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English-German translation for: Quiet
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Dictionary English German: Quiet

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ADJ   quiet | quieter | quietest
NOUN   quiet | -
VERB  to quiet | quieted | quieted ... 
SYNO   to hush | to pipe down | to quiesce ... 
quiet {adj}
ruhig [still, geruhsam]
quiet {adj}
quiet {adj}
quiet {adj} [pattern, colour, suit]
quiet {adj}
stille [veraltet]
quiet {adj} [behaviour]
fromm [veraltet] [noch von Tieren]
quiet {adj}
quiet {adj}geruhig [veraltet] [ruhig]
to quiet sb./sth. [Am.]
jdn./etw. beruhigen
Ruhe {f} [Stille, Ungestörtheit, Frieden, Disziplin]
Stille {f}
Untätigkeit {f}
2 Words: Others
Be quiet!Bi staad! [bayer.] [Sei still]
Be quiet!Schweig still!
Be quiet!Sei still!
completely quiet {adj} {adv}mucksmäuschenstill [ugs.]
dead quiet {adj}mäuschenstill [ugs.]
deathly quiet {adj}totenstill
in quiet {adv}in Ruhe
Keep quiet!Sei ruhig!
Keep quiet!Sei still!
more quiet {adj}ruhiger
most quiet {adj}ruhigste
Quiet please!Bitte Ruhe!
Quiet please!Ruhe bitte!
quiet-running {adj}geräuscharm
super-quiet {adj}superleise
utterly quiet {adj}völlig geräuschlos
very quiet {adj}ganz still
whisper-quiet {adj}flüsterleise
2 Words: Verbs
to be quietRuhe halten [fig.]
to be quietstill bleiben
to fall quietschweigen [verstummen]
to go quietstill werden
to grow quietsich beruhigen
to keep quietschweigen
to keep quietRuhe halten [fig.]
to keep quietstill sein
to keep quietsich ruhig verhalten
to keep quiet [not react]still bleiben [nicht reagieren]
to keep sth. quietmit etw.Dat. hinterm / hinter dem Busch halten [Redewendung]
to lie quietstilliegen [alt]
to lie quietstillliegen
to quiet down [esp. Am.]sich beruhigen
to quiet sb. downjdn. beruhigen
2 Words: Nouns
deathly quietTotenstille {f}
quiet authorityruhige Autorität {f}
quiet blissstilles Glück {n}
quiet businessflaues Geschäft {n}
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Q 2021-04-20: quiet arms race
A 2019-03-16: silent: not making a sound, particularly not talking , quiet: as 'silent'...
Q 2019-03-16: Keeping silent vs. keeping quiet
Q 2018-12-09: in her degree ... in his (degree) + quiet train
Q 2017-03-06: This forum can become as quiet as a morgue on weekends.
Q 2016-10-06: Ruhezeit (= keeping quiet)
A 2016-01-05: Quiet or sleepy would work for a town or village.
A 2015-03-02: Gretchen's face, which just a moment ago had [briefly] mirrored her sense ...
A 2015-03-02: quiet place
A 2015-03-02: She left the house and walked to where she always did when she needed quie...
A 2014-01-12: Be quiet, my heart, and listen to the lion's roar!
A 2013-09-18: Am I to understand a quiet reproach?
A 2013-09-07: Could you (please) be quiet I'm trying to drink.
Q 2012-11-11: Quiet Book
A 2012-09-21: quiet ... silently
A 2012-09-21: Quiet desperation
A 2012-04-10: oder umschrieben als: a quiet holiday by law
A 2012-04-10: a legally quiet holiday
A 2012-01-13: I seem to remember *Just enjoy it and be quiet / be still.*
A 2011-11-30: Peace and quiet

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quiet bliss
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