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English-German translation for: Pyramid
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Dictionary English German: Pyramid

Translation 1 - 50 of 107  >>

English German
NOUN   a pyramid | pyramids
VERB  to pyramid | pyramided | pyramided ... 
SYNO   Great Pyramid | Pyramid ... 
to pyramid
Pyramide {f}
2 Words: Others
pyramid-shaped {adj}pyramidenförmig
2 Words: Nouns
age pyramidAlterspyramide {f}
age pyramidBevölkerungspyramide {f}
entom. anal pyramidAnalpyramide {f}
archaeo. archi. hist. Bent Pyramid [of Dahshur]Knickpyramide {f} [in Dahschur]
Christmas pyramidWeihnachtspyramide {f}
archaeo. archi. clay pyramidLehmpyramide {f}
archaeo. archi. hist. cult pyramidKultpyramide {f}
biol. ecological pyramidNährstoffpyramide {f}
biol. ecological pyramidNahrungspyramide {f}
biol. ecological pyramidökologische Pyramide {f}
biol. ecol. Eltonian pyramid [pyramid of numbers]Elton'sche Zahlenpyramide {f}
biol. ecol. Eltonian pyramid [pyramid of numbers]eltonsche Zahlenpyramide {f}
hist. feudal pyramidLehnspyramide {f}
food pyramidErnährungspyramide {f}
biol. food pyramidNahrungspyramide {f}
glass pyramidGlaspyramide {f}
human pyramidMenschenpyramide {f}
anat. biol. Malpighi's pyramid [Pyramis renalis] [renal pyramid]Nierenpyramide {f}
anat. biol. Malpighian pyramid [also: malpighian pyramid] [Pyramis renalis] [renal pyramid]Nierenpyramide {f}
archaeo. archi. Menkaure's PyramidMykerinos-Pyramide {f}
fin. pol. monetary pyramidWährungspyramide {f}
money pyramidGeldpyramide {f}
archaeo. archi. mudbrick pyramidLehmziegelpyramide {f}
nutritional pyramidErnährungspyramide {f}
med. petrosal pyramidFelsenbeinpyramide {f} [selten]
med. petrous pyramidFelsenbeinpyramide {f}
sociol. population pyramidAlterspyramide {f}
population pyramidBevölkerungspyramide {f}
population pyramidPopulationspyramide {f}
electr. pyramid absorberPyramidenabsorber {m} [auch: Pyramiden-Absorber]
tech. pyramid bracketPyramidenkonsole {f}
constr. hist. pyramid buildersPyramidenbauer {pl}
constr. hist. pyramid buildingPyramidenbau {m}
gastr. pyramid cakePyramidenkuchen {m}
pyramid candlePyramidenkerze {f}
constr. hist. pyramid constructionPyramidenbau {m}
pyramid creditKreditpyramide {f}
educ. spec. pyramid discussionPyramidendiskussion {f}
math. pyramid frustaPyramidenstümpfe {pl}
mus. pyramid pianoPyramidenflügel {m}
esot. pyramid powerPyramidenenergie {f}
archaeo. archi. pyramid precinctPyramidenbezirk {m}
pyramid principlePyramidenprinzip {n}
cloth. pyramid rivetPyramidenniete {f}
market. pyramid schemePyramidensystem {n}
econ. market. pyramid schemeSchneeballsystem {n}
pyramid sellingSchneeballverkaufssystem {n}
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A 2017-01-11: Number pyramid or maths pyramid -
A 2013-04-07: Pyramid base
A 2010-08-02: http://www.manta.com/c/mm8fttg/m-h-pyramid-inc
A 2010-08-02: Philip didn't come after he had been general manager of Pyramid Manufacturing,
A 2009-11-23: The corn snow pyramid of Similaun
A 2007-10-24: Christmas Pyramid
A 2007-09-14: Pyramid cake gibt es zwar auch, aber der sieht halt auch aus
Q 2007-02-19: pyramid scheme
A 2006-08-31: ja, pyramid cake hört sich viel viel besser an
A 2006-08-31: Tree after pyramid - LINX
A 2006-03-28: value pyramid
A 2006-03-13: base of a pyramid - base / bedrock of poverty
Q 2005-10-20: Drive the Growth Pyramid Strategy
A 2005-01-26: high flyer, pyramid climber
A 2005-01-20: points of the pyramid which lay opposite
Q 2005-01-15: Great Pyramid of Egypt

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