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English-German translation for: Queen's
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Dictionary English German: Queen's

Translation 1 - 46 of 46


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Queen's Counsel [Br.] [when a queen is the reigning monarch]Justizrat {m} [bei regierender Monarchin]
Queen's Counsel <QC> [Br.]Kronanwalt {m}
Queen's Counsel <QC> [female] [Br.]Kronanwältin {f}
queen's cushion [obs.][zwei Personen formen einen Sitz mit gefaltenen Händen]
Queen's DayKöniginnentag {m}
ling. Queen's Englishenglische Hochsprache {f}
ling. Queen's Englishhochsprachliches Englisch {n}
games Queen's Gambit [chess]Damengambit {n}
Queen's Guard [British Royal Guard]Gardist {m} der Königin [ugs.] [hier: von Queen Elizabeth II.]
queen's metalWeißmetall {n}
games queen's pawn [chess]Damenbauer {m} [Schach]
Queen's Proctor [Br.] [ruling monarch]Königlicher Prokurator {m} [bei regierender Monarchin]
archaeo. archi. queen's pyramidKönniginnenpyramide {f}
gastr. queen's soup [Zuppa Regina di Riso] [Ital.]Königinsuppe {f} [Reissuppe]
Queen's speechThronrede {f}
bike sports queen's stageKönigsetappe {f}
3 Words: Verbs
law to turn Queen's evidence [Br.]Kronzeuge sein
law to turn Queen's evidence [Br.]als Kronzeuge auftreten
3 Words: Nouns
castling queen's sidegroße Rochade {f}
castling queen's sidelange Rochade {f}
games Queen's Gambit Accepted <QGA>Angenommenes Damengambit {n}
games Queen's Gambit Declined <QGD>Abgelehntes Damengambit {n} [auch: abgelehntes Damengambit]
games sports Queen's Indian Defence [Br.] <QID> [chess]Damenindische Verteidigung {f} [Schach]
games sports Queen's Indian Defense [Am.] <QID> [chess]Damenindische Verteidigung {f} [Schach]
Queen's Life GuardLeibgarde {f}
Queen's Life Guard [British Royal Guard]Leibgardist {m} der Königin [ugs.] [hier: von Queen Elizabeth II.]
games Queen's Pawn Game [chess]Damenbauernspiel {n} [Schach]
biol. Red Queen's hypothesisRed-Queen-Hypothese {f}
4 Words: Others
gastr. (in the) queen's style {adv}(nach) Königinart
4 Words: Verbs
hist. to take the Queen's shilling [coll.]sich für das Militär anwerben lassen
4 Words: Nouns
the Queen's Diamond Jubileediamantenes Thronjubiläum {n} der Queen
5+ Words: Verbs
to be admitted to the queen's presencezur Königin vorgelassen werden
idiom mil. to take the Queen's / King's shilling [Br.] [obs.]den bunten Rock anziehen [veraltet] [zum Militär gehen]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
orn. T
orn. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
Karotte {f}
bot. T
Möhre {f}
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
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A 2014-07-20: The Queen's Peace
Q 2014-07-20: under the Queen's peace
Q 2012-06-06: Gottseidank kümmert man sich hier noch um the Queen's English.
A 2011-11-08: Typo: The +Queen's+ - sonst wohl alles in Ordnung
A 2011-04-29: The Queen's crown jewels belong to her husband
Q 2010-08-01: Queen's Bench Division
A 2010-06-14: it was meant humorously: it certainly felt like his very own / private Que...
Q 2009-09-08: Be it enacted by the Queen's msot Excellent Majesty ... (Companies Act 2006)
A 2007-06-09: Queen's Birthday @ Bella
A 2007-06-09: Are you really " celebrating" the Queen's Birthday in Australia?

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