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English-German translation for: Quantum
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Dictionary English German: Quantum

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NOUN   a quantum | quanta/[rare] quantums
NOUN   das Quantum | die Quanten
quantum {adj} [attr.] [e.g. jump, mechanics, number, physics, state, theory]Quanten- [z. B. Sprung, Mechanik, Zahl, Physik, Zustand, Theorie]
Menge {f}
Betrag {m}
phys. quantum
Quant {n}
Quantum {n}
quota [fig.]
Quantum {n}
2 Words: Others
phys. quantum electrodynamical {adj}quantenelektrodynamisch
pharm. quantum libet {adv} <qu. l.; q. l.; QL> [as much as you please]nach Belieben
pharm. quantum libet {adv} <qu. l.; q. l.; QL> [as much as you please]so viel beliebt
phys. quantum optical {adj}quantenoptisch
phys. quantum physical {adj}quantenphysikalisch
pharm. quantum satis {adv} <q. s.; QS> [the amount which is needed]genügend viel
pharm. quantum satis {adv} <q. s.; QS> [the amount which is needed]in ausreichender Menge [genügend viel]
pharm. quantum vis {adv} <q. v.; QV> [as much as you please]nach Belieben
pharm. quantum vis {adv} <q. v.; QV> [as much as you please]so viel beliebt
phys. quantum-critical {adj} [also: quantum critical]quantenkritisch
phys. quantum-mechanical {adj}quantenmechanisch
phys. quantum-mechanically {adv}quantenmechanisch
2 Words: Nouns
phys. action quantum <h>Wirkungsquantum {n} <h>
phys. energy quantumEnergiequant {n}
phys. tech. energy quantumEnergiequantum {n}
phys. field quantumFeldquant {n}
phys. flux quantum [quantum of magnetic flux] [IEC 60050]Flussquant {n} [IEC 60050]
phys. light quantumLichtquant {n}
MedTech. phys. quantum absorptionQuantenabsorption {f}
phys. quantum anomalyQuantenanomalie {f}
phys. quantum behavior [Am.]Quantenverhalten {n}
phys. quantum behaviour [Br.]Quantenverhalten {n}
biol. phys. quantum biologyQuantenbiologie {f}
comp. phys. quantum bit <Qubit, Qbit>Quantenbit {n} <Qubit, Qbit>
phys. quantum channelQuantenkanal {m}
acad. chem. phys. quantum chemistryQuantenchemie {f}
comp. phys. quantum chipQuantenchip {m}
phys. quantum chromodynamics <QCD> [treated as sg.]Quantenchromodynamik {f} <QCD>
phys. quantum chromodynamics <QCD> [treated as sg.]Quanten-Chromodynamik {f} <QCD>
phys. quantum communicationQuantenkommunikation {f}
comp. acad. quantum computerQuantencomputer {m}
comp. phys. quantum computerQuantenrechner {m}
phys. quantum cosmologistsQuantenkosmologen {pl}
phys. quantum cryptographyQuantenkryptographie {f}
phys. quantum data [treated as singular or plural]Quantendaten {pl}
phys. quantum decoherenceDekohärenz {f}
phys. quantum decoherenceQuantendekohärenz {f}
phys. quantum degeneracyQuantenentartung {f}
phys. quantum dot <QD>Quantenpunkt {m}
phys. quantum dropletQuantentröpfchen {n} [auch: Quanten-Tröpfchen]
phys. quantum dynamics {pl} [treated as sg.]Quantendynamik {f}
phys. quantum effectQuanteneffekt {m}
phys. quantum effectsQuanteneffekte {pl}
MedTech. phys. quantum efficiency <QE>Quantenausbeute {f}
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Q 2017-09-26: Is the use of 'quantum' correct? Thanks.
A 2015-03-04: If the rules for quantum size events applied to the macro world there woul...
A 2012-04-22: The quantity of modes of different quantum numbers (quantum figures) deter...
A 2011-07-29: Agree wholeheartedly with Kornelius: Quantum physics / -mechanics.
A 2010-10-22: He would have, however, *HANGED* next to the aforementioned sign any journ...
A 2007-03-05: That book is called: The ultimate Guide To Horse Riding (Quantum, London, 2004)
A 2006-08-17: Don't confuse matters, Thomas. Quantum theory applies to the microcosm - B...
A 2006-05-30: and if you're looking for the English..."loop quantum cosmology"
A 2005-12-02: colloquially: quantum-leapish (adj.)
A 2005-12-02: "in the manner of a quantum leap"
A 2004-08-24: Quantum leap in development
A 2004-02-11: quantum-mechanically entangeld
A 2004-02-11: quantum mechanical entangled

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