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English-German translation for: Protection
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Dictionary English German: Protection

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NOUN1   a protection | protections
NOUN2   protection | -
SYNO   protection | trade protection | tribute ... 
Schutz {m}
Geborgenheit {f}
Absicherung {f}
Sicherung {f}
Wahrung {f}
Schonung {f} [Schützen]
Schutzeinrichtung {f}
games protection
Deckung {f} [Schach]
Hut {f} [literarisch]
Begünstigung {f}
Beschützung {f}
2 Words: Others
ecol. environmental protection {adj}umweltschützend
without protection {adj} {adv}schutzlos
without protection {adv}ungeschützt
without protection {adv}ohne Schutz
2 Words: Verbs
to guarantee sb. protectionjdm. Schutz zusichern
2 Words: Nouns
tech. abrasion protectionAbriebschutz {m}
tech. abrasion protectionScheuerschutz {m} [Abriebschutz]
access protectionZugriffsschutz {m}
tech. acid protectionSäureschutz {m}
tech. acoustic protectionSchallschutz {m}
added protectionzusätzlicher Schutz {m}
ecol. zool. animal protectionTierschutz {m}
mil. antiaircraft protectionFlakschutz {m}
biochem. antibody protectionAntikörperschutz {m}
antirust protectionRostschutz {m}
arm protectionArmschoner {m}
asterisk protectionSchutzsternmarkierung {f}
asterisk protectionSternschutz {m}
avalanche protectionLawinenschutz {m} [Maßnahmen]
hydro. bank protectionUferschutz {m}
ecol. zool. bat protectionFledermausschutz {m}
ecol. biotope protectionBiotopschutz {m}
ecol. orn. bird protectionVogelschutz {m}
blade protectionSchwertschutz {m}
body protectionKörperschutz {m}
law border protectionGrenzschutz {m}
med. brain protectionGehirnschutz {m}
breathing protectionAtemschutz {m}
breathing protectionMundschutz {m}
law buyer protectionKäuferschutz {m}
constr. cable protectionKabelschutz {m}
insur. travel cancellation protection [insurance cover]Stornoschutz {m}
insur. travel cancellation protection [insurance cover]Annullationskosten-Versicherung {f} [schweiz.] [Stornoschutz]
med. cancer protectionKrebsschutz {m}
dent. caries protectionKariesschutz {m}
electr. tech. cathodic protectionKathodenschutz {m}
check protection [Am.]Schecksicherung {f}
chemical protectionChemikalienschutz {m}
chemical protectionchemischer Schutz {m} [z. B. gegen Strahlung]
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A 2023-10-04: discrimination protection is bad
Q 2021-01-09: Paycheck Protection Program First Draw Loans; Top line overview
A 2020-10-10: GDPR is an EU regulation and written out is the General Data Protection Re...
Q 2020-09-16: Datenanwendung (Austrian data protection)
Q 2019-04-28: data protection and privacy principles
A 2018-10-11: fingerprint-free universal skin protection emulsion
A 2017-09-18: quantity / volume cap , for device protection
A 2017-07-24: Kündigungsschutz (Arbeitnehmer) > unfair dismissal protection; Kündigungss...
A 2016-06-01: Yes. Should be fire protection
Q 2016-06-01: Fire protection
A 2016-05-09: to use protection - verhüten
Q 2015-04-07: animal protection group
A 2015-04-01: protection of timber and buildings
A 2015-01-22: +deposit protection fund+ scheint hinzuhauen
A 2014-12-03: +special protection+ cannot by any means be right
A 2014-12-02: https://www.google.de/#q=%22special+protection+for+*%22+site:uk
A 2014-11-15: I'd say: Colourful lightning protection for you!
A 2014-11-15: Lightning protection with colour!
A 2014-05-19: Übrigens: Insolvenzschutz > pensions protection
A 2014-05-19: +bankruptcy protection+ in US law > Schutz der Firmenumstrukturierung im I...

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