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English-German translation for: Products
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Dictionary English German: Products

Translation 1 - 50 of 370  >>

English German
NOUN   a product | products
Produkte {pl}
Erzeugnisse {pl}
products [goods]
Güter {pl} [Oberbegriff für Waren, Produkte und Teile (Logistik)]
2 Words: Verbs
to advertise productsWare anpreisen
2 Words: Nouns
material acrylic productsAcrylglasprodukte {pl} [auch: Acrylglas-Produkte]
material acrylic productsAcrylprodukte {pl} [auch: Acryl-Produkte]
aerosol productsSprühprodukte {pl}
agr. comm. FoodInd. agricultural productsAgrarerzeugnisse {pl}
agr. agricultural productsAgrargüter {pl}
agr. agricultural productslandwirtschaftliche Erzeugnisse {pl}
agr. agricultural productslandwirtschaftliche Produkte {pl}
agr. FoodInd. agro-productslandwirtschaftliche Erzeugnisse {pl}
agr. FoodInd. agro-productslandwirtschaftliche Produkte {pl}
agr. FoodInd. agro-products [also: agro products]Agrarprodukte {pl}
agr. FoodInd. agro-products [also: agro products]Agro-Produkte {pl}
animal productsTiererzeugnisse {pl}
animal productsTierprodukte {pl}
animal productstierische Erzeugnisse {pl}
animal productstierische Produkte {pl}
comm. EU animal productsWaren {pl} tierischen Ursprungs
aquatic productsWasserprodukte {pl}
ind. weapons arms productsRüstungserzeugnisse {pl}
biochem. chem. autoxidation productsAutoxidationsprodukte {pl}
comm. baby productsBabyprodukte {pl}
gastr. baked productsBackprodukte {pl}
bakery productsBäckereierzeugnisse {pl}
bakery productsBäckerwaren {pl}
FoodInd. gastr. bakery productsBackerzeugnisse {pl}
gastr. bakery productsBackprodukte {pl}
fin. bank productsBankprodukte {pl}
fin. banking productsBankprodukte {pl}
agr. entom. gastr. bee productsBienenprodukte {pl}
chem. biocidal productsBiozidprodukte {pl}
med. pharm. blood productsBlutprodukte {pl}
chem. by-productsAbbaustoffe {pl}
by-productsNebenerzeugnisse {pl}
chem. by-productsNebenprodukte {pl}
FoodInd. canned productsKonserven {pl}
comm. cosmet. care productsPflegeartikel {pl}
cosmet. care productsPflegemittel {pl}
cereal productsGetreideerzeugnisse {pl}
cereal productsGetreideprodukte {pl}
cheap productsPfennigartikel {pl}
chem. chemical productsChemieerzeugnisse {pl}
chem. chemical productschemische Produkte {pl}
Christmas productsWeihnachtsprodukte {pl}
ind. co-productsKuppelprodukte {pl}
ind. co-productsNebenerzeugnisse {pl}
ind. co-productsNebenprodukte {pl}
compensating productsKompensationswaren, -güter {pl}
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A 2021-12-21: Marketing: On the difference between brands and products / makes
Q 2021-11-28: Hooker-laster – Rubber Products Manufacturing
A 2021-09-10: not purchasing from companies that sell low-cost products
A 2021-03-17: The lessee agrees that their data may also be used for the purpose of send...
A 2020-12-23: https://www.architecturaldecor.co.uk/products/antique-black-french-locks
Q 2020-09-11: Products of the Mind?
A 2020-04-24: The XXX Universe of Products
A 2020-04-23: Worlds of Products
A 2019-02-20: vollwert Ernährung ??? denn man kann ja, wenn man möchte " processed fo...
A 2018-09-04: arrangment of /arranging financial products ?
A 2016-11-10: What are the products?
A 2016-11-10: It should be +such products, many of which are on the market, ...+
A 2016-02-24: Products which have leaked or are damaged...
A 2016-01-06: http://www.ikea.com/at/de/catalog/products/36418000/ - Teelichthalter
Q 2015-11-24: All products must be accounted for (Lagerhausbestimmungen)
A 2015-05-06: Steadily more items in stock and innovative products fully maintain state-...
A 2015-01-29: Addendum http://www.suck.uk.com/products/terroristteapot/#gallery
A 2015-01-28: Our line of products to serve your needs for table, over the counter and t...
A 2015-01-05: context tail end products
Q 2014-07-03: grooming products (here)

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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