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English-German translation for: Pry
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Dictionary English German: Pry

Translation 1 - 31 of 31

English German
NOUN   a pry | pries
VERB  to pry | pried | pried ... 
SYNO   crowbar | pry | pry bar ... 
to pry
herumstöbern [ugs.]
to pry
to pry
to pry
to pryneugierig sein
Hebel {m}
2 Words: Verbs
to pry aboutherumschnüffeln
to pry aboutspionieren
to pry aroundherumschnüffeln
to pry into sth.in etw.Dat. herumschnüffeln [Buch, Brief]
to pry into sth.seine Nase in etw.Akk. stecken [z. B. fremde Angelegenheiten]
to pry out sth. [Am.]etw. herausbrechen
to pry out sth. [Am.]etw. herausstemmen
to pry sth. (open) [esp. Am.]etw. aufbrechen
to pry sth. free [esp. Am.] [to prise / prize]etw.Akk. befreien [gewaltsam losreißen]
to pry sth. looseetw. loseisen [ugs.]
to pry sth. open [can, jar, etc.]etw.Akk. öffnen [Dose, Glas etw.] [mit etwas Kraft]
to pry sth. up [Am.] [prise up]etw.Akk. aufhebeln
2 Words: Nouns
Paul Pry [Am.]neugieriger Heini {m}
tools pry barBrecheisen {n}
tools pry barBrechstange {f}
tools pry barNageleisen {n}
tools pry barNagelzieher {m}
tools pry barStemmeisen {n}
tools pry bar [Am.]Kuhfuß {m} [fachspr.] [Brechstange]
3 Words: Verbs
to pry (out of sb.) [Am.](aus jdm.) herauspressen [Geheimnis]
idiom to pry into sb.'s affairsseine Nase in jds. Angelegenheiten stecken
to pry sth. away from sb. [Am.]jdm. etw. entreißen [gewaltsam wegnehmen]
5+ Words: Others
idiom I don't mean to pry, but ...Es geht mich ja nichts an, aber ...
5+ Words: Verbs
idiom to pry sth. from cold, dead fingersetw. totenstarren Fingern entwinden
to pry sth. out of sb.'s handsjdm. etw.Akk. aus den Händen reißen
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Q 2015-02-21: Pry tool
A 2012-03-04: probably something like "to pry open"
A 2009-10-14: Depending on context, 'to pry into someone's business' could work well.
Q 2006-03-07: pry bar (line up types)

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