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English-German translation for: Proof of Concept
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Dictionary English German: Proof of Concept

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NOUN   a proof of concept | proofs of concept
SYNO   Machbarkeitsbeweis ... 
comp. engin. QM proof of concept <PoC>Proof of Concept {m} {n} <PoC>
comp. engin. QM proof of concept <PoC>Machbarkeitsnachweis {m}
comp. engin. QM proof of concept <PoC>Nachweis {m} der Machbarkeit
Partial Matches
math. end-of-proof character <∎> <▮> <■> <‣> [QED character]End-of-Proof-Zeichen {n} <∎> <■> <‣> [qed-Zeichen am Beweisende]
film F Proof of Life [Taylor Hackford]Lebenszeichen - Proof of Life
gastr. unit proof [unit for measuring strength of alcoholic content]Proof {n}
print proof [print and desktop publishing]Proof {m} [auch: {n}] [Prüfdruck]
print contract proofKontrakt-Proof {m} [auch: {n}]
econ. FoodInd. QM hazard analysis critical control point concept <HACCP concept>HACCP-Konzept {n}
concept of actionHandlungskonzept {n}
art concept of artKunstauffassung {f}
concept of artKunstbegriff {m}
concept of beautySchönheitsbegriff {m}
sociol. concept of classKlassenbegriff {m}
concept of communicationKommunikationsbegriff {m}
psych. concept of competenceKompetenzkonzept {n}
concept of contextKontextbegriff {m}
law pol. concept of contractVertragsbegriff {m}
spec. concept of correlationKorrelationsbegriff {m}
lit. philos. concept of criticismKritikbegriff {m}
concept of cultureKulturbegriff {m}
philos. concept of cultureKulturkonzept {n}
concept of developmentEntwicklungsbegriff {m}
concept of developmentEntwicklungskonzept {n}
med. psych. concept of diseaseKrankheitsbegriff {m}
biol. psych. concept of dominanceDominanzkonzept {n}
math. concept of equivalenceÄquivalenzbegriff {m}
biol. hist. philos. concept of evolutionEvolutionsbegriff {m}
relig. concept of faithGlaubensbegriff {m}
concept of fatherhoodVaterschaftskonzept {n}
phys. concept of forceKraftbegriff {m}
philos. concept of freedomFreiheitsbegriff {m}
concept of functionFunktionsbegriff {m}
lit. concept of genreGattungskonzept {n}
relig. concept of GodGottesbild {n}
philos. relig. concept of GodGotteskonzept {n}
econ. concept of growthWachstumsbegriff {m}
relig. concept of heresyHäresiebegriff {m}
hist. philos. concept of historyGeschichtsauffassung {f}
hist. philos. concept of historyGeschichtsbegriff {m}
psych. sociol. concept of identityIdentitätsbegriff {m}
concept of ideologyIdeologiebegriff {m}
econ. concept of incomeEinkommensbegriff {m}
biol. psych. concept of instinctInstinktbegriff {m}
lit. philos. concept of ironyIroniebegriff {m}
law philos. concept of justiceGerechtigkeitsbegriff {m}
philos. concept of knowledgeErkenntnisbegriff {m}
philos. concept of knowledgeWissensbegriff {m}
concept of landscapeLandschaftsbegriff {m}
comp. ling. concept of languageSprachkonzept {n}
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A 2018-08-14: Setup and mode of operation of a proof of concept

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