - intellektuel...
A 2014-07-29: An end-of-year bonus is sth. any potential US employer would understand
A 2014-07-01: electric field means potential energy here
A 2014-05-07: A variant for those who are puzzled by "potential."
A 2014-05-07: through +potential-independent+ mounting +by means of+ a screw or adhesive...
A 2014-04-28: leadership potential
Q 2014-02-18: coring potential

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