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English-German translation for: R/Y-Magenbypass
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Dictionary English German: R Y Magenbypass

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med. Roux-en-Y gastric bypass <R/Y gastric bypass>Roux-en-Y-Magenbypass {m} <R/Y-Magenbypass>
Partial Matches
film F D.A.R.Y.L. [Simon Wincer]D.A.R.Y.L. - Der Außergewöhnliche
math. set of real numbers <ℝ, R>Menge {f} der reellen Zahlen <ℝ, R>
engin. tech. repeatability and reproducibility <R&R>Wiederholbarkeit und Reproduzierbarkeit <R&R>
med. case reproductive rate <R> [net reproductive case]Nettoreproduktionsrate {f} <R, r> [Epidemiologie]
med. net reproductive rate <R> [epidemiology]Nettoreproduktionsrate {f} <R, r> [Epidemiologie]
math. set of irrational numbers <ℝ\ℚ, R\Q>Menge {f} der irrationalen Zahlen <ℝ\ℚ, R\Q>
tech. process and instrumentation diagram <P&ID>Rohrleitungs- und Instrumentenfließschema {n} <R&I-Fließschema, R+I-Fließschema, R&I-Schema, R&I-Diagramm, R+I-Fließbild>
chem. amount-of-substance ratio <R, r, mol/mol>Stoffmengenverhältnis {n} <R, r, mol/mol>
chem. (substance) amount ratio <R, r, mol/mol>Stoffmengenverhältnis {n} <R, r, mol/mol>
phys. tech. residual resistance ratio <RRR>Restwiderstandsverhältnis {n} <RRR, R.R.R.>
phys. tech. residual resistivity ratio <RRR>Restwiderstandsverhältnis {n} <RRR, R.R.R.>
tech. unit rotations per minute <rpm, RPM, r/min, r·min−1> [coll.] [revolutions per minute]Umdrehungen {pl} pro Minute <rpm, RPM, r/min, r·min−1, U/min.> [U/Min. ist veraltet]
unit revolutions per minute <rpm, RPM, r/min, r·min−1, rev/min>Umdrehungen {pl} pro Minute <rpm, RPM, r/min, r·min−1, U/min.> [U/Min. ist veraltet]
from left to right {adv} <FLTR, f.l.t.r.>von links nach rechts <v. l. n. r., v.l.n.r.>
phys. molar gas constant <R>molare Gaskonstante {f} [allgemeine Gaskonstante] <R>
idiom R as in Roger [esp. Am.]R wie Richard
ling. She rolls her r's.Sie rollt die r.
astron. phys. r-process [rapid neutron-capture process]r-Prozess {m}
mil. rest and recreation <R & R>Diensturlaub {m} für Armeeangehörige
rest and recreation <R&R>Ruhe und Erholung
idiom rest and recreation <R&R>Spiel und Spaß
mil. rest and relaxation <R & R>Diensturlaub {m} für Armeeangehörige
rest and relaxation <R&R>Spiel und Spaß
phys. general gas constant [universal gas constant] <R>allgemeine Gaskonstante {f} <R>
mil. R&R [rest and recuperation / recreation]Heimaturlaub {m}
chem. ecol. EU R-phrase [risk phrase]R-Satz {m} [Risikosatz]
phys. ideal gas constant <R>ideale Gaskonstante {f} <R>
phys. universal gas constant <R>universelle Gaskonstante {f} <R>
idiom R for RobertR wie Richard
mil. rest and recuperation <R&R>Fronturlaub {m}
rest and relaxation <R&R>Erholung {f}
ling. the Rs / R'sdie R {pl}
phonet. trilled R / rgerolltes Zungenspitzen-R {n}
phonet. trilling R / rgerolltes Zungenspitzen-R {n}
mineral. churchite-(Y) [(Y,Er,La) [PO4]·2H2O]Churchit-(Y) {m}
mineral. horvathite-(Y) [NaY [F2|CO3]] [horváthite-(Y)]Horváthit-(Y) {m}
mineral. magnesiorowlandite-(Y) [Y4(Mg,Fe)(Si2O7)2F2]Magnesiorowlandit-(Y) {m}
mineral. moydite-(Y) [Y(CO3)B(OH)4]Moydit-(Y) {m}
mineral. schlüterite-(Y) [(Y,REE)2AlSi2O7(OH)2F]Schlüterit-(Y) {m}
mineral. synchisite-(Y) [Ca(Y,La) [F|(CO3)2]]Synchisit-(Y) {m}
mineral. adamsite-(Y) [NaY [CO3]2·6H2O]Adamsit-(Y) {m}
mineral. cappelenite-(Y) [Ba(Y,Ce)6Si3B6O24F2]Cappelenit-(Y) {m}
mineral. donnayite-(Y) [Sr3NaCaY(CO3)6·3H2O]Donnayit-(Y) {m}
mineral. fluorthalenite-(Y) [Y3 [F|Si3O10]] [fluorthalénite-(Y)]Fluorthalénit-(Y) {m}
mineral. hizenite-(Y) [Ca2Y6(CO3)11·14H2O]Hizenit-(Y) {m}
mineral. kimuraite-(Y) [CaY2(CO3)4·6H2O]Kimurait-(Y) {m}
mineral. lecoqite-(Y) [Na3Y(CO3)3·6H2O]Lecoqit-(Y) {m}
mineral. lokkaite-(Y) [CaY4(CO3)7·9H2O]Lokkait-(Y) {m}
mineral. loranskite-(Y) [(Y,Ce,Ca)ZrTaO6]Loranskit-(Y) {m}
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