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English-German translation for: Profession
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Dictionary English German: Profession

Translation 1 - 50 of 117  >>


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NOUN   a profession | professions
SYNO   professing | profession
NOUN   die Profession | die Professionen
SYNO   Beruf | Fachgebiet | Metier ... 
jobs profession
Beruf {m}
profession [declaration]
Bekundung {f}
jobs profession
Gewerbe {n} [Beruf]
jobs profession [trade]
Berufsstand {m}
jobs profession [professional field]
Berufszweig {m}
jobs profession
Metier {n}
profession [avowal, creed]
Bekenntnis {n}
sociol. profession
Stand {m} [Berufsstand]
relig. profession [vow]
Gelübde {n}
jobs occupation
Profession {f} [österr.] [sonst veraltet]
relig. profession [to a religious order]
Profess {f}
jobs professionProfession {f} [österr.]
jobs professionfreier akademischer Beruf {m}
jobs profession [university trained]akademischer Beruf {m}
2 Words: Others
jobs by profession {adv}von Beruf
2 Words: Nouns
acad. jobs academic professionHochschullehrerberuf {m}
fin. jobs accountancy professionWirtschaftsprüferberuf {m}
film jobs theatre acting professionSchauspielerberuf {m}
jobs artistic professionkünstlerischer Beruf {m}
banking professionBankberuf {m}
banking professionBerufsstand {m} der Bankfachleute
banking professionBerufsstand {m} der Bankleute
jobs caring professionSozialberuf {m}
crowded professionüberlaufener Beruf {m}
jobs dental professionZahnärzteschaft {f}
desired professionWunschberuf {m}
engin. jobs engineering professionIngenieurberuf {m} [seltener: Ingenieursberuf]
jobs female professionFrauenberuf {m}
for. jobs forestry professionForstberuf {m}
jobs graduate professionakademischer Beruf {m}
jobs med. healthcare professionGesundheitsberuf {m}
hist. jobs historical professionHistorikerzunft {f}
jobs independent professionFreiberuf {m}
jobs independent professionfreier Beruf {m}
jobs law legal professionAnwaltsberuf {m}
law legal professionRechtsanwaltschaft {f}
legal professionBerufsstand {m} der Juristen
jobs liberal professionFreiberuf {m}
jobs liberal professionfreier Beruf {m}
jobs main professionHauptberuf {m}
jobs male professionMännerberuf {m}
jobs med. medical professionArztberuf {m}
med. medical professionÄrzteschaft {f}
medical professionBerufsstand {m} der Ärzte
mil. military professionKriegshandwerk {n} [altertümlich]
jobs mil. military professionSoldatenstand {m}
relig. monastic professionmonastische Profess {f}
jobs nursing professionPflegeberuf {m}
jobs mus. organist's professionOrganistenstand {m}
jobs med. paramedical professionmedizinischer Hilfsberuf {m} [Sanitäter, MTA etc.]
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A 2021-11-17: > Zuchi1, 16-11-2021 Except for the Roman jurists, the legal profession ha...
A 2018-10-16: Have you learned a trade or profession? Have you acquired a professional t...
A 2018-10-15: I would suggest: Did you acquire a profession?
A 2015-10-20: profession
A 2015-06-22: as a profession that would probably come under
Q 2015-03-31: profession
Q 2015-02-19: to have been able to perform/the end being a profession
A 2014-10-29: Federal Law on Medicine as a Profession?
A 2014-10-29: Intuitively, I'd agree with your 1st translation even though "profession" ...
A 2014-06-22: profession, NOT proffession
A 2013-10-01: Good thought, sunfunlili. I think it's a slightly denigrating term for som...
A 2013-06-27: profession
Q 2012-02-23: a profession to fall back on
A 2011-12-10: university graduated [insert profession here]
A 2011-12-02: call to the profession of elecrical specialist in particular fields of activity
Q 2011-09-14: Profession: Domestic engineer
A 2011-07-04: http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&cr=countryUK|countryGB&ie=ISO-8859-1&...
A 2011-06-29: Purely on a grammatical footing - +in profession+ is wrong.
Q 2011-02-06: 'Girl, after all, you're gonna make this your profession, aren't ye?!'
A 2009-12-10: horsebreaker is not used by people in the profession, it is "horse trainer...

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