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English-German translation for: Proposal
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Dictionary English German: Proposal

Translation 1 - 50 of 158  >>

English German
NOUN1   a proposal | proposals
NOUN2   proposal | -
SYNO   marriage offer | marriage proposal ... 
Vorschlag {m}
Angebot {n}
proposal [also of marriage]
Antrag {m} [auch Heiratsantrag]
Vorhaben {n}
Plan {m} [Vorschlag, Angebot]
proposal [suggestion]
Anregung {f}
2 Words: Nouns
pol. (draft) proposalBeschlussvorlage {f}
acceptance proposalAntragsannahme {f}
agreeable proposalakzeptabler Vorschlag {m}
agreeable proposalannehmbarer Vorschlag {m}
alternative proposalAlternativvorschlag {m}
alternative proposalAustauschbelegschaft {f}
amended proposalgeänderter Vorschlag {m}
arbitration proposalSchlichtungsvorschlag {m}
assessment proposalBewertungsvorschlag {m}
fin. pol. budget proposalBudgetvorschlag {m}
pol. budget proposalHaushaltsentwurf {m}
compromise proposalKompromissvorschlag {m}
compromise proposalSchlichtungsvorschlag {m}
concrete proposalgreifbarer Vorschlag {m}
concrete proposalkonkretes Angebot {n}
considerable proposalbedeutender Vorschlag {m}
archi. tech. construction proposalKonstruktionsentwurf {m}
counter proposalGegenvorschlag {m}
design proposalDesignvorschlag {m}
development proposalVorhaben {n}
pol. draft proposalGesetzesvorschlag {m}
engineering proposal(technisches) Angebot {n}
fin. financing proposalFinanzierungsvorschlag {m}
fin. funding proposalFinanzierungsvorschlag {m}
pol. government's proposalRegierungsvorschlag {m}
improvement proposalVerbesserungsvorschlag {m}
indecent proposalunsittlicher Antrag {m}
insur. insurance proposalVersicherungsantrag {m}
law legislative proposalGesetzgebungsvorschlag {m}
pol. legislative proposalLegislativvorschlag {m}
marriage proposalAntrag {m} [Heiratsantrag]
marriage proposalHeiratsantrag {m}
mediation proposalVermittlungsvorschlag {m}
pol. merger proposal [e.g. of neighboring municipalities]Fusionsvorlage {f}
modest proposalschlichter Vorschlag {m}
QM new proposal <NP> [for a work item] [proposal stage] [ISO, IEC]neuer Vorschlag {m} [ISO-Normungsprozess; Stufe: Vorschlag]
odd proposalungewohnter Vorschlag {m}
outline proposalProjektskizze {f}
particular proposalbesonderer Vorschlag {m}
pol. partition proposalTeilungsvorschlag {m}
payment proposalZahlungsvorschlag {m}
pol. peace proposalFriedensvorschlag {m}
premature proposalvoreiliger Vorschlag {m}
price proposalPreisvorschlag {m}
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A 2020-10-03: @LIlama: Your proposal would work, if the German side would work ...
Q 2019-07-04: Proposal that -algae related words are also treated as collective nouns
A 2017-03-10: my proposal
A 2016-06-23: Wenz's proposal merits attention.
Q 2016-05-16: Dictionary proposal [in-migration]
A 2016-03-11: Thank you polarjud for your wise and clearly formulated proposal
A 2016-02-19: I support geo255's proposal in #834635: the alternative "verified" / "unv...
A 2015-12-15: @geo255:: Basically I agree with you, and I can put MY PROPOSAL IN A NUTSHELL
A 2015-04-08: But I didn't succeed in convincing Mrs. Brown of my proposal
Q 2015-03-04: Proposal for a new rule of 20
Q 2014-11-19: Found in a proposal document
A 2014-09-02: A humble proposal.
A 2014-05-01: Thank you, a good proposal
A 2013-11-13: @narionk: My proposal is to put case-hints behind the placeholder pronouns...
A 2013-10-31: another proposal even though a little late
A 2013-06-02: Proposal for a "practice rule" for handling *genericized trademarks"
A 2013-05-12: Looks like +arriving at the proposal / nomination+
A 2013-03-24: My proposal (lyric)
A 2013-03-24: @herethereandeverywhere: A misunderstanding about the proposal for a "gene...

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