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Dictionary English German: Punishment

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NOUN1   a punishment | punishments
NOUN2   punishment | -
SYNO   penalisation | penalization | penalty ... 
Strafe {f}
Bestrafung {f}
law punishment
Ahndung {f}
law punishment [implementation]
Strafvollzug {m}
punishment [act of punishing]
Strafen {n}
Lohn {m} [im negativen Sinn, Bestrafung]
punishmentAbstrafung {f}
2 Words: Others
as punishment {adv}als Strafe
2 Words: Verbs
to avoid punishment(eine) Bestrafung vermeiden
to deserve punishmentStrafe verdienen
to escape punishmentder Strafe entgehen
to get punishmentbestraft werden
to undergo punishmentStrafe erhalten
2 Words: Nouns
(exemplary) punishment [not judicial]Denkzettel {m} [Strafe]
law capital punishmentBlutstrafe {f} [selten]
law capital punishmentTodesstrafe {f}
collective punishmentKollektivbestrafung {f}
collective punishmentKollektivstrafe {f}
hist. pol. relig. collective punishmentSippenhaft {f}
condign punishmentangemessene Bestrafung {f}
corporal punishmentKörperstrafe {f}
corporal punishmentLeibesstrafe {f}
corporal punishmentPrügelstrafe {f}
corporal punishmentkörperliche Züchtigung {f}
disciplinary punishmentDisziplinarstrafe {f}
econ. law economic punishmentWirtschaftsstrafe {f}
relig. eternal punishmentHöllenstrafe {f}
exemplary punishmentexemplarische Strafe {f}
relig. Unverified God's punishmentGottesbestrafung {f} [Strafe Gottes]
relig. God's punishmentGottesstrafe {f} [Strafe Gottes]
relig. God's punishmentBestrafung {f} Gottes [Strafe Gottes]
relig. Unverified God's punishmentGottes Bestrafung {f} [Strafe Gottes]
relig. Unverified God's punishmentgöttliche Bestrafung {f} [Strafe Gottes]
relig. God's punishmentStrafe {f} Gottes
group punishmentGruppenbestrafung {f}
harsh punishmentschwere Strafe {f}
just punishmentgerechte Strafe {f}
law maximum punishmentHöchststrafe {f}
law mild punishmentmilde Strafe {f}
milder punishmentmildere Bestrafung {f}
minimum punishmentMindeststrafe {f}
med. minor punishmentBagatellstrafe {f}
hist. law mirror punishment [can be, e.g., the eye-for-an-eye principle]Spiegelstrafe {f}
law mil. nonjudicial punishmentDisziplinarstrafe {f}
physical punishmentKörperstrafe {f}
hist. mil. punishment battalionStrafbataillon {n}
punishment campStraflager {n}
punishment for sth.Strafe {f} wegen etw.
punishment strategyBestrafungsstrategie {f}
law psych. punishment systemBestrafungssystem {n}
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A 2022-04-14: punishment bench
A 2015-06-01: dox punishment??? Aber wie sagt man in DE?
A 2013-11-06: to be prohibited under threat of severe punishment
A 2013-11-06: under punishment (?)
A 2010-06-21: What is the crime that deserves such punishment
A 2010-06-10: Somehow I get the feeling, lines are not the punishment of the time anymore...
A 2010-04-20: Yep. The punishment is not quite so uncertain, though.
A 2010-01-29: Not so literal: The accusers were so angry and bitter that, out of revenge...
A 2009-12-14: strafbefeiend > exonerating from punishment
A 2009-09-28: Prussian soldiers, which were sent as a punishment
A 2009-02-23: corporal punishment
A 2009-02-23: Ja. Wie in "corporal punishment" = Prügelstrafe
A 2009-02-23: or *capital punishment*
Q 2009-02-23: death punish, death punishment or completely wrong?
Q 2009-02-06: Reading +Crime and Punishment+ or +Á la recherche du temps perdu+ on a cel...
A 2009-01-17: grave and effective punishment
A 2008-03-29: This entails..or has as a consequence(law) punishment, or penalty..
A 2008-03-05: sexual punishment as God's retribution
A 2008-02-18: incrementing punishment, penalty...
A 2008-02-16: hang on, cutting noses off was a punishment for slaves/underlings or suppo...

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